White leftists asked to give up their spots at Ivy League schools to minority students

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Will they comply, or will they be racist?


A Texas group of social justice activists called “Dallas Justice Now” (DJN) is urging “wealthy white liberals” to not send their children to Ivy League Schools in order to leave those spots open for “students from Black, LatinX, and other marginalized backgrounds.”

The group issued a pledge calling on “white liberals and allies of the Black Lives Matter movement” to keep slots open at the most expensive, elite institutions for applicants who might otherwise not qualify. The group explained their reasoning in a press release:

Dallas Justice Now, a social justice activist group dedicated to ending institutional racism and creating opportunities for the black community in the segregated city of Dallas, is today asking white liberals and allies of the Black Lives Matter movement to make sacrifices to open up opportunities for students of color.
Specifically, white allies are being asked to sign a pledge to commit to not sending their children to Ivy League or US News & World Report Top 50 schools and instead leave those spots open for students from Black, LatinX, and other marginalized backgrounds who were denied access to these institutions for hundreds of years.

“Open up spaces for Black and LatinX communities by refusing to send your kids to Ivy League and US News & World Report Top 50 schools,” the group added on its website, the Daily Mail reported.

The group urges “wealthy white liberals” to sign this pledge.
Will they comply, or will they be racist?


A Texas group of social justice activists called “Dallas Justice Now” (DJN) is urging “wealthy white liberals” to not send their children to Ivy League Schools in order to leave those spots open for “students from Black, LatinX, and other marginalized backgrounds.”

The group issued a pledge calling on “white liberals and allies of the Black Lives Matter movement” to keep slots open at the most expensive, elite institutions for applicants who might otherwise not qualify. The group explained their reasoning in a press release:

“Open up spaces for Black and LatinX communities by refusing to send your kids to Ivy League and US News & World Report Top 50 schools,” the group added on its website, the Daily Mail reported.

The group urges “wealthy white liberals” to sign this pledge.
That group of course are RepubliQans, and this is bullshit.

They are simply racists who resent that non-whites are increasingly attending USA universities. They can't stand having to compete with others... because the free redneck gravy train is ending, crackers!
That group of course are RepubliQans, and this is bullshit.

They are simply racists who resent that non-whites are increasingly attending USA universities. They can't stand having to compete with others... because the free redneck gravy train is ending, crackers!
How racist.
All of you racists deserve each other. Remember to close your eyes! :suck:
Remember to shut your mouth, white-right miscreant.

Don't forget... stay unvaxxed, no masks, and lick the doorknobs! Do the country a favor!
You dont know anything about me, you fucking parrot.
That group of course are RepubliQans, and this is bullshit.

Then isn't this good Republicans are doing this? You on the left like to talk a good game provided you make no sacrifices--everybody else should for your agendas. You cry about how companies should pay non-skilled labor more money but won't start your own company to show us how it's done, then do most of your shopping at Walmart or Amazon. You cry about global warming yet most of you don't have one solar panel on your house or a windmill in your backyard. You cry about out of control crime and then de-fund your police, make it harder to do their job, and now many cities across the US can't even find qualified people to take the job because thanks to the left, nobody wants to be a cop any longer.

So here is your chance. Show us you are not part of the white privilege group. Give your college spot to some minority based on their skin color.
Remember to shut your mouth, white-right miscreant.

Don't forget... stay unvaxxed, no masks, and lick the doorknobs! Do the country a favor!
What evs... you seem like the type that will have shit-stained drawers from a car backfiring. Loser...
Totally agree that white liberals should not go to college but give their seats up for the underprivileged and "oppressed" low-IQ minorities, they get a 2-fer, not only are they wasting college seats, but they will be harming the US by reducing the number of highly educated!
Totally agree that white liberals should not go to college but give their seats up for the underprivileged and "oppressed" low-IQ minorities, they get a 2-fer, not only are they wasting college seats, but they will be harming the US by reducing the number of highly educated!

They've been doing similar things for years with different programs. The end result is that those who were never qualified to attend these colleges usually flunk out or quit because it's too difficult. They may have graduated if they went to a college that they were prepared for, even if it's a community college.
If the blacks who can't read become the predominant student body, how long do you think it will be before the ivy league schools completely lose any reputation?
If the blacks who can't read become the predominant student body, how long do you think it will be before the ivy league schools completely lose any reputation?

Harvard should be like 60% Asian by purely standardized test
That group of course are RepubliQans, and this is bullshit.

They are simply racists who resent that non-whites are increasingly attending USA universities. They can't stand having to compete with others... because the free redneck gravy train is ending, crackers!
Dont look now but your left knee is jerking uncontrollably

here is Dallas Justice Now in their own words and they are hardly republicans

Wealthy liberals claim to despise privilege, so they really should redistribute their college degrees, houses, cars, jobs, wives, etc. to deserving POC. Unless they are hypocrites.
The only blacks going to ivy league school are blacks with parents who went to ivy league schools and are well to do, just like the white kids that go to them. It's like some kid from the ghetto is going to get in.

But honestly, fuck that. You should get into school based on your merits, not your skin color. Everyone should have to use their ambition, intelligence, merits, to get where they want.

No one should get anything based on their skin color. The blacks and Mexicans shouldn't get shit, they can earn what they want.

So fuck em, their on their own just like 98% of people are.
The only blacks going to ivy league school are blacks with parents who went to ivy league schools and are well to do, just like the white kids that go to them. It's like some kid from the ghetto is going to get in.

But honestly, fuck that. You should get into school based on your merits, not your skin color. Everyone should have to use their ambition, intelligence, merits, to get where they want.

No one should get anything based on their skin color. The blacks and Mexicans shouldn't get shit, they can earn what they want.

So fuck em, their on their own just like 98% of people are.

And just think how bad it is if you are Asian descent. They take points off your entrance exam just because your eyes are a little bit smaller.

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