White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.
There IS no evidence.

When it comes up, let us know.

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.
That's not fake. There is no evidence.
How stupid are you Lefties, really? Is it stupid or oblivious, or corrupt?

Testimony by eyewitnesses, and people who personally participated in conversations is EVIDENCE! You may not like it; you may be able to challenge it, but it is evidence.

To claim that there is no evidence is a blatant lie.
The narrative of "No evidence" is simply not sustainable. There is, in fact, a mountain of evidence that is beginning to be such an avalanche that denying that any evidence exists is just comical.
You guys spend all your time trying to convince us of the “mountain” rather than say what the evidence actually is.
The narrative of "No evidence" is simply not sustainable. There is, in fact, a mountain of evidence that is beginning to be such an avalanche that denying that any evidence exists is just comical.
Where is this magical mountain you keep referring to?


White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.
Yep xiden is already opening the door to obstruction of justice impeachment articles
The only thing missing from this influence peddling scheme is what influence was being peddled.
Well not really, his pro china policies are obvious, he got hunter’s Ukrainian pals off the hook…but it’s also merely about access and branding…essentially having rhe VP or Senator on retainer

What’s missing after all this still is the xidens defense..the simple defense could be telling us what product or service they were selling all these foreign regimes to deserve these millions of dollars
Well not really, his pro china policies are obvious, he got hunter’s Ukrainian pals off the hook…but it’s also merely about access and branding…essentially having rhe VP or Senator on retainer

What’s missing after all this still is the xidens defense..the simple defense could be telling us what product or service they were selling all these foreign regimes to deserve these millions of dollars
You obviously didn’t read the link because that isn’t what it says at all.

You can’t be told anything. You are impenetrable.

It’s the cult.
thanks for showing what a true useful idiot you are by repeating what youre told to repeat,,
But we're being told there is no evidence by the GOP:

Republican Representative Nick Langworthy tried to defend the GOP investigation into Joe Biden’s alleged corruption—only to end up admitting that they still don’t have any proof.​
Republicans have insisted for months that Biden is guilty of corruption and influence peddling overseas, despite producing no actual evidence. But they continue to claim they have proof that he and his son Hunter Biden accepted millions of dollars in bribes.​
But Langworthy fumbled that point big time on Thursday during an interview with Fox News. Fox correspondent Gillian Turner pointed out that Republicans have yet to produce “a smoking gun: clear-cut, undeniable proof of the president’s involvement.”​
“Well, we’ve never claimed that we have direct money going to the president, but many members of his family have received money from foreign governments,” Langworthy said.​
Turner interrupted to correct him: “That is precisely the claim that the chairman of your committee, James Comer, and also Jim Jordan have made many times,” she said, referring to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan, who alongside Comer has spearheaded the charge against Biden.​
“We are putting an investigation together laying out the facts on the business dealings of this family,” Langworthy said awkwardly, trying to recover.​
Langworthy did not fare much better in the rest of the interview. He also said that Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer had testified to the Oversight Committee under oath, which Turner again pointed out was not true. (And regardless of how he testified, Archer also refuted many of Republicans’ talking points against Joe Biden.)​
Republicans’ main justification for continuing to investigate Biden is that they already have proof of his wrongdoing and are now just trying to expose the breadth of his crimes. Many Republicans, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are starting to suggest opening an impeachment inquiry into Biden so that they can access more information and witnesses that will lead them to the truth.​
But Langworthy’s stumble reveals the actual truth: Republicans have nothing on Biden. The reason they keep pushing forward is because they are looking for something to actually substantiate their allegations.​

White House Already Engaging in Impeachment Inquiry ‘Obstruction’ with Fake ‘No Evidence’ Disinformation Talking Points​

17 Sep 2023 ~~ By Matthew Boyle

Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House is already obstructing the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry announced by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) when it disseminated talking points to the media falsely claiming there was no evidence to begin the inquiry, McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively.
McCarthy, who appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said a document drafted by the White House counsel’s office and sent from formal White House staff to media outlets at the outset of the impeachment inquiry — which led to the false reports and the use of the disinformation talking point by many media outlets and Democrats allied with the White House—could amount to obstruction of the investigation.
This week, as Breitbart News reported in the aftermath of McCarthy impeachment inquiry announcement, several media outlets and Democrats were repeating the inaccurate talking point the White House disseminated that there was no evidence to proceed to an impeachment inquiry. McCarthy, during his interview on Breitbart News Saturday, recounted one such interaction with an Associated Press reporter on Capitol Hill where he forced the reporter to admit there was in fact evidence. He also pointed to a CNN fact check of him which actually found that each of the claims he made during his announcement of the impeachment inquiry about the Bidens were true.
Asked about a possible timeline for considering actual articles of impeachment against Biden, McCarthy said there is no timeline but that House Republicans will simply follow the facts wherever they lead. If it gets to that point eventually, they will move forward on it he said. But for now, the House GOP is conducting the impeachment inquiry so as to get the facts out about the president and the Congress will move if and when it rises to that level.
“Let me be very clear to everybody. We are not the Democrats. We watched them use impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy said. “Tell me what evidence did they have to even move forward? So what we’re doing — and we’re not predetermining anything into the future. The only thing we’ll promise everybody is we’ll follow the facts and we’ll get the answers and we’ll lay them out for the American public. We’ll uphold our Constitutional authority but we don’t have pre-impeachment documents or anything else. We believe in the court of law. We believe in the honesty and integrity and remember none of this information would have been found had we not been doing the work we’re doing now. Let us continue our work and lay it out for the American public and let people be able to see what we’re finding.”

Whenever has the Democrat Party played by the rules of law?
Now why would the combined efforts of the Biden White House, the DoJ, the FBI and the Quisling Media want to obstruct a Congressional investigation into impeachment when we continue to find evidence they've all colluded to obstruct and hide evidence?
Trump was impeached the first time for allegations of a quid pro quo, and Biden bragged infamously about doing worse...and we got crickets from the brainwashed Democrat buffoons. No evidence or allegations against the Bidens??? Astonishing. Just look through Hunter's laptop stash of info, now that even the corrupt FBI is no longer insisting that it's "Russian disinformation."
Does anyone really believe the Whitehouse will suddenly be honest, roll over and tell Congress and we the people the truth.
Looks like the repubs are going to have to get a federal judge to put a gag order on the White House…

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