Which Is Worse? Trump at Helsinki or FDR at Yalta? It's Not Even Close


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
If Democrats are furious and outraged over Trump's expression of doubt about Russian meddling at the Helsinki press conference, they should, at the very least, be equally furious and enraged over the fact that FDR sold out Eastern Europe to Stalin at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. Stalin murdered 20 million Soviets, among others, before WW II even began. Putin is a minor-league tyrant compared to Stalin.

FDR's shocking and tragic sellout to Stalin at Yalta was preceded by previous acts of betrayal of Eastern European nations. FDR also sold out European Jews and opposed the creation of a Jewish state.

History Can't Be Rewritten To Defend FDR's Behavior At Yalta

Roosevelt’s Failure at Yalta


https://mises.org/sites/default/files/Roosevelts Road to Russia_3.pdf

FDR at Yalta: Walking With the Devil

How FDR Appeased Stalin and Sowed the Seeds of the Cold War

1943 – The Year FDR Betrayed the Baltic States

FDR’s Costly Enchantment with Stalin

Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

All but the Jews


Damn. This is the most desperate I have ever seen you Trump sheep. Even you know he fucked up and you will go to great lengths to avoid having to admit it.
Damn, I didn't know people should be EQUALLY furious about something that happened like 70 fucking years ago! Makes sense.
Trump/Putin was just like 9/11? so how many people have jumped from high rises since the meeting?
The Trump/Putin summit was not a great and shinning moment for Trump nor was it the end of the world as we know it. There is a word many people should familiarize themselves with, Perspective the ability to consider things in relation to one another accuratley and fairly.
maybe someone out there can take this poll? which is worse? being stuck in an elevator for 48 hours with both nancy pelosi and maxine waters, or having to deal with Trump meeting with Putin.
Damn. This is the most desperate I have ever seen you Trump sheep. Even you know he &^%%$$$ and you will go to great lengths to avoid having to admit it.

So you're not going to address the hypocrisy and double-standard? You're not going to address the fact that Trump's gaffe at Helsinki pales in comparison to FDR's handing over tens of millions of people to Stalin's tyranny at Yalta? (In fact, many liberals still, to this day, deny that FDR did anything wrong at Yalta!!!)

And, FYI, I've made it clear in several posts that I believe that Trump erred when he expressed doubt about Russian meddling and when he said that he trusted both sides. I've said those statements were mistakes and should not have been uttered. But those two gaffes pale in comparison to what FDR did at Yalta.
Damn, I didn't know people should be EQUALLY furious about something that happened like 70 fucking years ago! Makes sense.

Well, I hear that the Lenape nation is still pissed about members of their tribe selling Manhattan for $24 bucks...it's roughly the same correlation between Trump and FDR.
It's a very simple, factual point: The damage that FDR did at Yalta in February 1945 far, far outweighs the "damage" that Trump did with his two gaffes at Helsinki. FDR's betrayal at Yalta consigned tens of millions of Eastern Europeans to Soviet tyranny and brutality for decades. To this day, most Democrats refuse to face the truth about FDR's Yalta betrayal. When George W. Bush formally apologized for FDR's Yalta sellout, the Left howled in denial.

Bush Apologizes for FDR’s Sellout at Yalta - BAFL

Given the fact that some of FDR's top advisers and other members of his administration were Soviet spies or extremely pro-Soviet, it is not surprising that he finalized his sellout of Eastern Europe at Yalta.

Stalin's Agents

Soviets penetrated Roosevelt summit Declassified files show American spied on Churchill meeting

Roosevelt and Stalin — The Subversion of FDR's Government by Communist Traitors and Fellow Travelers | Hacienda Publishing

So if you are upset over Helsinki, you should be outraged over Yalta. Is any liberal here willing to admit that whatever "damage" Trump did with his two ill-advised comments in Helsinki pales in comparison to the real damage that FDR did at Yalta?
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Yalta was over seventy years ago, yes.

Helsinki was this week, yes.

Trump, despite FDR, fucked up, yes.
Here's a fascinating and informative excerpt from Conrad Black's recent article on the the Trump-Putin press conference:

The president could have made the point that former U.S. Ambassador Jack Matlock made last week that the intelligence community had in fact only tentatively concluded that there was official Russian meddling of a very insignificant and ineffectual kind in the 2016 election. He could have dwelt on the fact that all that has really been unearthed is about $10 million of rather vague advertisements on Facebook decrying the general condition of the country, compared to an unprecedented $250 million of Clinton attack ads against Trump in that campaign.

And he could certainly have remarked that since Brennan and Clapper both had accused Trump of colluding with the Russians, and he had done nothing of the kind (as Putin affirmed), and since there was not a shred of evidence to corroborate that allegation or Clapper’s claim that the Russians had tipped the election to Trump, and as both Clapper and Brennan, as well as Comey, had lied to Congress under oath in related matters, he, President Trump, put more faith in Putin’s account of the absence of collusion than in the defamatory allegations of the former leaders of the American intelligence community. He might even have added that the United States had interfered countless times in the internal electoral processes, even primitive ones, of dozens of countries (including Russia) over many decades, and cautioned against excessive righteousness. (Trump Will Win This Round With the Deep State - American Greatness)​
Trumpsters, have no problem with Trump pissing on these graves.
One needs to be reminded why the far left holds FDR as a God:

1 - Invaded a country that did not attack the US.
2 - Put American citizens in prison camps.
3 - Pushed socialist and communist ideas and passed them off as good for America.
4 - Help to build the great Military Industrial Complex.
5 - Stack SCOTUS so he could pass unconstitutional laws.
6 - Lie America into a war.

And so on...
Yalta was over seventy years ago, yes.

Helsinki was this week, yes.

Trump, despite FDR, fucked up, yes.

You know...Yalta might hve been 70 years ago, but it affected
the entire world for the next 50 years, and still affects us in many
ways today. What happned at Helsinki is meaningless. Russia
wasn't given anything.

At Yalta, they walked away with Poland, Bulgara, Czech., Hungary,
Albania and East Germany. Titov had already given them Yugoslavia.

That changed the world map. They not only had the USSR, but they had
satellite states.

We had to defend against that for the next half-century.

That wasn't some flub, that was selling out the World. And we and the world
paid a steep price for that.

Besides I get confused with the mixed rhetoric anyway. The first part of
Trump's trip, he was critiqued for being mean to our NATO allies. And he was being mean because we pay hundreds of billions of dollars into NATO
and Western Europe is keeping Russia afloat buying their natural gas.
The Western Europeans are working with the Russians and want us to defend them from Russia. That doesn't make a lot of sense...does it?

Then Trump doesn't overly defend our intel agencies and it is 9/11 again?


Make up your fucking mind. If Russia is an enemy...then our allies better
not be doing business with them...correct? CORRECT?

It's like the "eternal triangle" and it shouldn't be. We should let the Western
Europeans know they have a choice to make. They buy out energy and we
defend them or they can buy Russia's energy and they can defend themselves. Pull out of NATO and Pull out of the UN. We can go head-to-head vs the Russians on our own and piss on Western Europe.
Helsinki, then, according to DJT, is as bad as Yalta.

If so, impeach Trump right now.

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