White House Petition To Strip Citizenship Of Signers To Seccession Petition


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.
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every rich person in America should sign that petitition immediately don'tchyathink? :D
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.
Oh my. Could there possibly be a bigger case of fail than this thread?

The White House didn't threaten shit, you idiot.
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The White House created the petition to strip citizenship of signers and force them into exile.

8600 signers to this petition last time I checked.
Some random person submits a mocking petition for those stupid secesh ones, and Mud here thinks it's "The White House."

How embarrassing for the OP.

The petition asking the president to sign an executive order was posted on the White House site here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...igned-petition-secede-and-exile-them/ZbMjcwPf

I love it when liberals turn out to be wrong.
No, some idiot named "Douglas H" from Escondido, CA started a petition, the same way those skullfucks who started a petition to secede did.

Not "The White House."

Sheesh. This isn't very hard. THINK!
Sweet....If I sign the secession petition for Wisconsin, can I be exiled to Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic?

It would be amusing for some country or other to step up and say they would welcome American exiles. China has all those Ghost cities to populate maybe they will. Call obama's bluff.

It would serve obama right if the same people who signed petitions for secession signed petitions for exile.
Some random person submits a mocking petition for those stupid secesh ones, and Mud here thinks it's "The White House."

How embarrassing for the OP.

The petition asking the president to sign an executive order was posted on the White House site here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...igned-petition-secede-and-exile-them/ZbMjcwPf

I love it when liberals turn out to be wrong.

The petitions for secession were also on the white house's web sit you blubbering fucking idiot. The white house has a section on its website where anyone can start any petition they like. You're the most unbelievably incompetent idiot I've ever met.
Some random person submits a mocking petition for those stupid secesh ones, and Mud here thinks it's "The White House."

How embarrassing for the OP.

The petition asking the president to sign an executive order was posted on the White House site here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/pe...igned-petition-secede-and-exile-them/ZbMjcwPf

I love it when liberals turn out to be wrong.

The petitions for secession were also on the white house's web sit you blubbering fucking idiot. The white house has a section on its website where anyone can start any petition they like. You're the most unbelievably incompetent idiot I've ever met.
Wow...Forgot your Prozac this morning? :lol:
This thread belongs in the Conspiracy forum.

Here's the petition...It really exists.


Request denied.
And here's another

Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America.


Big Fucking Deal. Anyone can create a petition.

What the heck portion of some people's brain does not allow this simple logic to break through?
69 petitions covering all 50 states have been circulated to secede from the united States.

The White House threatened stripping citizenship of anyone who signs it.

Kind of harsh don't you think?

White House Threatens Citizenship and Exile Secession Petition*Signers
source: The Weekly Standard

A White House petition gathering force calls for citizenship to be stripped and exile for anyone who signs a petition in favor of a state’s*secession.

“Mr. President, please sign an executive order such that each American citizen who signed a petition from any state to secede from the USA shall have their citizenship stripped and be peacefully deported,” the full petition reads.*

The title of the petition is, “WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them.”

As of this writing, 2,205 have signed the petition; 22,795 more signatures are needed for the issue to be addressed by the White House.

The Washington Times reports on the numerous petitions to secede on the White House’s website:

It’s traditional for Americans to threaten to move to*France*or*Canada*when their candidate loses, but this year some disappointed voters are implementing a different plan.

In the wake of the Nov. 6 election, petitions seeking to secede from the union have been filed on behalf of 23 states on the*White House*website, https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions. Most of the petitions contain the same wording and ask to withdraw “peacefully” from the United States in order to form independent governments.

Im on my way to sign it. You dont want to be here get the hell out

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