White Nationalist Under Fire for Racism

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
White Nationalist Nancy once again under fire for being a white nationalist
Feud between establishment Democrats and progressives heats up

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (aka White Nationalist Nanzi) is once again in the hot seat for being a white supremacist, as noted by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, leader of the congressional Justice Democrats and voice of reason among the Party in general.


“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” Ocasio-Cortez told The Washington Post. “But the persistent singling out… it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful… the explicit singling out of newly-elected women of color.”

Fellow white supremacists were quick to rush to Nanzi’s defense, echoing her racist, misogynistic attacks against literally ALL womyn of color and sharing White Nationalist Nancy memes.

Alt-right Democrat William Lacy Clay of the Congressional Black Caucus accused Representative Ocasio-Cortez of “playing the race card” (a racist dog whistle) because she could not get her way. Other black Democrats who have obviously been bought by Wall Street capitalists echoed this sentiment, completely disregarding the congresswomxn’s lived experience and denying her agency.

Right-wing extremist Kellyanne Conway (a noted gender traitor) also weighed in, using the dehumanizing, misogynistic dog whistle “cat fight” to characterize the Justice Democrats’ struggle against the racism and fascism exemplified by Nanzi Pelosi — only to be shut down and publicly humiliated by Ayanna Pressley (aka “The Other One”), a strong proponent of socialism and collectivist ideology in general.

Never one to miss an opportunity to make disparaging remarks about womyn and racial minorities, Donald Trump held an impromptu interview on the White House lawn, declaring the Speaker “not racist” while using the white power gesture to signal to their mutual supporters that this was simply a misdirection intended to steer support away from moderates like Ocasio-Cortez and over to the far-right wing of the Democratic Party, dominated by legislators like Nanzi and Kamala Harris.

Emboldened by the support of her evil orange ally, Nanzi instructed her staff to begin singling out Justice Democrats for targeted harassment.

“This guy” is none other than Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff and progressive handler.
Two days later, Trump again went on the attack with a series of tweets so overtly racist that our editor has forbidden us from reprinting them. (Rest assured, gentle reader, that Orange Man BAD.)

Nanzi was most appreciative of Trump’s support and thanked him publicly, reaffirming her commitment to transforming America into a white ethnostate.

NPC Daily finds Nanzi Pelosi’s white nationalist agenda utterly abhorrent. As the leading publication of progressive goodthink, we are wholly committed to the eradication of white supremacy and white people in general. The future is non-white femxle, and diversity is our strength.

White Nationalist Nancy once again under fire for being a white nationalist - NPC Daily
Do they want a civil war?

This is a parady site BUT YES
yes ....yes they do

some more than i do :04:
Considering the vast majority of GUNS in America are in the hands of all us DEPLORABLES out here in fly over country, I don't think a civil war between the democrat city slicker trash and true American patriots would last very long... maybe a couple days.
Do they want a civil war?

This is a parady site BUT YES
yes ....yes they do

some more than i do :04:
Considering the vast majority of GUNS in America are in the hands of all us DEPLORABLES out here in fly over country, I don't think a civil war between the democrat city slicker trash and true American patriots would last very long... maybe a couple days.

It could go quick

suburbanites will probably see the most armed left wing action

check out

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War
Faith Goldy
July 15, 2019, 09:44 AM
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“Armed Civil War In Current Year America.” Even as hyperbole, it makes for a sexy headline. So why won’t the failing news media — so desperate for ratings and clicks—talk about the story that’s a far fetch from fake news? Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.
If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shot after throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?
Didn’t think so.

The teetering-on-septuagenarian-status terrorist left us all the details we need to know about his dirty deeds and “anti-fascist” associations.
He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War | Blog Posts

check out news chutes twitter feed for lots of democrat support for violence
NewsChute (@NewsChute) | Twitter

Keep buying ammo


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Do they want a civil war?

This is a parady site BUT YES
yes ....yes they do

some more than i do :04:
Considering the vast majority of GUNS in America are in the hands of all us DEPLORABLES out here in fly over country, I don't think a civil war between the democrat city slicker trash and true American patriots would last very long... maybe a couple days.

It could go quick

suburbanites will probably see the most armed left wing action

check out

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War
Faith Goldy
July 15, 2019, 09:44 AM
Print Friendly and PDF
“Armed Civil War In Current Year America.” Even as hyperbole, it makes for a sexy headline. So why won’t the failing news media — so desperate for ratings and clicks—talk about the story that’s a far fetch from fake news? Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.
If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shot after throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?
Didn’t think so.

The teetering-on-septuagenarian-status terrorist left us all the details we need to know about his dirty deeds and “anti-fascist” associations.
He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War | Blog Posts

check out news chutes twitter feed for lots of democrat support for violence
NewsChute (@NewsChute) | Twitter

Keep buying ammo
All it would take is for the TRUCKERS to STOP running food into cities. If truckers thought their life was in danger and quit trucking food into cities, the city slickers would be killing each other over a warm pack of hotdogs inside of 12 hours. It would be total pandemonium, anarchy. Us country folks could pretty much just sit back and watch it happen. But those few leftists that did manage to escape the city before the interstates and highways were jammed from accidents, people running out of gas, fights, you name it, country people could pick them off like fish in a barrel. Why else do you think they're so RABID about disarming America?

Seriously, another civil war is the last thing the left should ever wish for, because they could get wiped out in a heart beat.
Last edited:
Do they want a civil war?

This is a parady site BUT YES
yes ....yes they do

some more than i do :04:
Considering the vast majority of GUNS in America are in the hands of all us DEPLORABLES out here in fly over country, I don't think a civil war between the democrat city slicker trash and true American patriots would last very long... maybe a couple days.

It could go quick

suburbanites will probably see the most armed left wing action

check out

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War
Faith Goldy
July 15, 2019, 09:44 AM
Print Friendly and PDF
“Armed Civil War In Current Year America.” Even as hyperbole, it makes for a sexy headline. So why won’t the failing news media — so desperate for ratings and clicks—talk about the story that’s a far fetch from fake news? Antifa has declared war on America’s border agents and the pro-open border press has declared a media blackout on the details.
If you’ve been keeping track of corporate press storytelling, this is what you know: On July 13, 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen stormed an ICE detention centre in Tacoma. He was armed and eventually fatally shot after throwing what authorities called “incendiary devices” at an immigration detention center in Washington state, trying to set a commercial-size propane tank on fire.

And that’s where the story ends.

But did you know the dead firebombing terrorist, who had ICE agents in his crosshairs, was an avowed member of Antifa’s militant left wing gun club?

Did you even know Antifa has a gun club?
Didn’t think so.

The teetering-on-septuagenarian-status terrorist left us all the details we need to know about his dirty deeds and “anti-fascist” associations.
He boasts, “I am Antifa,” in his manifesto—a declaration which likely occasions images of morbidly obese purple haired “women” and emaciated soyboys.

Faith Goldy: Antifa Terrorism—The Coming Civil War | Blog Posts

check out news chutes twitter feed for lots of democrat support for violence
NewsChute (@NewsChute) | Twitter

Keep buying ammo
All it would take is for the TRUCKERS to STOP running food into cities. If truckers thought their life was in danger and quit trucking food into cities, the city slickers would be killing each other over a warm pack of hotdogs inside of 12 hours. It would be total pandemonium, anarchy. Us country folks could pretty much just sit back and watch it happen. But those few leftists that did manage to escape the city before the interstates and highways were jammed from accidents, people running out of gas, fights, you name it, country people could pick them off like fish in a barrel. Why else do you think they're so RABID about disarming America?

Seriously, another civil war is the last thing the left should ever wish for, because they could get wiped out in a heart beat.

OH absolutely once the trucks stop rolling its all over ...the citys yeah itll be more about instant survival

Most white democrat antifa are suburbanites ....you'll see local "red guards" popping up ....who will need to be eliminated

CW2 will all be local
Like the Spanish civil war

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