Where were the tea party people...


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

There were 'stirrings.' Dubai ports, fence and bricks. The idea started then, just wasn't articulated beyond the immediate. My guess is we will see some of these 'event organizers' running against incumbents and winning. They may run as Democrats, as Republicans, or as Libertarians. In any event they will not be the status quo, at least at first.
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?
A lot of the Tea Party people hated Bush's lack of financial skills. Few listened, though. Many who are fiscally conservative were members of the GOP but the GOP's focus on pandering to the RR drowned out their voices. Simply because we are GOP, many of the Dems didn't care to hear us.

Now, you all get to hear us.
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

There were 'stirrings.' Dubai ports, fence and bricks. The idea started then, just wasn't articulated beyond the immediate. My guess is we will see some of these 'event organizers' running against incumbents and winning. They may run as Democrats, as Republicans, or as Libertarians. In any event they will not be the status quo, at least at first.

You don't win elections by NOT being the status quo. That hasn't become obvious in this country yet?
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

There were 'stirrings.' Dubai ports, fence and bricks. The idea started then, just wasn't articulated beyond the immediate. My guess is we will see some of these 'event organizers' running against incumbents and winning. They may run as Democrats, as Republicans, or as Libertarians. In any event they will not be the status quo, at least at first.

You don't win elections by NOT being the status quo. That hasn't become obvious in this country yet?

Simply put: The GOP and the Right did not give a fuck about the tea party people when Bush was President. They still wouldn't of it if McCain/Palin had gotten elected. However, Obama got elected. So they have embraced these people, cheering them on, while those people take their support. Not realizing, not even a year ago, they were shunned by the same group.

The GOP and the Right Wing part of the Media are merely using the tea party groups for their own end. Just like the Democrats and Left Wing part of the Media used the Iraq War Protests for their own end. It didn't stop the Democrats for the most part to vote for the war in the first place.

Hypocrisy at it's best on both sides. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?
They were busy battling gays.[/QUOTE]

Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
There were 'stirrings.' Dubai ports, fence and bricks. The idea started then, just wasn't articulated beyond the immediate. My guess is we will see some of these 'event organizers' running against incumbents and winning. They may run as Democrats, as Republicans, or as Libertarians. In any event they will not be the status quo, at least at first.

You don't win elections by NOT being the status quo. That hasn't become obvious in this country yet?


There would first need to be establishment MONEY going into those campaigns, and I simply don't see it. And if it ever does, then those candidates are not to be trusted ANYWAY.
Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?
They were busy battling gays.

Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
What are you going on about? Yesterday's protest was about gay marriage? Fat, dumb, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
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You don't win elections by NOT being the status quo. That hasn't become obvious in this country yet?


There would first need to be establishment MONEY going into those campaigns, and I simply don't see it. And if it ever does, then those candidates are not to be trusted ANYWAY.

We'll see. I've always believed that 'the people' hold the power, problem has been to enervate them, seems to have already happened.
Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
I found it rather ironic that most of those in attendance were white and over fifty. The base of the Republican party...wingnuts...it never changes.
What are you going on about? Yesterday's protest was about gay marriage? Fat, dumb, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Did you even bother to read you dumb fuck? The majority of the speakers yesterday and the groups funding the Rally are all against Gay Marriage. Thats what I was saying.

Nowhere in my post did I say that yesterday's rally was about Gay Marriage. You really need to learn to read. Being stupid is no way to go through life. (Nice butchering of that Animal House quote by the way.)
Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
I found it rather ironic that most of those in attendance were white and over fifty. The base of the Republican party...wingnuts...it never changes.

Hmm, most? Again you show an inclination to being fair and duplicitous in the same post. What are the percentages racially in this country? There was an over percentage of Cubans specifically and immigrants in general. There were substantial numbers of blacks, which are still just under 11% of the general population; considering that in the last election 90% of those blacks that voted, voted Obama, the number of blacks at tea parties was more than substantial.
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Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
I found it rather ironic that most of those in attendance were white and over fifty. The base of the Republican party...wingnuts...it never changes.

Like Obama's inauguration wasn't mostly black people :rolleyes:

If not, then the media sure did make it SEEM that way.
Still are, I find it highly ironic that so many of the sponsors for yesterday's 9/12 Rally were "rah rah rah" about Freedom but at the same time opposed Gay Marriage and helped fund Prop 8 as well.

Doublethink in action folks.
I found it rather ironic that most of those in attendance were white and over fifty. The base of the Republican party...wingnuts...it never changes.

And they pay the bulk of the taxes too.
I dunno...I pay a lot of taxes.

Maybe the real reason the teabaggers don't want affordable insurance is because that would mean gays can get insurance.

The same people protesting yesterday were in large part the same people that voted Republicans out of power in 2006. Go back and check the news stories for that election and you'll find that the main reason given for the republican loss was the unchecked spending. And Annie was right. People began protesting back in 2005 by sending bricks, signing petitions and manning phone banks. They've discovered that those methods were ineffective and are now engaging in a more in your face type fashion.
...when Bush was President?

Did they exist? Were they protesting, but we just didn't notice?

Or did they all agree with what George Bush was doing?

They were there, voicing their opposition to Bush, they just didn't get national headlines. ;)

Because if there was one thing the national media didn't want to report was people voicing their opposition to Bush /sarcasm

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