White Helmets to prepare chemical false flag, tons of chlorine entering Syria from Turkey


Nov 14, 2012
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports
Purim is coming up------time for me to start collecting gentile child blood in order
to make "hamantaschen cookies" ----thanks for reminding me, capt. blei
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports

[email protected]-------"REPORT" (source unknown) "SUGGESTS" (by vague innuendo based on magical mind reading) chlorine is used to disinfect
WATER -------and as a disinfectant in hospitals------it is especially VITAL in
ridding medical instruments of HIV virus contamination-------
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports

[email protected]-------"REPORT" (source unknown) "SUGGESTS" (by vague innuendo based on magical mind reading) chlorine is used to disinfect
WATER -------and as a disinfectant in hospitals------it is especially VITAL in
ridding medical instruments of HIV virus contamination-------
Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon that is regularly used by "rebels" and ISIS. Since Chlorine is common in Syrian houses, the weapon is easily accessible. "Rebels" also used sarin: Evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Since accusations of chlorine gas attacks this year did not cause the West to do something, Turkey and "rebels" might be preparing a major gas attack with tons of gas and hundreds of dead.
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports

[email protected]-------"REPORT" (source unknown) "SUGGESTS" (by vague innuendo based on magical mind reading) chlorine is used to disinfect
WATER -------and as a disinfectant in hospitals------it is especially VITAL in
ridding medical instruments of HIV virus contamination-------
Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon that is regularly used by "rebels" and ISIS. Since Chlorine is common in Syrian houses, the weapon is easily accessible. "Rebels" also used sarin: Evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Since accusations of chlorine gas attacks this year did not cause the West to do something, Turkey and "rebels" might be preparing a major gas attack with tons of gas and hundreds of dead.

are you doing standup comedy, Capt. Blei?----CHLORINE is an element and
used EXTENSIVELY thruout the world for ALL KINDS of purposes----there is
CHLORINE in USA drinking water. In gas bomb form it has been used for DECADES by BAATHIST PIGS----including Saddam and the Assads.
It is a particularly nefarious thing used -----as Baathist pigs do---on civilian
populations. Children are the most vulnerable----the gas destroys the delicate
OXYGEN transfer tissues of the Lung-----and the child dies over days IN AGONY------BAATHISTS LOVE IT for that purpose. It is also used in hospitals to in
sterilization of instruments
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports

[email protected]-------"REPORT" (source unknown) "SUGGESTS" (by vague innuendo based on magical mind reading) chlorine is used to disinfect
WATER -------and as a disinfectant in hospitals------it is especially VITAL in
ridding medical instruments of HIV virus contamination-------
Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon that is regularly used by "rebels" and ISIS. Since Chlorine is common in Syrian houses, the weapon is easily accessible. "Rebels" also used sarin: Evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Since accusations of chlorine gas attacks this year did not cause the West to do something, Turkey and "rebels" might be preparing a major gas attack with tons of gas and hundreds of dead.

are you doing standup comedy, Capt. Blei?----CHLORINE is an element and
used EXTENSIVELY thruout the world for ALL KINDS of purposes----there is
CHLORINE in USA drinking water. In gas bomb form it has been used for DECADES by BAATHIST PIGS----including Saddam and the Assads.
It is a particularly nefarious thing used -----as Baathist pigs do---on civilian
populations. Children are the most vulnerable----the gas destroys the delicate
OXYGEN transfer tissues of the Lung-----and the child dies over days IN AGONY------BAATHISTS LOVE IT for that purpose. It is also used in hospitals to in
sterilization of instruments
Water with Chlorine is no longer drinking water. In Germany, tap water does not contain chlorine but minerals. Even more then regular mineral water.
This gives a hint about the substance of the rest of your post, the more so as you previously had no idea about the potential of chlorine as weapon.
Reports suggest that the terrorists prepare a chemical false flag as response to the Syrian Army´s offensive in the Eastern Ghouta, Damascus. Three trucks laden with tons of chlorine (for chlorine gas) have reportedly entered the Idlib province from Turkey. It could be a challenge to smuggle the stuff to the far away and encircled Eastern Ghouta so the false flag will likely take place in Idlib again. Macron and Trump certainly can´t wait for it to happen. If a chemical attack happens in the coming days or weeks, you already know who´s behind it.


Eastern Ghouta: Jaysh al-Islam - Wikipedia

While Helmets maybe preparing false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta: reports
Breaking: 3 trucks loaded with 'tons' of chlorine enter Syria's Idlib from Turkey - reports

[email protected]-------"REPORT" (source unknown) "SUGGESTS" (by vague innuendo based on magical mind reading) chlorine is used to disinfect
WATER -------and as a disinfectant in hospitals------it is especially VITAL in
ridding medical instruments of HIV virus contamination-------
Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon that is regularly used by "rebels" and ISIS. Since Chlorine is common in Syrian houses, the weapon is easily accessible. "Rebels" also used sarin: Evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Since accusations of chlorine gas attacks this year did not cause the West to do something, Turkey and "rebels" might be preparing a major gas attack with tons of gas and hundreds of dead.

are you doing standup comedy, Capt. Blei?----CHLORINE is an element and
used EXTENSIVELY thruout the world for ALL KINDS of purposes----there is
CHLORINE in USA drinking water. In gas bomb form it has been used for DECADES by BAATHIST PIGS----including Saddam and the Assads.
It is a particularly nefarious thing used -----as Baathist pigs do---on civilian
populations. Children are the most vulnerable----the gas destroys the delicate
OXYGEN transfer tissues of the Lung-----and the child dies over days IN AGONY------BAATHISTS LOVE IT for that purpose. It is also used in hospitals to in
sterilization of instruments
Water with Chlorine is no longer drinking water. In Germany, tap water does not contain chlorine but minerals. Even more then regular mineral water.
This gives a hint about the substance of the rest of your post, the more so as you previously had no idea about the potential of chlorine as weapon.

TERROR WEAPON CHLORINE GAS BOMBS------there is chlorine in
tap water and in SWIMMING POOL WATER. in Germany and in the USA. I have a sense that you have no idea what a MINERAL is. Did you pass ninth grade chemistry class. Do you have ANY IDEA what a chlorine gas bomb does that is harmful to people-----ANY IDEA AT ALL?

for the rest of cyberspace-----chlorine gas bombs are high on the list of
potential terrorism weapons------in case of attack---listen to your radio and
to all forms of public announcement and DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO---
keep your kids INDOORS
AMN---from assad's mouth to allah's ear Insha'Allah.
the ottoman caliph erdogan al turki is shipping chlorine
bombs to Syria----to kill subjects of his caliphate, the
PURPOSE of which is to blame the killing on assad
al Shiite ibn nusrallah so that the USA can claim
justification in bombing the military installations of
assad al Shiite ibn nusrallah, grandvizier of the shit
caliphate al irani in support of al KHALIFA----turki,
The khalifa al turki is obviously a machination of the
evil USA/Zionist empire. Thanks capt. blei-----anymore
valuable citations?
AMN---from assad's mouth to allah's ear Insha'Allah.
the ottoman caliph erdogan al turki is shipping chlorine
bombs to Syria----to kill subjects of his caliphate, the
PURPOSE of which is to blame the killing on assad
al Shiite ibn nusrallah so that the USA can claim
justification in bombing the military installations of
assad al Shiite ibn nusrallah, grandvizier of the shit
caliphate al irani in support of al KHALIFA----turki,
The khalifa al turki is obviously a machination of the
evil USA/Zionist empire. Thanks capt. blei-----anymore
valuable citations?
Oy wey, the doc is in vacation.
AMN---from assad's mouth to allah's ear Insha'Allah.
the ottoman caliph erdogan al turki is shipping chlorine
bombs to Syria----to kill subjects of his caliphate, the
PURPOSE of which is to blame the killing on assad
al Shiite ibn nusrallah so that the USA can claim
justification in bombing the military installations of
assad al Shiite ibn nusrallah, grandvizier of the shit
caliphate al irani in support of al KHALIFA----turki,
The khalifa al turki is obviously a machination of the
evil USA/Zionist empire. Thanks capt. blei-----anymore
valuable citations?
Oy wey, the doc is in vacation.

wey? isn't that the stuff left over when cream is
CHURNED into butter?. There are some people
from southeast asia who do pronounce an English
and German "V" as if it is an English "W"-----it's
a really screwy accent. ------I have a personal anecdote
from my youth working part time in a large hospital with
lots of foreign housestaff

Pakistani doc ---- blah blah blah it's a WIRUS
Latin American doc ---blah blah blah ??????
Pakistani doc ----- A WIRUS !!!!!!! ?? blah
Latin American doc ?????
Pakistani blah blah wirus blah blah
Latin American doc OOHHH!! a BIRUS!!!!
AMN---from assad's mouth to allah's ear Insha'Allah.
the ottoman caliph erdogan al turki is shipping chlorine
bombs to Syria----to kill subjects of his caliphate, the
PURPOSE of which is to blame the killing on assad
al Shiite ibn nusrallah so that the USA can claim
justification in bombing the military installations of
assad al Shiite ibn nusrallah, grandvizier of the shit
caliphate al irani in support of al KHALIFA----turki,
The khalifa al turki is obviously a machination of the
evil USA/Zionist empire. Thanks capt. blei-----anymore
valuable citations?
Oy wey, the doc is in vacation.

Capt. blei is stump'ed AGAIN chlorine bombs
SHIPPED from Turkey into Syria---------you got some
snap shots yet?. Chlorine bombs are not hard to make---
can't the USA, AL QUEIDA, ZIONIST allies do it
themselves rather than risk LENGTHY CONVOYS.
I used to imagine that sesame halvah was imported from
Turkey. NOPE---that stuff is also a simple recipe and
is made in Brooklyn, NY

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