Which is better?

What should our policy be

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Feb 22, 2004
Constantly spending more than we take in with no thought of ever balancing our budget?


Limiting our spending to our revenues and living within our means?

Which of these two should be our policy as a individuals and as a nation?
Even people who live off welfare don't live within their means. They take and take and have more kids and get fatter and we just keep giving them OUR money because if we don't WE get put in jail.

How can you even begin to fix a system that treats people so unfairly?
Constantly spending more than we take in with no thought of ever balancing our budget?


Limiting our spending to our revenues and living within our means?

Which of these two should be our policy as a individuals and as a nation?

There is also the option of increasing revenues while cutting spending.

If spending is constantly going up and the house controls the purse strings then who is at least partially at fault for the increased spending?

According to this article from another thread I found it interesting that few people noticed how republicans increased spending over what obama wanted for defense by $3 billion.

WASHINGTON – On the same day that President Barack Obama declared his support for same-sex marriage, the House Armed Services Committee backed measures prohibiting the practice on U.S. military bases.

The panel stepped into the gays in the military issue as it considered a sweeping, $642 billion defense bill for next year that buys new weapons, ships and aircraft, increases military pay by 1.7 percent and sets policies for the Pentagon. The committee worked through the day Wednesday and into the early morning Thursday on the legislation that adds billions of dollars to the president's budget request.

The committee fleshed out a blueprint for next year that calls for a base defense budget of $554 billion, including nuclear weapons spending, plus $88 billion for the war in Afghanistan and counterterrorism efforts. That compares with the administration's proposal of $551 billion, plus $88 billion.
House panel votes to ban same-sex marriages on US military bases | Fox News

so much for limiting spending.
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Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.
Avatar's beef is with the defense contractors and their cozy relationship w/ many of the pols right Avatar? :eusa_whistle: Because, as many know, social services for the poor make up a pittance of the budget.
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Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL. And the moon is made of green cheese!

#1. Limit our military budget to no more than is spent by the next seven nations combined.

#2. Return to the tax structure under Clinton, with an increase of 5% for those making over $1,000,000.

#3. Cut all government subsidies to businesses making a profit.
Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?
Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue
Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

If my pay were contingent upon how much the "boss" was earning, and the boss earned more if I had more to spend, then, yes.
But comparing the extortion of taxes from those who earn them in order to pay off those who do not earn them is not the same as government "earning" that money. IOW, government does nothing to "earn" money. They do not make "profits" that can be used to grow business. Government only takes a portion of the money, the profits, earned by individuals and businesses. When there is more money in circulation being spent by individuals, thereby stimulating business growth, there are more sources for taxes. Take too much, and government stifles growth and chokes off the sole source of revenue available to it, taxes.
Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

A proven fact that is consistently ignored by libturds because it does not fit into their beloved narrative that the "rich" are bad and those sucking the public teat are the "good" victims of the evil "rich".
Facts must be manufactured to fit the narrative, or they need not be considered factual at all.
Constantly spending more than we take in with no thought of ever balancing our budget?


Limiting our spending to our revenues and living within our means?

Which of these two should be our policy as a individuals and as a nation?

Gee that poll isn't skewed a la Rasmussen at all, is it?

Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??
LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??

So you see no correlation between skyrocketing debt and skyrocketing spending? That's coincidence?

(and btw, Obama's tax policy is the same as Bush's)
LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??

We do not have a revenue problem... even with the Bush "tax cuts"... but spending grew exponentially.. that spending is the problem...

Equality in treatment... you know.. that equality think ones like you scream for.. that is when it benefits you or your cause... then conveniently toss aside when you need to have the government treat someone unequally when it benefits your cause
Im all for tax cuts to raise revenues and spending cuts to cut costs.

LOL if only it were that easy. LOL

So based on how you tried to compare this to an individual, do you believe that if you take a pay cut you will bring in more income?

If my pay were contingent upon how much the "boss" was earning, and the boss earned more if I had more to spend, then, yes.
But comparing the extortion of taxes from those who earn them in order to pay off those who do not earn them is not the same as government "earning" that money. IOW, government does nothing to "earn" money. They do not make "profits" that can be used to grow business. Government only takes a portion of the money, the profits, earned by individuals and businesses. When there is more money in circulation being spent by individuals, thereby stimulating business growth, there are more sources for taxes. Take too much, and government stifles growth and chokes off the sole source of revenue available to it, taxes.

uh you do realize that comparing the individual to the government is a rightwing tactic don't you? LOL

If you have a problem with the tactic talk to them.
As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??

So you see no correlation between skyrocketing debt and skyrocketing spending? That's coincidence?

(and btw, Obama's tax policy is the same as Bush's)

care to show when and where I SAID there was no correlation? Oh you mena I didn't and in order to try and make a cheap point you try to put words into my mouth and attack me for a postion I never had.

I see it as an all of the above problem I even meantioned decreased spending in my previous post but that FACT is not important to you when you are trying to define someone based on your misguided preconcieved notions.

and BTW the extention of W's tax cuts by obama doesn't change the fact that tax rates are at their lowest and the problem still exists.

Oh and republicans are part of teh spending problem too. I citied a link ewarlier but it's funny how none of the conservatives wished to address how the republcians controlled house increased obama defense budget by $3 billion. lol

no comment on this either

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so?
Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??

So you see no correlation between skyrocketing debt and skyrocketing spending? That's coincidence?

(and btw, Obama's tax policy is the same as Bush's)

care to show when and where I SAID there was no correlation? Oh you mena I didn't and in order to try and make a cheap point you try to put words into my mouth and attack me for a postion I never had.

I see it as an all of the above problem I even meantioned decreased spending in my previous post but that FACT is not important to you when you are trying to define someone based on your misguided preconcieved notions.

and BTW the extention of W's tax cuts by obama doesn't change the fact that tax rates are at their lowest and the problem still exists.

Oh and republicans are part of teh spending problem too. I citied a link ewarlier but it's funny how none of the conservatives wished to address how the republcians controlled house increased obama defense budget by $3 billion. lol

no comment on this either

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so?

I'm not a republican, I hate that party equally as much as I hate the party you love.

But you're starting to sound less partisan, so kudos on that.

Both parties have a HUGE problem with spending, and the strategy of re-electing all of them to fix the problem they created we've proven hasn't worked.
As if the federal government does not earn other taxation revenues when things are bought with monies from earnings that people have more of as a result on lesser income taxation

Cutting income tax can and does raise more federal revenue

Tax rates are lower than they ever have been and yet we still have skyrocketing debt and the republican answer is for the governemnt to take a paycut (using their analogy of the individual) instead of trying to actually increase revenues.

BTW if cutting income taxes is the answer then why do republcians constantly argue that we need to "broaden the tax base" and increase income taxes on the roughly 40% who don't pay income taxes because they are too poor to do so??

We do not have a revenue problem... even with the Bush "tax cuts"... but spending grew exponentially.. that spending is the problem...

Equality in treatment... you know.. that equality think ones like you scream for.. that is when it benefits you or your cause... then conveniently toss aside when you need to have the government treat someone unequally when it benefits your cause

then why are republcians for increaseing spending as I showed in one of my earlier posts? They added $3 billion to obama's defense budget and i pointed it out in this thread and no one responded.

The fact is that we have an all of the above problem. We need to increase revenues and cut spending.

Why if lower income taxes increase revenues are republicans arguing that we need to "broaden the taxbase" and increase taxes on the roughly 40% who pay no income taxes because they are too poor to do so? Your argument is for lower income taxes to increase revenues so why increase income taxes on the poorest of us?

Equality in teatment? What are you talking about? please explain.

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