Which of the following spectrums describes the United States political philosophy?

Which spectrum explains American political philosophy?

  • A

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • B

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
A is not based on the US simply because it would be impossible for fascism to not be progressive. Anything that deviates from liberty in the US is progressive.

Because Hitler was such a progressive????

Actually political scientists abandoned the single line L-R system many years ago precisely because it does not explicitly deal with the economic systems are in place in a particular country.

Economics is not complicated, you either have free markets or you have central planning. What else is there to it? I have read Sowell, Hazlet, and a few other Austrians. I know Keynes liked to over complicate things but...look where that has got us.

That's the problem with people like you, there is no in-between in your mind.

Just black and white can exist, never shades of grey.

why over-complicate simple concepts? I will tell you why, to make the public think you need an "expert" to do the job. It is just another form of propaganda that "you people" have fallen for. Try to learn yourself, objectively, and you will see all of these issus are much simpler than what the academics and politicians would have you believe.
Simple question, was Bush a "Small Government" conservative or a "Big Government" Neocon?

Next question... What's the difference between a Bush Neocon and a Obama Progressive liberal based on policy?


Both of them and practically all our politicians are center to extreme rightists. Even our "leftists" are still pretty far right when compared with the full spectrum of political thought. I laugh at this perception that Obama is a leftist, real leftists know they have no friend in Obama, far from it.

Bush was a big-government pseudo-conservative.

The difference is about 5%
Economics is not complicated, you either have free markets or you have central planning. What else is there to it? I have read Sowell, Hazlet, and a few other Austrians. I know Keynes liked to over complicate things but...look where that has got us.

That's the problem with people like you, there is no in-between in your mind.

Just black and white can exist, never shades of grey.

why over-complicate simple concepts? I will tell you why, to make the public think you need an "expert" to do the job. It is just another form of propaganda that "you people" have fallen for. Try to learn yourself, objectively, and you will see all of these issus are much simpler than what the academics and politicians would have you believe.

Funny that you should bring up the word Objective after telling me everything is simply black or white.
That's the problem with people like you, there is no in-between in your mind.

Just black and white can exist, never shades of grey.

why over-complicate simple concepts? I will tell you why, to make the public think you need an "expert" to do the job. It is just another form of propaganda that "you people" have fallen for. Try to learn yourself, objectively, and you will see all of these issus are much simpler than what the academics and politicians would have you believe.

Funny that you should bring up the word Objective after telling me everything is simply black or white.

can you quote me when I said that? I can't seem to find where I said that "everything" is "black and white." thanks.
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Yea, I fell a tad left of the center closer to the bottom.

aka you support tyrannical government. nice! so much for your oath of service right? good job.

Actually, it says I support near anarchy. Tyrannical is the opposite way. Perhaps you would like to look at their chart again?

no you don't. I bet you support the EPA, DOE (both of them), FCC, and other tyrannical government agencies. don't spout bullshit.
aka you support tyrannical government. nice! so much for your oath of service right? good job.

Actually, it says I support near anarchy. Tyrannical is the opposite way. Perhaps you would like to look at their chart again?

no you don't. I bet you support the EPA, DOE (both of them), FCC, and other tyrannical government agencies. don't spout bullshit.

You aren't very good at spatial coordination, are you.

Why don't you tell me where center bottom is.


C'mon I know you can do it. It isn't terribly difficult.
Why don't you tell me if supporting the EPA for example is anarchistic with a straight face? also that chart is flawed because libertarian is under anarchism? Wtf? Right.
Why don't you tell me if supporting the EPA for example is anarchistic with a straight face? also that chart is flawed because libertarian is under anarchism? Wtf? Right.

Libertarian in its purest form is anarchy, you should know that.

There are moderate libertarians, just as there are moderate conservatives and liberals.

This is why the black-white mindset is extremely flawed. You think of things only in terms of extremes.

And no, I don't support the EPA moron, I don't support any government agency in its entirety unless it serves the people.
It's useless, the great political scientist Glenn Beck has changed the definitions so radically on these people that they may never be able to have a real discussion on this subject ever again.
Why don't you tell me if supporting the EPA for example is anarchistic with a straight face? also that chart is flawed because libertarian is under anarchism? Wtf? Right.

Libertarian in its purest form is anarchy, you should know that.

There are moderate libertarians, just as there are moderate conservatives and liberals.

This is why the black-white mindset is extremely flawed. You think of things only in terms of extremes.

And no, I don't support the EPA moron, I don't support any government agency in its entirety unless it serves the people.

and WHO has the right to make the judgment of whether or not it serves the people?
Why don't you tell me if supporting the EPA for example is anarchistic with a straight face? also that chart is flawed because libertarian is under anarchism? Wtf? Right.

Libertarian in its purest form is anarchy, you should know that.

There are moderate libertarians, just as there are moderate conservatives and liberals.

This is why the black-white mindset is extremely flawed. You think of things only in terms of extremes.

And no, I don't support the EPA moron, I don't support any government agency in its entirety unless it serves the people.

and WHO has the right to make the judgment of whether or not it serves the people?


Libertarian in its purest form is anarchy, you should know that.

There are moderate libertarians, just as there are moderate conservatives and liberals.

This is why the black-white mindset is extremely flawed. You think of things only in terms of extremes.

And no, I don't support the EPA moron, I don't support any government agency in its entirety unless it serves the people.

and WHO has the right to make the judgment of whether or not it serves the people?



Ok, so you are for direct democracy instead of constitutional republic? I am trying to understand.

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