White Privilege Is A Leftist Lie

Does anyone really think that life isn't at least somewhat easier when you're white - and especially as a white male?
Not really. Actually life can be easier for blacks these days....especially now. Being white doesn't change how people perceive me as long as I keep my mouth shut. Once I open my mouth that could change. The way I dress makes a bigger difference than my skin color. If I dress like a homeless man I can be assured that people will stay away from me. If I wear a uniform people act differently depending on the area of the country I'm in or if I'm on some college campuses. If I talk like a red-neck people will think of me differently than if I speak with a foreign accent. Skin color is just one possible perception difference, but not the biggest factor.

I remember hearing an Irish comedian who was a conservative on the radio....and he explained he is a conservative.....but everything he said was listened to and applauded by the college crowd he was preforming in front of simply because he had a foreign accent and most liberals feel that foreigners are liberals....and thus worth their respect. Many of the things he said were in line with what Republicans believe.

I have to hear this Irish comedian before I make an assessment.

Are there conservatives that can convince me of the viability of their position? Yes

Do they have to be a foreigner or minority in order to do so? No.

So I am wondering if you are not missing the real reason why you think the crowd was accepting of his viewpoint. Maybe it was the presentation of his views.

Can't say, yet. But I need to see this guys routine to judge
Part of the presentation was his Irish accent.....

Just saying.

Most college kids really don't know any view of Conservatism other than that of the media. They're mostly misinformed. If he had been Ted Cruz those kids wouldn't have even come to see him.
Does anyone really think that life isn't at least somewhat easier when you're white - and especially as a white male?
Not really. Actually life can be easier for blacks these days....especially now. Being white doesn't change how people perceive me as long as I keep my mouth shut. Once I open my mouth that could change. The way I dress makes a bigger difference than my skin color. If I dress like a homeless man I can be assured that people will stay away from me. If I wear a uniform people act differently depending on the area of the country I'm in or if I'm on some college campuses. If I talk like a red-neck people will think of me differently than if I speak with a foreign accent. Skin color is just one possible perception difference, but not the biggest factor.

I remember hearing an Irish comedian who was a conservative on the radio....and he explained he is a conservative.....but everything he said was listened to and applauded by the college crowd he was preforming in front of simply because he had a foreign accent and most liberals feel that foreigners are liberals....and thus worth their respect. Many of the things he said were in line with what Republicans believe.

I have to hear this Irish comedian before I make an assessment.

Are there conservatives that can convince me of the viability of their position? Yes

Do they have to be a foreigner or minority in order to do so? No.

So I am wondering if you are not missing the real reason why you think the crowd was accepting of his viewpoint. Maybe it was the presentation of his views.

Can't say, yet. But I need to see this guys routine to judge
Part of the presentation was his Irish accent.....

Just saying.

Most college kids really don't know any view of Conservatism other than that of the media. They're mostly misinformed. If he had been Ted Cruz those kids wouldn't have even come to see him.

Like I said, I have to see the routine.

Also, I have a sneaky feeling if he sounded like a southerner, and kept the presentation the same, the crowd would receive him the same way.

Strom Thurmond used to be pretty convincing when he talked to small crowds in Aiken and North Augusta. Also had strong support from Blacks as well. Why do you think that was?

It has a lot to do with how an idea is presented. A form of political correctness, you could call it. You would be amazed at who would support who if the message is well presented.
Does anyone really think that life isn't at least somewhat easier when you're white - and especially as a white male?
Not really. Actually life can be easier for blacks these days....especially now. Being white doesn't change how people perceive me as long as I keep my mouth shut. Once I open my mouth that could change. The way I dress makes a bigger difference than my skin color. If I dress like a homeless man I can be assured that people will stay away from me. If I wear a uniform people act differently depending on the area of the country I'm in or if I'm on some college campuses. If I talk like a red-neck people will think of me differently than if I speak with a foreign accent. Skin color is just one possible perception difference, but not the biggest factor.

I remember hearing an Irish comedian who was a conservative on the radio....and he explained he is a conservative.....but everything he said was listened to and applauded by the college crowd he was preforming in front of simply because he had a foreign accent and most liberals feel that foreigners are liberals....and thus worth their respect. Many of the things he said were in line with what Republicans believe.

I have to hear this Irish comedian before I make an assessment.

Are there conservatives that can convince me of the viability of their position? Yes

Do they have to be a foreigner or minority in order to do so? No.

So I am wondering if you are not missing the real reason why you think the crowd was accepting of his viewpoint. Maybe it was the presentation of his views.

Can't say, yet. But I need to see this guys routine to judge
Part of the presentation was his Irish accent.....

Just saying.

Most college kids really don't know any view of Conservatism other than that of the media. They're mostly misinformed. If he had been Ted Cruz those kids wouldn't have even come to see him.

Like I said, I have to see the routine.

Also, I have a sneaky feeling if he sounded like a southerner, and kept the presentation the same, the crowd would receive him the same way.

Strom Thurmond used to be pretty convincing when he talked to small crowds in Aiken and North Augusta. Also had strong support from Blacks as well. Why do you think that was?

It has a lot to do with how an idea is presented. A form of political correctness, you could call it. You would be amazed at who would support who if the message is well presented.
Political-correctness is just a way of silencing the opposition to the left.

When it came to his routine....it was basically him telling them about his conservative roots in a humorous manner, without mentioning that his beliefs are conservative, and that most of the BS that passes for conservatism is what was dreamed up in liberal echo-chambers. I can't go any further into it because he wasn't any more specific than that.

Most of our kids are too prejudice to even listen to, and I quote, "a conservative once they identify themselves as such". He said he just told them what we as conservatives believe without using names like conservative or Republican. They seemed to like it. He also made a point of noting that most American college kids will listen to a foreigner before they'll listen to another American, especially one that the media has demagogued. The goal of the Obama Administration was to place such a stigma on the right that kids won't even listen to them make their case. This is essentially the purest form of bigotry there is. The source is the only consideration....not the information they disseminate.
I've never gotten white privilege in anything and I've been white, well, practically my whole life lol

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When I first graduated college and took a job with a large corporation I was one of 3 people to apply for a promotion. This lady got the promotion (who was a friend of mine mind you), but she was constantly late, had worse sales than I did, and wouldn't stay later after work was over-first one out of the door last one in the door.

She got the promotion when I was clearly more qualified. Why do I think she did? I'm guessing it's because she's a lady or she's black. As a white male I was disappointed. If she was a better worker than me-it wouldn't bother me whatsoever, I would simply tip my hat to her.

When I wanted to be a police officer and took the written test, I didn't get bonus points because I'm not a racial minority. My university had student associations for black students, Jewish students, Asian students, etc. None for white students (for the record I wouldn't have joined it anyways).

How have I received white privilege in my life time? Don't get me wrong I know that racism still exists, and that it's a serious issue...but I really can't stand the notion that white people never suffer from racism. You should have went to high school with me where i was a part of a racial minority at my school, and people would call me "cracker" or "white boy" just because of the color of my skin (granted it didn't happen too often-but it did a few times). It sucks.

Personally I have nothing to apologize for. I've never owned a slave, never discriminated against any minority before, etc.

It's funny because when I lived in Canada racial relations were MUCH better than they are here. You know why I think that is? People tend not to define others by their race-AND define themselves by it as much. I didn't have any "black friends" there...I had friends who happened to be black. Once you understand the difference, it all makes sense. Being color blind isn't a good thing either. You recognize and acknowledge the differences between each other-it's when you allow it to influence your opinion/actions towards somebody is when there's a problem.

Just my 2 cents.
I've never gotten white privilege in anything and I've been white, well, practically my whole life
IMO, you're oblivious to the world around you, if you believe that.
Well I didn't get hired in my 2 jobs cause I'm white, I didn't get out of tickets by cops cause I'm white, I didn't pass high school cause I'm white, I don't get discounts anywhere cause I'm white, so yeah, I've never experienced this "white privilege."

And if there were this vast white privilege in America, would Will Smith, Barack Obama, Will.I.am or any of the other rich African Americans be rich or in power? Are they secretly white? OR did they work hard to get rich and where there at right now?

It's about action not complaining and passing blame. There are poor white people too because of the same thing. It's not black or white. It's are you gonna try and get better or blame others for your own laziness, and non determination to do whatever it takes to get a job and get better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When I first graduated college and took a job with a large corporation I was one of 3 people to apply for a promotion. This lady got the promotion (who was a friend of mine mind you), but she was constantly late, had worse sales than I did, and wouldn't stay later after work was over-first one out of the door last one in the door.

She got the promotion when I was clearly more qualified. Why do I think she did? I'm guessing it's because she's a lady or she's black. As a white male I was disappointed. If she was a better worker than me-it wouldn't bother me whatsoever, I would simply tip my hat to her.

When I wanted to be a police officer and took the written test, I didn't get bonus points because I'm not a racial minority. My university had student associations for black students, Jewish students, Asian students, etc. None for white students (for the record I wouldn't have joined it anyways).

How have I received white privilege in my life time? Don't get me wrong I know that racism still exists, and that it's a serious issue...but I really can't stand the notion that white people never suffer from racism. You should have went to high school with me where i was a part of a racial minority at my school, and people would call me "cracker" or "white boy" just because of the color of my skin (granted it didn't happen too often-but it did a few times). It sucks.

Personally I have nothing to apologize for. I've never owned a slave, never discriminated against any minority before, etc.

It's funny because when I lived in Canada racial relations were MUCH better than they are here. You know why I think that is? People tend not to define others by their race-AND define themselves by it as much. I didn't have any "black friends" there...I had friends who happened to be black. Once you understand the difference, it all makes sense. Being color blind isn't a good thing either. You recognize and acknowledge the differences between each other-it's when you allow it to influence your opinion/actions towards somebody is when there's a problem.

Just my 2 cents.
I think one of the biggest differences we have with Canada is they don't have a political party that uses racism as their favorite way to gain power.
I've never gotten white privilege in anything and I've been white, well, practically my whole life
IMO, you're oblivious to the world around you, if you believe that.
IMHO, you view the world with colored glasses not allowing you to see the blatantly obvious.

There is no white privileged - that is a falsehood that is used to divide and escape culpability for the role one plays in their own destiny.

People are not privileged in this nation because the color of their skin. Socio-economic status is really the only thing that opens doors. You are not going to get a job because you are white or get into a school. The EXACT opposite is actually true - there ARE benefits that are given to minority races in the name of 'equality' (while actually ignoring what equality is). You are, however, quite likely to get a job because of who you know or how wealthy you are and that is far more a factor in school than anything else.
People are not privileged in this nation because the color of their skin. Socio-economic status is really the only thing that opens doors. You are not going to get a job because you are white or get into a school. The EXACT opposite is actually true - there ARE benefits that are given to minority races in the name of 'equality' (while actually ignoring what equality is). You are, however, quite likely to get a job because of who you know or how wealthy you are and that is far more a factor in school than anything else.
Maybe you haven't lived in this country for very long. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because dealing with so many people who can't see the forest for the trees is getting really disturbing.
People are not privileged in this nation because the color of their skin. Socio-economic status is really the only thing that opens doors. You are not going to get a job because you are white or get into a school. The EXACT opposite is actually true - there ARE benefits that are given to minority races in the name of 'equality' (while actually ignoring what equality is). You are, however, quite likely to get a job because of who you know or how wealthy you are and that is far more a factor in school than anything else.
Maybe you haven't lived in this country for very long. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because dealing with so many people who can't see the forest for the trees is getting really disturbing.
I have lived here a long time.

Sorry that you need to see things in a racial manner but it is ignorant doing so.
How are blacks treated in your country?
Last time I looked:

The highest office in the land was held by a (half)black man.
Until recently, the Attorney General was a black man.
There was a black woman who was Secretary of State.
The most successful and rich television personality is a black woman.
The richest athletes are black men.
Mayors of most large cities are black men or black women.
Admission to school of higher learning is awarded to a black aspirant over one of another race.
Some of the most successful actors are black.
Nobody can say anything about blacks for fear of being called racist where accusation is as good as conviction.

Last time I looked and saw what black thugs got away with, totally supported by black "leaders" in Ferguson, New York and Baltimore I came to the conclusion that the Sharptons, the Farrakhans, the Pogos, the Aclespias and other assorted racist thugs will not be happy as long as there is a single white person alive on Earth.

The only real White Privilege I see is the privilege exercised by the great white sharks in the waters of North Carolina.
Does anyone really think that life isn't at least somewhat easier when you're white - and especially as a white male?

Blacks bitch constantly and non ceasingly about what happened 300 or 200 or 150 or 40 years ago.

About 50 years ago I saw signs at factories, offices, mines and stores "NO HUNGARIANS NEED APPLY" because when Hungarians came to North America many of them were criminals who ruined it for decent people by their behavior.

When I saw that sign I went to the next place where I was hired and worked diligently for the next almost 40 years when I retired as a valued employee with honors and a full pension. Along the way I self-taught Computer programming and advanced from factory floor worker to consultant in our company's head office.

So don't yak about White Privilege. No black (sorry I can't say "African-American" about 99% of blacks who could not find Africa on the globe) person, my age, alive has seen "NO BLACKS NEED APPLY".

And don't yak to me about slavery. My ancestors in the old country were feudal serfs compared to whom African American slaves lived in the lap of luxury. And for a much shorter time.

I never asked for nor have I ever got any privilege because of the color of my skin.

I wish that the White Privilege cry babies had my dignity, intelligence, industriousness, pride and do something with their lives as I did.
People are not privileged in this nation because the color of their skin. Socio-economic status is really the only thing that opens doors. You are not going to get a job because you are white or get into a school. The EXACT opposite is actually true - there ARE benefits that are given to minority races in the name of 'equality' (while actually ignoring what equality is). You are, however, quite likely to get a job because of who you know or how wealthy you are and that is far more a factor in school than anything else.
Maybe you haven't lived in this country for very long. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, because dealing with so many people who can't see the forest for the trees is getting really disturbing.
We are talking about now...aren't we???

Are you still living in the 50s???

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