White house Freezes vaccine petition...


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
People like you should be arrested and your children should be taken into child protection custody.
yada yada yada as long as yer the first one through the front door bud. :)

Ohhhhhhhhhh, what a tough guy. I'll bet you're tougher than all those pathogens that could cripple or kill your own children, aren't you, idiot?
People like you should be arrested and your children should be taken into child protection custody.
yada yada yada as long as yer the first one through the front door bud. :)

Ohhhhhhhhhh, what a tough guy. I'll bet you're tougher than all those pathogens that could cripple or kill your own children, aren't you, idiot?
LOL says the retard that thinks the state should kidnap kids from parents who know more about medical decisions than they do..The only thing you are more full of than shit is hot air. So try staying on topic sport. :)
EXCLUSIVE Whitehouse.gov caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100 000 threshold - NaturalNews.com

Let them freeze it...no matter what law you pass,executive order,etc you pass. I will NOT vaccinate my kids or myself...Save the oh my that's child abuse garbage.heard it all don't care what ya got to say...funny how white house allowed those secession petitions to go forward but won't let these go..

Oh that's BRILLIANT!

Measles was still a major issue when I was a kid. A kid in my school died of it, another got very sick, missed a lot of school and was held back. Then... it just disappeared and ya didn't hear anything about it... until of course, the current madness came along.

I should point out that what you're working with is a lack of trust... and ya can't trust, because the 'truth' is impossible to 'know' and that is because so many people in our culture are incapable of objective reason; a species of reasoning OKA: Relativism... wherein the lack of trust, is an intrinsic trait.

You're wrong in this case... and with the Brown Clown having imported a laundry list of contagions into the United States, your setting your children at significant risk of a painful, slow death.

As a parent of three children, and several grand children, I understand your fear... it's a horrible decision to have to make, because vaccinations are a risk. But... the stark reality is that NOT VACCINATING THEM is a SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER RISK. It's not even close.

The problem is that YOU are the one that authorizes the vaccine, so YOU are responsible if your child draws the short straw and THAT is TERRIFYING! So ya rationalize that you can't make that call and roll the dice, on the premise that if the unthinkable happens, you won't be responsible for it. But friend, God forbid it, but should that happen... you will know in that unthinkable moment that it IS your fault. So, what you're working on there is a false premise.

Been there, got the T-shirt.

I wish you the best of luck and strongly encourage you to get yourself and your children vaccinated...
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A "conservative" who refuses to protect their children from communicable diseases should always use quotation marks. Their refusal, in all too many cases, sets up the kid(s) to be nothing more than a very-late term aborted fetus.
I beleive that anyone that does not vaccinate their children, and their children die of a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination, should face negligent homocide charges. When I was nine years old, we had that horrible polio epidemic right here in the USA. A thing of the past, and so glad of it, thanks to vaccination.
I beleive that anyone that does not vaccinate their children, and their children die of a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination, should face negligent homocide charges. When I was nine years old, we had that horrible polio epidemic right here in the USA. A thing of the past, and so glad of it, thanks to vaccination.
I think their kid dying is punishment enough. If it happens a second time though...
EXCLUSIVE Whitehouse.gov caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100 000 threshold - NaturalNews.com

Let them freeze it...no matter what law you pass,executive order,etc you pass. I will NOT vaccinate my kids or myself...Save the oh my that's child abuse garbage.heard it all don't care what ya got to say...funny how white house allowed those secession petitions to go forward but won't let these go..
Good for you. Stand up for what you believe in.

I beleive that anyone that does not vaccinate their children, and their children die of a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination, should face negligent homocide charges. When I was nine years old, we had that horrible polio epidemic right here in the USA. A thing of the past, and so glad of it, thanks to vaccination.
Yeah except the issue is not about the Polio vaccine. I believe Leftytoon Progressives who want to force everyone to do their bidding should have their balls cut off and fed to them.
A "conservative" who refuses to protect their children from communicable diseases should always use quotation marks. Their refusal, in all too many cases, sets up the kid(s) to be nothing more than a very-late term aborted fetus.
I am not a conservative.

I beleive that anyone that does not vaccinate their children, and their children die of a disease that could have been prevented by vaccination, should face negligent homocide charges. When I was nine years old, we had that horrible polio epidemic right here in the USA. A thing of the past, and so glad of it, thanks to vaccination.
And what about the kids that die from the vaccines? Kids that become violently ill? Kids that become Autistic or other mentally ill AFTER the vaccines?

Polio Was NOT Eradicated By The Vaccine
Hidden History of Polio Vaccine - henrymakow.com
Why Vaccines Are Scientific Fraud The Healthy Home Economist The Healthy Home Economist
Smoke Mirrors and the Disappearance Of Polio International Medical Council on Vaccination

Polio was on its way out before the vaccines...big pharma just saw a way to fool people into paying for this shit and now its turned into not only a money making scheme but a health problem they are using to control the population.

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