White House Blocks Reporters From Tweeting Out Joe Biden’s Gaffes…


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

White House Banning Reporters from Tweeting Biden's Comments

by Warner Todd Huston
25 Jul 2012

On July 24, Vice President Joe Biden took questions from the White House press during a phone conference call, but the White House told reporters they would not be allowed to use Twitter to live-report the VP's remarks.


One might suggest that there was another reason for this Twitter ban. Biden is well-known as a gaffe machine and it is likely that the White House wanted time to get ahead of any possible flubs. If reporters were live Tweeting it the White House would have less time to invent the excuses for Biden's bungles.

White House Banning Reporters from Tweeting Biden's Comments

"can you STFU once in a while"
So basically we're not gonna here from Bidden all year. Hey are they gonna have him lip sync with someone at the VP debate so he doesnt talk?
So wait, the white house has banned reporters from putting out information that could potentially endanger troops on the field and law enforcement operatives?

Seems like sour grapes that the Obama admin is using the same tricks as the Bush admin to silence the press. We wouldn't want the press to accidentally release sensitive information that could endanger the safety of our country, now would we?

Wow, did that sound as stupid as when Bush claimed drawing pictures in the sand would kill all of our troops and destroy our military's effectiveness?
So wait, the white house has banned reporters from putting out information that could potentially endanger troops on the field and law enforcement operatives?

Seems like sour grapes that the Obama admin is using the same tricks as the Bush admin to silence the press. We wouldn't want the press to accidentally release sensitive information that could endanger the safety of our country, now would we?

Wow, did that sound as stupid as when Bush claimed drawing pictures in the sand would kill all of our troops and destroy our military's effectiveness?


I don't know why, but your avatar reminds me of

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So wait, the white house has banned reporters from putting out information that could potentially endanger troops on the field and law enforcement operatives?

Seems like sour grapes that the Obama admin is using the same tricks as the Bush admin to silence the press. We wouldn't want the press to accidentally release sensitive information that could endanger the safety of our country, now would we?

Wow, did that sound as stupid as when Bush claimed drawing pictures in the sand would kill all of our troops and destroy our military's effectiveness?

WEll I'll give you credit for atleast being honest on this issue, something rdean, moonglow, lakhota, nycarbineer would never do!
So wait, the white house has banned reporters from putting out information that could potentially endanger troops on the field and law enforcement operatives?

Seems like sour grapes that the Obama admin is using the same tricks as the Bush admin to silence the press. We wouldn't want the press to accidentally release sensitive information that could endanger the safety of our country, now would we?

Wow, did that sound as stupid as when Bush claimed drawing pictures in the sand would kill all of our troops and destroy our military's effectiveness?

It is never a good idea to tell the enemy when and where you plan to attack.
So wait, the white house has banned reporters from putting out information that could potentially endanger troops on the field and law enforcement operatives?

Seems like sour grapes that the Obama admin is using the same tricks as the Bush admin to silence the press. We wouldn't want the press to accidentally release sensitive information that could endanger the safety of our country, now would we?

Wow, did that sound as stupid as when Bush claimed drawing pictures in the sand would kill all of our troops and destroy our military's effectiveness?

How the frack do you get that?

Biden Staff Caught Editing Press Pool Reports

Saturday, August 18, 2012

His staff’s response is effectively to try to save Biden from himself. During the Virginia trip reporters were hustled out of retail campaign stops in diners and other intimate settings, aides tried to edit media pool reports for any potential landmines that could be seized on by Republicans and even hovered at close range to eavesdrop on journalists’ conversations with attendees at Biden rallies.

What’s perhaps most striking about the Biden staff’s attempts at press management is its effort to influence what goes in the pool reports from his off-schedule stops. Because the entire press corps cannot easily jam in, say, a diner or private home, it is standard practice to have a single designated reporter take notes and share the material with colleagues from other news organizations. These reports are designed entirely for the media, but are distributed by White House staffers. In the case of Obama, as with his predecessors, the reports are simply forwarded without comment by email to a news media distribution list.

But on two occasions during Biden’s Virginia trip, his staff sought to have certain elements in the reports highlighted while reporters drafted them and discussed the contents with the reporters after the summaries had been sent but before they had before sent to the broader media.

Biden Staff Caught Editing Press Pool Reports – Patriot Update

Mission Impossible: Managing Joe Biden

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Biden Complains About Democracy in Muslim Absolute Monarchy

March 9, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Joe Biden took his "Republicans are extremists" dog and pony show over to the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim absolute monarchy governed by Sharia law.

Speaking before an Arab audience in his trip to the UAE, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden offered his views Tuesday on the “petty, venal and mean” politics in America ahead of the November presidential election.

Speaking of elections in the UAE, their positions are inherited. You know, like the Clintons. And defying the royal family gets you horrifyingly tortured.

“If Ronald Reagan were alive today, he could no more get the nomination of the Republican Party than I can get the nomination,” Biden said. “I’m not joking. So what you see is this movement to the extreme in the Republican Party.”

Biden is whining about Republicans to a totalitarian Islamic state with the death penalty for homosexuality.


The UAE punishes drinking alcohol with floggings. Hope Biden doesn't overstay his welcome.

Biden Complains About Democracy in Muslim Absolute Monarchy

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