While the NFL kneels before it...CA firefighters fight to save it


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire
Maybe they are Antifa and were going to light the flag up?

Just kidding everyone knows antifa couldn't do these jobs.
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire
Oh, by all means lets appeal to emotion.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump tweets about NFL players kneeling because what helps people more in times of crisis then tweeting about race.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump refuses to acknowledge the danger these people are in.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump brings politics into the discussion and blames water policy for it.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump steps out of the climate agreement, thereby refusing to tackle the problem that makes these fires so severe.
I can go on but you get the drift.
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire
Oh, by all means lets appeal to emotion.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump tweets about NFL players kneeling because what helps people more in times of crisis then tweeting about race.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump refuses to acknowledge the danger these people are in.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump brings politics into the discussion and blames water policy for it.
-While the firefighters of CA combat fires. Trump steps out of the climate agreement, thereby refusing to tackle the problem that makes these fires so severe.
I can go on but you get the drift.

Yeah, you are a fool, who doesn't understand anything.
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire

you dont have a clue why players kneel. NONE WHATSOEVER.

Sure we do. Because they are anti-American pieces of shit.

No actually you don't. Lets talk about our corrupt Trump Admin, yet the GOP does nothing.
The players are kneeling because of police brutality towards black men. Correct?
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire

you dont have a clue why players kneel. NONE WHATSOEVER.

Sure we do. Because they are anti-American pieces of shit.

No actually you don't. Lets talk about our corrupt Trump Admin, yet the GOP does nothing.

During a ritual where people are asked to stand to show respect to a symbol of the United States of America,

they actively do the OPPOSITE of the action that would show respect and unity.

Thus, their actions communicate that they feel the opposite of respect and unity.

If you are confused by that, Kaepernick clarified that, with actual words, as I have repeatedly posted on this site.

Do you need to see those, or do you already know it, and just playing a dishonest game?
You know they were probably prisoners. California uses prison labor to fight the fires.

California is using prison labor to fight its record wildfires

What a great idea. Instead of sitting in a cell they are being productive.

1. I certainly would think that anyone serving a serious sentence would welcome any chance to be outside.

2. I can certainly see how having a chance to do something good for society, would be healthy for these prisoners.

3. And I bet it looks real good at the parole hearing. Probably shaves years off an average sentence.
Even democrat Rahm Emmnuel admitted there is a cultural problem in the black community. He's obviously had an awakening.
I wonder if those firefighters are Democrats or Republicans?
Surrounded by flames, firefighters in California save U.S. flag from wildfire

you dont have a clue why players kneel. NONE WHATSOEVER.

Sure we do. Because they are anti-American pieces of shit.

No actually you don't. Lets talk about our corrupt Trump Admin, yet the GOP does nothing.
The Trump administration is not corrupt, douchebag.

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