Where is Obama?

The whole world is falling apart with riots, war, and natural disaster's and even a nuclear China syndrome taking place. Are Americans safe?????? is California and the west coast at risk???
I don't know about any of you but I would like to hear from our president. Where is Obama?
Answer: Playing golf, that's right the Kenyan Bastard is playing golf.
Thanks a bunch you stupid f-ing libs.

He sent two carrier groups into the path of radiation fallout and the state run media says's nothing. Just think......what if it was Bush that did that?.

Since this seems to be ALL that you morons want to talk about lately, I'm wondering where the opinion piece first appeared and thereafter went viral to all CON sites to repeat ad nauseam. I'm guessing either Drudge or Fox. After all, they will try to drive the hate du jour and have developed it into an art form.

I suspect someone was exploring the archives of moveon.org from somewhere around 2003 and figured, heck, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


But who from the left was writing so much drivel day in and day out? The Internet hadn't yet exploded. At least it wasn't a 24/7/365 nonstop barrage. Let's see, we had only O'Reilly and Limbaugh on the right (maybe Hannity, can't remember if he's been around that long), and Matthews and Olbermann on the left. But none of them was in the driver's seat able to trump the actual news of the day. Now there are over 150 million blogsites alone, and countless online "news" .coms.
President bashing is a 50/50 deal. Bush Obama, not much difference. The real deal is that Obama doesn't have a plan, good or bad just no plan so lets golf, vacation or talk about basketball. oil is up 300% gas is skyrocketing, the middle east is on fire and he hardly mentions it.

I wonder what he thought the job was when he ran for office. I would love to have a president that gets it.

During the BP oil crisis you people complained that he talked too much. That he should be right down there getting his hands dirty. So he did that and you said he was grandstanding for photo ops. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. And ya know what? I don't think he gives a damn what you think. At least he doesn't turn out the light and go to sleep at 9PM every night, and he can often be found in the Oval Office on weekends, unless of course he takes some personal time to play golf or a half-hour to make his March Madness picks.
It amazes me how people on the left cant seem to remember how Bush was criticized for just about every move he made....
For those that did not vote for Obama....I can understand them continually looking for fault in him. It is human nature.

But for those that voted for him?

I laugh at how you defend every thing he does.....page after page in every thread...you support everything.....rationalize anything

Which means that you are living in a fantasy world and only lying to yourself.

Afterall, no man is perfect.
Since this seems to be ALL that you morons want to talk about lately, I'm wondering where the opinion piece first appeared and thereafter went viral to all CON sites to repeat ad nauseam. I'm guessing either Drudge or Fox. After all, they will try to drive the hate du jour and have developed it into an art form.

I suspect someone was exploring the archives of moveon.org from somewhere around 2003 and figured, heck, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


But who from the left was writing so much drivel day in and day out? The Internet hadn't yet exploded. At least it wasn't a 24/7/365 nonstop barrage. Let's see, we had only O'Reilly and Limbaugh on the right (maybe Hannity, can't remember if he's been around that long), and Matthews and Olbermann on the left. But none of them was in the driver's seat able to trump the actual news of the day. Now there are over 150 million blogsites alone, and countless online "news" .coms.

Sorry, you are wrong. I was on a site just like this one in 2003. I joined this site in 2005, I think. From the time Michael Moore put out Fahrenheit 9/11 that became the talking point of the left until after Bush left office. In fact, it still pops up every now and then. I can't tell you how many lefties I read that made ridiculous statements like "Bush was on vacation while he should have been preventing the 9/11 attacks."

Edit: I joined this site in May of '07. This was my fourth site and I had been on a now defunct board from shortly after 9/11. I have wandered the halls of message boards since then.

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For those that did not vote for Obama....I can understand them continually looking for fault in him. It is human nature.

But for those that voted for him?

I laugh at how you defend every thing he does.....page after page in every thread...you support everything.....rationalize anything

Which means that you are living in a fantasy world and only lying to yourself.

Afterall, no man is perfect.

The people like me who defend him get sick and tired of the petty critiques. As long as that continues, I'll continue to defend him. It's really rare that a thread contains an intelligent, civil dialog over the actual issues, pro and con, and this thread is just another example where sniping over something petty is more important than actually discussing US/Obama reactions/actions in the wake of the Japan catastrophe.
For the record, I just looked it up. Fahrenheit 9/11 came out in 2004. So, I was approximately a year early on when exactly I remember the "Bush was on vacation..." and moveon.org archives.

I suspect someone was exploring the archives of moveon.org from somewhere around 2003 and figured, heck, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


But who from the left was writing so much drivel day in and day out? The Internet hadn't yet exploded. At least it wasn't a 24/7/365 nonstop barrage. Let's see, we had only O'Reilly and Limbaugh on the right (maybe Hannity, can't remember if he's been around that long), and Matthews and Olbermann on the left. But none of them was in the driver's seat able to trump the actual news of the day. Now there are over 150 million blogsites alone, and countless online "news" .coms.

Sorry, you are wrong. I was on a site just like this one in 2003. I joined this site in 2005, I think. From the time Michael Moore put out Fahrenheit 9/11 that became the talking point of the left until after Bush left office. In fact, it still pops up every now and then. I can't tell you how many lefties I read that made ridiculous statements like "Bush was on vacation while he should have been preventing the 9/11 attacks."

Edit: I joined this site in May of '07. This was my fourth site and I had been on a now defunct board from shortly after 9/11. I have wandered the halls of message boards since then.


I'm not saying it didn't exist at all. I too belonged to a message board where I read and contributed to activities and events during the Bush Administration, and I did my share of complaining. But the Internet was certainly not FLOODED with blog after blog after blog saying exactly the same thing, which in turn reaches everyone on other blogs and message boards, and before you know it, a certain bitchfest has dominated the evening news. THAT rarely, if ever, happened during the Bush administration. There might have been opinionators and late night bantering, but there wasn't a daily tsunami of Bush Bashing everywhere you turned.

For example, if someone posts some bizarre item that rings not true, or highly embellished, I will Google the subject and will need to wade through four or five pages of right wing blog sites and Internet news outlets all saying exactly the same thing, before I finally find some other source (usually the correct one).
The whole world is falling apart with riots, war, and natural disaster's and even a nuclear China syndrome taking place. Are Americans safe?????? is California and the west coast at risk???
I don't know about any of you but I would like to hear from our president. Where is Obama?
Answer: Playing golf, that's right the Kenyan Bastard is playing golf.
Thanks a bunch you stupid f-ing libs.

He sent two carrier groups into the path of radiation fallout and the state run media says's nothing. Just think......what if it was Bush that did that?.

President's Schedule | The White House

We know what he's doing every hour of the day. Maybe you're too lazy to find out for yourself.
But who from the left was writing so much drivel day in and day out? The Internet hadn't yet exploded. At least it wasn't a 24/7/365 nonstop barrage. Let's see, we had only O'Reilly and Limbaugh on the right (maybe Hannity, can't remember if he's been around that long), and Matthews and Olbermann on the left. But none of them was in the driver's seat able to trump the actual news of the day. Now there are over 150 million blogsites alone, and countless online "news" .coms.

Sorry, you are wrong. I was on a site just like this one in 2003. I joined this site in 2005, I think. From the time Michael Moore put out Fahrenheit 9/11 that became the talking point of the left until after Bush left office. In fact, it still pops up every now and then. I can't tell you how many lefties I read that made ridiculous statements like "Bush was on vacation while he should have been preventing the 9/11 attacks."

Edit: I joined this site in May of '07. This was my fourth site and I had been on a now defunct board from shortly after 9/11. I have wandered the halls of message boards since then.


I'm not saying it didn't exist at all. I too belonged to a message board where I read and contributed to activities and events during the Bush Administration, and I did my share of complaining. But the Internet was certainly not FLOODED with blog after blog after blog saying exactly the same thing, which in turn reaches everyone on other blogs and message boards, and before you know it, a certain bitchfest has dominated the evening news. THAT rarely, if ever, happened during the Bush administration. There might have been opinionators and late night bantering, but there wasn't a daily tsunami of Bush Bashing everywhere you turned.

For example, if someone posts some bizarre item that rings not true, or highly embellished, I will Google the subject and will need to wade through four or five pages of right wing blog sites and Internet news outlets all saying exactly the same thing, before I finally find some other source (usually the correct one).

Okay, we need to get our heads on the same page... I was talking about posters on message boards such as this one.

As for blogs like you are speaking of... I generally avoid them. I find them of no value whatsoever.

For those that did not vote for Obama....I can understand them continually looking for fault in him. It is human nature.

But for those that voted for him?

I laugh at how you defend every thing he does.....page after page in every thread...you support everything.....rationalize anything

Which means that you are living in a fantasy world and only lying to yourself.

Afterall, no man is perfect.

If Obama walked up to a podium, grabbed his forehead, and pulled his face off, revealing that it was a mask and he was in fact Satan himself........................left wingers would declare "Obama is such a great actor!! Wow!"
The whole world is falling apart with riots, war, and natural disaster's and even a nuclear China syndrome taking place. Are Americans safe?????? is California and the west coast at risk???
I don't know about any of you but I would like to hear from our president. Where is Obama?
Answer: Playing golf, that's right the Kenyan Bastard is playing golf.
Thanks a bunch you stupid f-ing libs.

He sent two carrier groups into the path of radiation fallout and the state run media says's nothing. Just think......what if it was Bush that did that?.

President's Schedule | The White House

We know what he's doing every hour of the day. Maybe you're too lazy to find out for yourself.

I also heard Tony Fratto, Bush's Deputy Press Secretary, on some program this morning saying that to disrupt the daily schedule most of which has usually been planned far in advance, often means new orders for the Secret Service and the multitude of other people and/or agenda items that need to be rearranged because of one rescheduling. He reminded people that the president's day is full of little breaks from the major issues/problems of the day which is actually good for the president because it gives him time to clear his head and start fresh again on the more serious issues. And he was speaking from his experience with George Bush, but obviously the same applies to Barack Obama and it will be the same with his successor.
The whole world is falling apart with riots, war, and natural disaster's and even a nuclear China syndrome taking place. Are Americans safe?????? is California and the west coast at risk???
I don't know about any of you but I would like to hear from our president. Where is Obama?
Answer: Playing golf, that's right the Kenyan Bastard is playing golf.
Thanks a bunch you stupid f-ing libs.

He sent two carrier groups into the path of radiation fallout and the state run media says's nothing. Just think......what if it was Bush that did that?.

President's Schedule | The White House

We know what he's doing every hour of the day. Maybe you're too lazy to find out for yourself.

when does he and the family fly to Rio?
The whole world is falling apart with riots, war, and natural disaster's and even a nuclear China syndrome taking place. Are Americans safe?????? is California and the west coast at risk???
I don't know about any of you but I would like to hear from our president. Where is Obama?
Answer: Playing golf, that's right the Kenyan Bastard is playing golf.
Thanks a bunch you stupid f-ing libs.

He sent two carrier groups into the path of radiation fallout and the state run media says's nothing. Just think......what if it was Bush that did that?.

President's Schedule | The White House

We know what he's doing every hour of the day. Maybe you're too lazy to find out for yourself.

when does he and the family fly to Rio?

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Since this seems to be ALL that you morons want to talk about lately, I'm wondering where the opinion piece first appeared and thereafter went viral to all CON sites to repeat ad nauseam. I'm guessing either Drudge or Fox. After all, they will try to drive the hate du jour and have developed it into an art form.

I suspect someone was exploring the archives of moveon.org from somewhere around 2003 and figured, heck, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


But who from the left was writing so much drivel day in and day out? The Internet hadn't yet exploded. At least it wasn't a 24/7/365 nonstop barrage. Let's see, we had only O'Reilly and Limbaugh on the right (maybe Hannity, can't remember if he's been around that long), and Matthews and Olbermann on the left. But none of them was in the driver's seat able to trump the actual news of the day. Now there are over 150 million blogsites alone, and countless online "news" .coms.


blogging goes both ways..no?

remembering back fox was only 7 years old then, so the cable voice from the right wasn't as loud as it is now, they had a much more meager cable presence btw, compared by say ratings etc. *shrugs* the Network news and cnn were always there, and always doing what they do. The print media?

I have provided you with links going back that far,the actual articles etc. too, or, pay for a few lexus nexus searches a and perform a search. I mean you can not really be saying that Bush somehow got a pass?

its kind of like asking right now how much coverage the nastiness unions engaged in in Wisconsin and how much coverage that got comparatively to say the tea party activities, I think meager is probably a darn good description, so if I show you the actual links to articles documenting this in 3 year or 5, are you going to tell me its not true?

Little has changed. Pew has polls going back to 1997 that shows that the media was seen as skewed even then,in 2003-4? BBC, CNN remember what Eason Jordan,who played ball with Saddam for access?
Quit whining, you big sissy!! How the hell is the prez supposed to know if we are safe?? Do you mean from an earthquake?? From a tsunami??? Those things cannot be predicted, remember??? You expect so much from him, but when Bush was prez you all expected, and got, nothing. Except war. As long as it's a Republican it's okay, right?? Go soak your head.

Sheesh ... What's happened to that Sweet Gal I used to know..:lol:

These people get on my last nerve, Lumpy. But for you, the sweetness is still here. :)

Rinata i remember when i used to get on your last nerve.....:lol:.....

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