"""Which Puppet?"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
The Latest: Clinton says she'll pick 'very qualified' VP Puppet
Jul. 14, 2016 2:55 PM EDT

Socialist Hillary Clinton is assuring Senate Socialist Democrats that she will pick a "very qualified" vice presidential socialist candidate puppet during their weekly luncheon on Capitol Hill.

The former terrible secretary of state was asked during the private luncheon who she would choose as her running socialist mate, prompting a roar from the socialist audience and promises that they wouldn't tell anyone. I`m looking for a yes mam, no mam, socialist puppet.

Socialist Clinton says after the luncheon that she had a "great commie conversation" with them and talked about ways to bring economic opportunity less available to the nation, and build a strong "Socialist Democratic Party."

Lawmakers say Socialist Clinton's former Socialist Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, received applause at the lunch, yes, the Socialist do stick together. The meeting also included potential Socialist Clinton running mates like Socialist Tim(who am I)Kaine of Virginia, Socialist Elizabeth(indian)Warren of Massachusetts and Socialist Sherrod(don`t know anything)Brown of Ohio.

The Latest: Clinton says she'll pick 'very qualified' VP

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