Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?
I held my nose and voted D.

Given the R choice I'd do it again.

Never had much hope for change tho.

Slightly lesser of two evils and all.
Not much choice there. In the poll. Should have, "Better than what the republicans offer". This constant Obama the liar routine, especially after following the Bush non existent wmd's act. I think he's done well considering the republicans trying to sabatoge anything he does.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

They did offer something ... the Constitution and a Free Republic (thus the term - Republican).

The constitution. When has either party had an administration that followed the constitution? Is it even practical today? The present day republicans are a far cry away from the republicans of old.
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Not much choice there. In the poll. Should have, "Better than what the republicans offer". This constant Obama the liar routine, especially after following the Bush non existent wmd's act. I think he's done well considering the republicans trying to sabatoge anything he does.

That answer wouldn't have fit well since the man lies every time he moves his lips. Sorry.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

They did offer something ... the Constitution and a Free Republic (thus the term - Republican).

The constitution. When has either party had an administration that followed the constitution? Is it even practical today?

If you understand why the Constitution was formed and the circumstances under which it was formed then you would know that it's EXTREMELY practical today. We're right back where we started. We still need that document to protect from ANY government we might have (Democrat or Republican).
He's a bigger liar than I thought he would...the most ugly, hateful and divisive President I have lived under

can't wait until he's gone

I just pray we survive him

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

They are just being hateful and do not believe what they are saying, otherwise they would give you a choice in the poll.

I gave 5 choices. One thing we can ALL agree on is that he's a liar. You do remember him saying that we can "keep our policy and doctor" - don't you?
Obama was the best one for the Job , no if ands or buts . Mc same we would be at war with Iran , China. Mitt Romney we would be talking wage decrease instead of wage increase .
So the GOP needs to step up and run a candidate that can win . Not some cereal box character. All politicians LIE . Tooth fairy is not real , Santa Claus is not real .

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