Which Side of the Duopoly Party Owns the Future?

Demography is still destiny.

Does it really make a difference? The results speak for themselves. Duopoly

MY OPINION >>>>>>>>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The future, as in the next four years? Apparently the worst side owns those. When I heard that Joe Bidet got 270 electoral votes, I was gonna threaten to move to Canada or Mars.

But then I decided to put on a pink pussy hat, make me a cardboard sign, go out in the street and yell, cry, and scream at the sky.

But then I deciding to break some windows, spray paint obscenities all over the place, crap on the sidwalk, burn down some stores, loot the contents, and beat the crap out of some people.

But then I realized I wasn't a Democrat, so I didn't do any of those things.

True story, mang.
Demography is still destiny.

Does it really make a difference? The results speak for themselves. Duopoly

MY OPINION >>>>>>>>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The future, as in the next four years? Apparently the worst side owns those. When I heard that Joe Bidet got 270 electoral votes, I was gonna threaten to move to Canada or Mars.

But then I decided to put on a pink pussy hat, make me a cardboard sign, go out in the street and yell, cry, and scream at the sky.

But then I deciding to break some windows, spray paint obscenities all over the place, crap on the sidwalk, burn down some stores, loot the contents, and beat the crap out of some people.

But then I realized I wasn't a Democrat, so I didn't do any of those things.

True story, mang.

Instead you invaded the Michigan State Assembly with your peashooter, took up the option on rejoining the KKK, and as a side bet, sent some money to the Proud Wusses...well done!
Demography is still destiny.

Does it really make a difference? The results speak for themselves. Duopoly

MY OPINION >>>>>>>>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The future, as in the next four years? Apparently the worst side owns those. When I heard that Joe Bidet got 270 electoral votes, I was gonna threaten to move to Canada or Mars.

But then I decided to put on a pink pussy hat, make me a cardboard sign, go out in the street and yell, cry, and scream at the sky.

But then I deciding to break some windows, spray paint obscenities all over the place, crap on the sidwalk, burn down some stores, loot the contents, and beat the crap out of some people.

But then I realized I wasn't a Democrat, so I didn't do any of those things.

True story, mang.

Instead you invaded the Michigan State Assembly with your peashooter, took up the option on rejoining the KKK, and as a side bet, sent some money to the Proud Wusses...well done!

Fuck off, foreigner. Your country's a third world shithole and you have no say in our political affairs.
Fuck off, foreigner. Your country's a third world shithole and you have no say in our political affairs.

It is far from third world or a shit hole.
Neither do you...
This has been a near 60 year adventure that picked up steam after the Kennedy Assassination. There may have been a reason for McCarthy. This type of government when totally in power is usually more fun in getting then having when gotten.
Fuck off, foreigner. Your country's a third world shithole and you have no say in our political affairs.

It is far from third world or a shit hole.
Neither do you...

Of course I have a say in my country's political affairs. I vote, don't I? We also have a real constitution, not like yours, that was scribbled on the back of a McDonald's napkin.

Our constitution allows us rights that only free men and women enjoy, unlike you slaves. I even get to carry a loaded, cocked, and locked Glock under my hoodie most anywhere I go, any time I want to. Wouldn't leave the house without it.

You poor saps on the other hand, don't even have the right to protect yourselves. How does it feel to be a potential murder victim and nothing but a possible statistic or a chalk outline on the pavement? It must suck for you but don't worry, the police will be there seconds after you call them, won't they?


Fuck off, foreigner. Your country's a third world shithole and you have no say in our political affairs.

It is far from third world or a shit hole.
Neither do you...

Of course I have a say in my country's political affairs. I vote, don't I? We also have a real constitution, not like yours, that was scribbled on the back of a McDonald's napkin.

Our constitution allows us rights that only free men and women enjoy, unlike you slaves. I even get to carry a loaded, cocked, and locked Glock under my hoodie most anywhere I go, any time I want to. Wouldn't leave the house without it.

You poor saps on the other hand, don't even have the right to protect yourselves. How does it feel to be a potential murder victim and nothing but a possible statistic or a chalk outline on the pavement? It must suck for you but don't worry, the police will be there seconds after you call them, won't they?



Oh, you're a lib dressed up as a Repub. I get it. Your sarcasm is noted. Troll...
Fuck off, foreigner. Your country's a third world shithole and you have no say in our political affairs.

It is far from third world or a shit hole.
Neither do you...

Of course I have a say in my country's political affairs. I vote, don't I? We also have a real constitution, not like yours, that was scribbled on the back of a McDonald's napkin.

Our constitution allows us rights that only free men and women enjoy, unlike you slaves. I even get to carry a loaded, cocked, and locked Glock under my hoodie most anywhere I go, any time I want to. Wouldn't leave the house without it.

You poor saps on the other hand, don't even have the right to protect yourselves. How does it feel to be a potential murder victim and nothing but a possible statistic or a chalk outline on the pavement? It must suck for you but don't worry, the police will be there seconds after you call them, won't they?



Oh, you're a lib dressed up as a Repub. I get it. Your sarcasm is noted. Troll...

Da fuq does that even mean?

Apparently English is your second language, right?

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