*This Should Be Huge: Where Is Any Media?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. It just keeps getting better and better.

2. This is unbelievable. Looks well scripted to me. Nothing surprises me anymore!!!

3. Hey, this is great! Imagine the odds of this happening.

4. Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters are occupying?
It's Zuccotti Park .
5. Did you know this park is not owned by the city of New York ?
6. It is owned by Brookfield Properties. Zuccotti Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7. Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
8. Vice President Joe Biden's son.
9. Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
10. Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
LINK: Obama's Occupy WS revolutionaries: Incest is best served hot with taxpayer cash - Forums Forums - Off Topic Forum FUN
11. Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama
12. Stimulus $$$$$$$. ( Brookfield is renewable energy collecting $136M +
$168M (ink still wet) in DOE Federal loan guarantees... )
13. That’s right folks, Brookfield Properties.
LINK: .: New York City Mayor Bloomberg's Live in Girlfriend Owns the Park that Wall Street Protesters Occupy and She Won't Ask Them to Go
14. Isn't life great in America ! Check it out, I have and it's accurate.

15. America , wake up! This administration is the most corrupt in our
nation's history.......................

16. Just wow......

Sorry bout that,

1. It just keeps getting better and better.

2. This is unbelievable. Looks well scripted to me. Nothing surprises me anymore!!!

3. Hey, this is great! Imagine the odds of this happening.

4. Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters are occupying?
It's Zuccotti Park .
5. Did you know this park is not owned by the city of New York ?
6. It is owned by Brookfield Properties. Zuccotti Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7. Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
8. Vice President Joe Biden's son.
9. Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
10. Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
LINK: Obama's Occupy WS revolutionaries: Incest is best served hot with taxpayer cash - Forums Forums - Off Topic Forum FUN
11. Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama
12. Stimulus $$$$$$$. ( Brookfield is renewable energy collecting $136M +
$168M (ink still wet) in DOE Federal loan guarantees... )
13. That’s right folks, Brookfield Properties.
LINK: .: New York City Mayor Bloomberg's Live in Girlfriend Owns the Park that Wall Street Protesters Occupy and She Won't Ask Them to Go
14. Isn't life great in America ! Check it out, I have and it's accurate.

15. America , wake up! This administration is the most corrupt in our

16. Just wow......


You just now figured that out? Whoa! You're swift!
Corrupt cronyism is running wild in this Administration. Solyndra,Siga,GE,and many others. He is paying his big campaign donors quite handsomely. So this doesn't surprise me. It wont get much coverage from the MSM because he's a Democrat. It has already been proven in study after study that most of the MSM does lean Left/Democrat. If this was a Republican Administration,this would be headline news 24/7 on CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC,and all the other Liberal Media Outlets. I've never seen cronyism this bad. We need justice.
This is why there's only a 50/50 chance there'll even be an election in 2012, the next President has to go after Obama for using the government as a money laundering operation
Sorry bout that,

1. I feel this whole country being sucked down a swirling toilet because of this administration.
2. What a shame we all have to ride down the same toilet with nothing we can even do about it.
3. I never thought I would see the day, but you can all kiss your ass goodbye, we are all going down the shitter together.:eek:
4. Isn't it a pity?:eusa_whistle:

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. It just keeps getting better and better.

2. This is unbelievable. Looks well scripted to me. Nothing surprises me anymore!!!

3. Hey, this is great! Imagine the odds of this happening.

4. Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters are occupying?
It's Zuccotti Park .
5. Did you know this park is not owned by the city of New York ?
6. It is owned by Brookfield Properties. Zuccotti Park - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7. Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
8. Vice President Joe Biden's son.
9. Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
10. Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
LINK: Obama's Occupy WS revolutionaries: Incest is best served hot with taxpayer cash - Forums Forums - Off Topic Forum FUN
11. Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama
12. Stimulus $$$$$$$. ( Brookfield is renewable energy collecting $136M +
$168M (ink still wet) in DOE Federal loan guarantees... )
13. That’s right folks, Brookfield Properties.
LINK: .: New York City Mayor Bloomberg's Live in Girlfriend Owns the Park that Wall Street Protesters Occupy and She Won't Ask Them to Go
14. Isn't life great in America ! Check it out, I have and it's accurate.

15. America , wake up! This administration is the most corrupt in our
nation's history.......................

16. Just wow......


Wasn't it Brookfield Properties who originally wanted to evict OWS, but this was stopped by Bloomberg?

And now that OWS has been evicted, Brookfield Properties has hired a lawyer (Joe Biden's son) to protect them from possible legal action by OWS?

Yeah...that all makes sense...especially seeing that Joe Biden's son and Bloomberg's girlfriend are integral members of Obama's adminstration.

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