White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film

The mainstream Christians will not let that happen, Sunni Man, and neither will your sharia silliness.
Jimbo, the far right christians will be the downfall of the USA.

This is what some, like Matthew from the crazee Christian far right, want to do to the rest of us.

Sorry, but I'd rather live under Christian dominance than that of Islam any day...I'm not an advocate of the extreme Right but as I see it, it's the extreme Left that are the biggest danger to the modern world at the moment....Always kowtowing to muslim demands because of their murderous tantrums...

Stalin had a phrase for people like that...."USEFUL IDIOTS".....Those that helped him to power were the first to be eliminated once they'd served their purpose... The left think that they can control muslims by sucking up to them when it suits because they have a similar agenda (socialist utopia)...or Caliphate as the muslim world puts it...

Best choose your bed partners wisely in my opinion :eusa_whistle:
republicans need to produce their own film about how republican torture led to the killing of bin laden

Starring Rosie O'


It's all about perspective really.....Who in their right mind wouldn't "persuade" these animals if it meant saving countless others? We should force feed them bacon sandwiches, pork chops etc. They could get fat like Rosie then :lol: I must say she hasn't changed much since I last saw her :lol: Maybe a little better looking :eusa_whistle:.
Rather than live under Christian dominionism or Islamofascism, I would put them to the wall.

No religious extremists are ever going to rule this country.
and Obama and Democrat followers need to stop chanting, Obama killed Bin Laden or have them arrested for saying it.
links in article at site


by John Nolte15 Sep 2012227post a comment

Now that the White House and State Department have made clear that they believe movies compel terrorists to terrorize, it's time for them to get ahead of this problem. And one thing the White House can do immediately is to pressure Sony to stop the release of director Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty," which celebrates the killing of Osama bin Laden.

I'm only saying this because, you know, the White House and the media told me movies inflame and cause terrorism.

Think about it: if the poorly produced and laughably bad trailer for "The Innocence of Muslims" results in chaos, murder, and the burning of foreign outposts all throughout the Middle East, how much rioting and mayhem is a big-budgeted, slickly produced, Oscar-bait blockbuster celebrating the death of the leader of al-Qaeda going to cause?

Moreover, an excuse Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not be able to use in the case of "Zero Dark Thirty" (as she did with "Innocence of Muslims") is the cowardly and self-righteous claim that the federal government and the Obama White House had nothing to do with "Zero Dark Thirty."

all of it here
White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film

Don't want Republicans rioting in the street, do we?
A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

You're quibbling about matters of degree. We've already established the Obama principle that speech can be censored if it pisses off any Muslims.
A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

Most Muslims did not give a damn about OBL, There were no Muslim protesting at all.
Muhammad is a prophet like Jesus and Joseph Smith.

So the rule is "if it pisses off Muslims, it should be censored?"
No constitutional reason and it is protected by freedom of speech.

Then the guy who released this film recently has the same right no?

Either we have freedom of speech or we don't.

Or only what you like is allowed under freedom of speech. :confused:

Libturds are in a difficult spot. They are trying to say they support the First Amendment while at the same time calling for the head of a guy who did nothing more than make an offensive video. It's difficult to understand what goes on in their heads whenever they post on this subject.
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That you lie out your ass is the only principle we have established. :lol:

A movie about Osama bin Laden will not have the same effect as the film about Muhammad.

Because only a small percentage of muslims champion Osama and his actions.

Whereas, all muslims adore and reverence the Prophet. :cool:

You're quibbling about matters of degree. We've already established the Obama principle that speech can be censored if it pisses off any Muslims.
You actually believe most Muslims supported the attacks on 9/11? and were waiting until it's ten year anniversary?

WOW! Well you just go ahead on with your bad self! :lol: Nothing will change THAT mind! :lol:

Video of Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11 gave us a hint that they didn't exactly condemn it.
bripat, you are now a complete liar. But I will accept your apology, and I will accept that you accept dictionaries and encyclopedias as acceptable sources for you. Thanks.
Obama gave the order to kill OBL with policy Bush put in place, "Dead of Alive" and just like Bush is responsible for the deaths of million Muslims during the Afghanistan and Iraq invasion. Except Bush is a war criminal.
Millions of Muslims? I'd ask you to prove that, but it's one of those things "everybody just knows", isn't it? :lol:

Oh, and it's interesting how Bush is a war criminal, but Obama is just dandy -- even though you say they've done the same things.

Flaming hypocrite.
bripat, you are now a complete liar. But I will accept your apology, and I will accept that you accept dictionaries and encyclopedias as acceptable sources for you. Thanks.

You obviously can't produce a quote of what you claimed I said because you could have made an easy $1000 if you could.

So who's the complete liar now, eh Fakey?
Republicans need to produce their own film about how Republican torture led to the killing of bin laden
If it weren't for that "Republican torture", Obama wouldn't now be claiming credit for Osama's death.

Torture led to nothing other than a destruction of Americas once honorable image around the world
I didn't not lie and I am not going to go back and look it up, since you went and deleted it.

But I have recorded this for the next time you say encyclopedias and dictionaries are false.

:lol: You can't ever get away with it, bripat.

bripat, you are now a complete liar. But I will accept your apology, and I will accept that you accept dictionaries and encyclopedias as acceptable sources for you. Thanks.

You obviously can't produce a quote of what you claimed I said because you could have made an easy $1000 if you could.

So who's the complete liar now, eh Fakey?
Do you ever post anything you know something about? Your comments are ridiculous, so much so that a pedestrian partisan hack would be embarrassed to post.

Guess I hit a sore spot, huh?? Obama gave the "kill" order, everybody was patting him on the back. Al Qaeda didn't think it was so funny. You know they want to kill us don't you??

Only a complete idiot will believe the spin about a movie that had the trailer out for months. Lord, you people will fall for anything your Messiah says.

No American worth spit gives a rat's ass what Al Queda thinks or wants. All we need to know about that pack of diseased rat shit vermin is that Obama is steadily and suradly targeting their stinking asses and blowing them up with hell fire missles delivered from drones, even if it is one by one, into red mist.
I'll bet you thought that was horrible when Bush did it.

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