Where's all the pro- Gingrich threads?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
He is or was the flavor of the week (Caribou- speak ;) ) until people started wondering about his baggage (3 marriages and associated hypocrisy) and the $1.6- $1.8 million he got from Freddie Mac :razz: :clap2:
Physicians across the country were greeted these past few weeks with a mysterious fax purporting to be from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

There was some good news to share. Gingrich had settled on the 100 or so doctors who would receive his "2010 Champions of Medicine." An email informing his staff as to who had "made the cut" was pasted onto letterhead and sent to the award winners. The subsequent pages included an invitation from Gingrich's conservative group, American Solutions, to an election night event in Washington D.C., were recipients could take in returns and toast the beginning of the end of the president's health care law.

"I am having a party in Washington at the historic Ronald Reagan Building on Election Night, November 2 to honor you and a few of the others who have been selected to receive this prestigious honor," the letter from the "Desk of: Speaker Newt Gingrich" reads. "I decided to have this ceremony on Election Night for two reasons. First, I wanted you to meet a few of my close friends who will be in attendance. But most importantly, I wanted to surround myself with the best and brightest this country has to offer on the night that we set the wheels in motion to repeal Obamacare and replace it with real, meaningful reform."

With the promise of proximity to power and the allure of mutually shared disgust for Obamacare, the invitation is framed as a celebration of the private health care over government intrusion. It's also a bit of a sham. There is no mention of the fact that attendance at the event costs $5,000. Nor, for that matter, is there an explanation as to what merits qualifies someone for the 2010 Champions of Medicine" honor; or that hundreds, if not thousands, have received the same fax.

Newt Gingrich Spams Doctors: Give Me $5000 And I'll Give You A 'Prestigious' Award
Newt Gingrich
--Helped balance a budget; not only that forced Clinton to make a surplus!!!
--Helped reform welfare
--Helped bring the republicans to congresial power for the first time in decades
--A damn good debater
--Most knowledge of the field.

Newt 2012!!!
Newt's about as popular as a truck load of burnt babies.

He is or was the flavor of the week (Caribou- speak ;) ) until people started wondering about his baggage (3 marriages and associated hypocrisy) and the $1.6- $1.8 million he got from Freddie Mac :razz: :clap2:
Newt is a better flavor of the month than Donald Trump

Is that pro-Gingrich?
They're still warming up their spin machines. They can't figure out how they can pretend moral outage at Clinton and yet give Newt a pass.

Don't worry. I have full faith in their hypocrisy....
Relax lefties, republicans don't play the game like y'all do. There's no need to jump up and post a bunch of stuff to defend Gingrich against piddling sissie whining by the left. The double standard don't work anymore.
Physicians across the country were greeted these past few weeks with a mysterious fax purporting to be from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

There was some good news to share. Gingrich had settled on the 100 or so doctors who would receive his "2010 Champions of Medicine." An email informing his staff as to who had "made the cut" was pasted onto letterhead and sent to the award winners. The subsequent pages included an invitation from Gingrich's conservative group, American Solutions, to an election night event in Washington D.C., were recipients could take in returns and toast the beginning of the end of the president's health care law.

"I am having a party in Washington at the historic Ronald Reagan Building on Election Night, November 2 to honor you and a few of the others who have been selected to receive this prestigious honor," the letter from the "Desk of: Speaker Newt Gingrich" reads. "I decided to have this ceremony on Election Night for two reasons. First, I wanted you to meet a few of my close friends who will be in attendance. But most importantly, I wanted to surround myself with the best and brightest this country has to offer on the night that we set the wheels in motion to repeal Obamacare and replace it with real, meaningful reform."

With the promise of proximity to power and the allure of mutually shared disgust for Obamacare, the invitation is framed as a celebration of the private health care over government intrusion. It's also a bit of a sham. There is no mention of the fact that attendance at the event costs $5,000. Nor, for that matter, is there an explanation as to what merits qualifies someone for the 2010 Champions of Medicine" honor; or that hundreds, if not thousands, have received the same fax.

Newt Gingrich Spams Doctors: Give Me $5000 And I'll Give You A 'Prestigious' Award

See?! He thinks outside the box! Real solutions for real problems...like funding. :eusa_whistle:
He is or was the flavor of the week (Caribou- speak ;) ) until people started wondering about his baggage (3 marriages and associated hypocrisy) and the $1.6- $1.8 million he got from Freddie Mac :razz: :clap2:

They are in the same place as all the pro murderer-in-chief threads are.

I'll give the liberals and the far left this; When he murdered a citizen, at least you seem to have taken it to heart in private and most have ceased with the endorsements.

Here's hoping you all remember come election that big 0 cares nothing for the law or the Constitution.
He is or was the flavor of the week (Caribou- speak ;) ) until people started wondering about his baggage (3 marriages and associated hypocrisy) and the $1.6- $1.8 million he got from Freddie Mac :razz: :clap2:

It's not about Newt's personal imperfections or those in politics the last 30 some-odd years; it is about trusting someone who has learned a lot, accomplished a lot and has great ideas and know-how, for returning America to prosperity. Newt.org.
From MSNBC pundits lips to left wing loons USMB posts.

..kinda pathetic there's no thought in between..

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