White House signals veto on Saudi 9/11 bill

A government that keeps the truth from its citizens is not a government of, by, and for the people.

How about the parts of the Warren commission report that were sealed for 75 years, exactly who is that protecting? Why must we wait until 2038 to know?
This bill really is not about releasing the pages though - it is about allowing people to sue SA over its possible role in 9/11.

yes, but a suit without the data on those pages would be pissing into the wind.
Legally, it does not matter what those pages state at this point. SA is protected from such lawsuits. That is one of the things that this law tries to address. I agree with releasing the pages, not so sure about letting lawsuits though. Dealing with an international actor's actions against the nation is not a place for the courts - that is the place of treaties, trade agreements and ultimately war in the worst situations.

international lawsuits are generally a joke. there is no court with jurisdiction to hear or enforce such cases. release the pages, let americans know the truth.
I agree. There should be a clean bill for that though - the pages should simply be released.
Obama will veto the bill, just as soon as he stands up straight and takes his lips off the Saudi King's 'johnson'...

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