Which LIE has affected millions of people in 2017?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Hmmm... let's see.
Trump still in office. Obama is out of office.
Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500
And Obama wasn't talking about government subsidized insurance or expanding Medicaid or anything like that. He specifically focused on employer provided health care. For "people who already have insurance, and the employers who are providing it," he said at one campaign event, "we will work to lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family."

So between the two of them who is the BIGGEST LIAR?

Remember... Obama's PLEDGE was to lower employer's health insurance premiums paid by an employee!

So how has Obama's LIE affected Americans?
Well not only has the premiums GONE up...(remember he pledged they'd drop $2,500) $4,865 but
guess what will happen if Obamacare isn't repealed:
  • Cadillac tax. The survey provides an updated look at employers’ response to the Affordable Care Act’s excise tax on high-cost health plans, sometimes called the “Cadillac tax,” which is now scheduled to take effect in 2020. Nearly two thirds (64%) of large employers offering health benefits say that they conducted an analysis to determine if any of their plans would exceed the Cadillac tax thresholds, and a quarter (27%) of this group say their largest plan would do so.
Average Annual Workplace Family Health Premiums Rise Modest 3% to $18,142 in 2016; More Workers Enroll in High-Deductible Plans With Savings Option Over Past Two Years

So how about non-employer health care premiums?
Obamacare continues to be a slow-motion train wreck. An analysis by Charles Gaba (an ACA supporter) shows that average premium increases in the non-group market will average 24% for 2017.
Last month's decision by AetnaAET +0.23% (the nation's third largest insurer) to dump 80% of its Obamacare subscribers for 2017 came on the heels of the decision by UnitedHealth (the nation's largest health insurer) to likewise cut back enormously on its participation in the Obamacare exchanges (3 states in 2017 vs. 34 states this year). Yet another of the nation's "big 5" health insurers, HumanaHUM +0.01%, will offer coverage in just 156 counties in 2017, 88 percent fewer than this year.
Health Insurance Premiums Have Continued To Rise Faster Than Worker Wages Under Obamacare
And this was written last year!

Average premium in the non-group market increase this year by 24% with fewer insurance companies participating meaning less competition meaning HIGHER prices!

See what most ignorant Obamacare supporters and Obama weren't aware of was those EVIL profits
insurance companies make? They provide the reserves that pay future claims.
And with more people participating that WILL USE their health insurance, the smaller the profits,
the less available for reserves for future claims... well this is the biggest reason for this outcome:
There's no question many insurers are losing big money on Obamacare.
Costs exceeded income by 5% in 2014, and that figure doubled the following year, according to McKinsey's Center for U.S. Health System Reform. Losses are expected to grow this year.

Only 30% of insurers ran profitable individual divisions in 2014. That share slipped to about a quarter last year, according to McKinsey.
Insurers that have fared better on the exchanges typically offer more restrictive policies. They have more limited networks of doctors and hospitals and manage their enrollees' health care usage more tightly.
Will Obamacare survive as insurers pull out?

So in my estimation...
Obama takes the title of
"Liar who has had the biggest negative affect on Americans"!

Trump lies and according to some that is winning..Oblama lies and somehow those same people call him a loser....yet they still can't stop being sycophants for lying politicians....Makes no sense to me..
Lefties need to chill out for the summer or find a hobby. Trump hasn't even been in office five months and it's going to be a long four years for y'all
Obama and Hillary both emerged from the mob run Chicago democratic machine so that is not a shock
Don't think the Trumpster will last much longer, this Russia thing is growing like Topsy.
What we need to think about is 'What's a Pence healthcare system gonna look like?'

Love yr Ikey signature, Pogo! The 'hanging' metaphor is pure genius.
Lefties need to chill out for the summer or find a hobby. Trump hasn't even been in office five months and it's going to be a long four years for y'all
Your guy has stumbled out of the gate, and everyone one is wondering "when is the winning going to start.'"
Don't think the Trumpster will last much longer, this Russia thing is growing like Topsy.
What we need to think about is 'What's a Pence healthcare system gonna look like?'

Love yr Ikey signature, Pogo! The 'hanging' metaphor is pure genius.

Thangyew, but it's Eisenhower.
He was a Republican, which is I guess why the text shifts to the right...? :eusa_shifty:
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Hmmm... let's see.
Trump still in office. Obama is out of office.
Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500
And Obama wasn't talking about government subsidized insurance or expanding Medicaid or anything like that. He specifically focused on employer provided health care. For "people who already have insurance, and the employers who are providing it," he said at one campaign event, "we will work to lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family."
Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500

So between the two of them who is the BIGGEST LIAR?

Remember... Obama's PLEDGE was to lower employer's health insurance premiums paid by an employee!

So how has Obama's LIE affected Americans?
Well not only has the premiums GONE up...(remember he pledged they'd drop $2,500) $4,865 but
guess what will happen if Obamacare isn't repealed:

    • Cadillac tax. The survey provides an updated look at employers’ response to the Affordable Care Act’s excise tax on high-cost health plans, sometimes called the “Cadillac tax,” which is now scheduled to take effect in 2020. Nearly two thirds (64%) of large employers offering health benefits say that they conducted an analysis to determine if any of their plans would exceed the Cadillac tax thresholds, and a quarter (27%) of this group say their largest plan would do so.
Average Annual Workplace Family Health Premiums Rise Modest 3% to $18,142 in 2016; More Workers Enroll in High-Deductible Plans With Savings Option Over Past Two Years

So how about non-employer health care premiums?
Obamacare continues to be a slow-motion train wreck. An analysis by Charles Gaba (an ACA supporter) shows that average premium increases in the non-group market will average 24% for 2017.
Last month's decision by AetnaAET +0.23% (the nation's third largest insurer) to dump 80% of its Obamacare subscribers for 2017 came on the heels of the decision by UnitedHealth (the nation's largest health insurer) to likewise cut back enormously on its participation in the Obamacare exchanges (3 states in 2017 vs. 34 states this year). Yet another of the nation's "big 5" health insurers, HumanaHUM +0.01%, will offer coverage in just 156 counties in 2017, 88 percent fewer than this year.
Health Insurance Premiums Have Continued To Rise Faster Than Worker Wages Under Obamacare
And this was written last year!

Average premium in the non-group market increase this year by 24% with fewer insurance companies participating meaning less competition meaning HIGHER prices!

See what most ignorant Obamacare supporters and Obama weren't aware of was those EVIL profits
insurance companies make? They provide the reserves that pay future claims.
And with more people participating that WILL USE their health insurance, the smaller the profits,
the less available for reserves for future claims... well this is the biggest reason for this outcome:
There's no question many insurers are losing big money on Obamacare.
Costs exceeded income by 5% in 2014, and that figure doubled the following year, according to McKinsey's Center for U.S. Health System Reform. Losses are expected to grow this year.

Only 30% of insurers ran profitable individual divisions in 2014. That share slipped to about a quarter last year, according to McKinsey.
Insurers that have fared better on the exchanges typically offer more restrictive policies. They have more limited networks of doctors and hospitals and manage their enrollees' health care usage more tightly.
Will Obamacare survive as insurers pull out?

So in my estimation...
Obama takes the title of
"Liar who has had the biggest negative affect on Americans"!

Q. Which one of Trump's lies has had the most negative impact on the United States

A. "Believe me"
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
30 of Donald Trump's wildest quotes
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Hmmm... let's see.
Trump still in office. Obama is out of office.
Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500
And Obama wasn't talking about government subsidized insurance or expanding Medicaid or anything like that. He specifically focused on employer provided health care. For "people who already have insurance, and the employers who are providing it," he said at one campaign event, "we will work to lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family."
Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500

So between the two of them who is the BIGGEST LIAR?

Remember... Obama's PLEDGE was to lower employer's health insurance premiums paid by an employee!

So how has Obama's LIE affected Americans?
Well not only has the premiums GONE up...(remember he pledged they'd drop $2,500) $4,865 but
guess what will happen if Obamacare isn't repealed:

    • Cadillac tax. The survey provides an updated look at employers’ response to the Affordable Care Act’s excise tax on high-cost health plans, sometimes called the “Cadillac tax,” which is now scheduled to take effect in 2020. Nearly two thirds (64%) of large employers offering health benefits say that they conducted an analysis to determine if any of their plans would exceed the Cadillac tax thresholds, and a quarter (27%) of this group say their largest plan would do so.
Average Annual Workplace Family Health Premiums Rise Modest 3% to $18,142 in 2016; More Workers Enroll in High-Deductible Plans With Savings Option Over Past Two Years

So how about non-employer health care premiums?
Obamacare continues to be a slow-motion train wreck. An analysis by Charles Gaba (an ACA supporter) shows that average premium increases in the non-group market will average 24% for 2017.
Last month's decision by AetnaAET +0.23% (the nation's third largest insurer) to dump 80% of its Obamacare subscribers for 2017 came on the heels of the decision by UnitedHealth (the nation's largest health insurer) to likewise cut back enormously on its participation in the Obamacare exchanges (3 states in 2017 vs. 34 states this year). Yet another of the nation's "big 5" health insurers, HumanaHUM +0.01%, will offer coverage in just 156 counties in 2017, 88 percent fewer than this year.
Health Insurance Premiums Have Continued To Rise Faster Than Worker Wages Under Obamacare
And this was written last year!

Average premium in the non-group market increase this year by 24% with fewer insurance companies participating meaning less competition meaning HIGHER prices!

See what most ignorant Obamacare supporters and Obama weren't aware of was those EVIL profits
insurance companies make? They provide the reserves that pay future claims.
And with more people participating that WILL USE their health insurance, the smaller the profits,
the less available for reserves for future claims... well this is the biggest reason for this outcome:
There's no question many insurers are losing big money on Obamacare.
Costs exceeded income by 5% in 2014, and that figure doubled the following year, according to McKinsey's Center for U.S. Health System Reform. Losses are expected to grow this year.

Only 30% of insurers ran profitable individual divisions in 2014. That share slipped to about a quarter last year, according to McKinsey.
Insurers that have fared better on the exchanges typically offer more restrictive policies. They have more limited networks of doctors and hospitals and manage their enrollees' health care usage more tightly.
Will Obamacare survive as insurers pull out?

So in my estimation...
Obama takes the title of
"Liar who has had the biggest negative affect on Americans"!

Q. Which one of Trump's lies has had the most negative impact on the United States

A. "Believe me"

We are talking about RIGHT this moment! Some people are dying because they believed Obama and that Obamacare would take care of them!
NO ONE is admitting that but it is happening!
Somewhere someone who was working for a company that had to let someone go because Obamacare required any company over 50 employees must have
insurance. As a result someone who had health insurance went on Obamacare but NOW is forced to pay more money... $4,000 more!
And they can't afford it and their house payment. So they drop Obamacare and now they have terminal cancer! Something that would have been
covered under their employer's health plan!
All because idiots believed Obama's LIE!
But critics counter that the narrative dismisses the concerns of those who haven't realized the law's promises. Many middle-class Americans who get no help from the government to pay for coverage – and who rarely use medical care – say the law has caused them financial harm and diminished their quality of life. Finding costs insurmountable, some say they are passing on coverage or using loopholes that offer them access to medical care without crippling their finances.
To 42-year-old Tiffany, one of several people U.S. News spoke with whose last names are being withheld to protect their privacy, the costs of coverage to her and her husband this year were overwhelming: $1,221.20 per month, with an $11,700 deductible. If they were to divorce, they realized, they would qualify for cheaper coverage. Alternatively, Tiffany's husband, who is self-employed, would need to make an extra $20,000 a year to make up the difference once medication and doctor visits are factored in.
Though the option of ending their 17-year marriage wasn't truly on the table, to them it accentuated the lack of options they faced this year. The Columbus, Ohio-area residents already had been unhappy with the plan they bought the previous year, finding that it covered few of the services they needed. Their regular medical needs include providing medication for a daughter with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and another with mild asthma.

'Which LIE has affected millions of people in 2017?'

It's not even close:

'The Russians 'hacked the election', and Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.'

Coming in a distant 2nd is, 'Obamacare is NOT collapsing'. :p

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