Where do republicans get this myth that Democrats believe welfare is the key to ending poverty?

Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?

If it were up to me, the law would be that you had to be fixed before you receive any public assistance.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever

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5. Did it reduce poverty, actually?
It did. A recent study from economists at Columbia broke down changes in poverty before and after the government gets involved in the form of taxes and transfers, and found that, when you take government intervention into account, poverty is down considerably from 1967 to 2012, from 26 percent to 16 percent:

Very selective years that they are using. Try from the beginning of the War on Poverty in 1964, and you'll find that it was only reduced 4% from then to today:

The American Welfare State: How We Spend Nearly $1 Trillion a Year Fighting Poverty--And Fail
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.

I wonder if Rightwinger ever considered going to a different pond? Nah, he's that fisherman who just parks himself in on spot and waits ion the fish to come to him.

Typical left winger... no fucking ambition at all.
Fighting the Democrat "War on Poverty" for 50 years, what's the exit strategy?

The War on Poverty was defunded by Republicans decades ago

It has? What did they defund?
Everything you need to know about the war on poverty

Many of the war on poverty's programs — like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Head Start, Job Corps, VISTA and Title I — are still in place today. The Nixon administration largely dismantled the OEO, distributing its functions to a variety of other federal agencies, and eventually the office was renamed in 1975 and then shuttered for good in 1981.

Yet we have more people on our welfare rolls than ever before, and in some cases, they do better financially than having a job when you consider welfare doesn't get taxed like income does on your paycheck.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.


Is that anecdotal or do you have a link?
After decades of following the Democrat's recommendations on ending poverty and watching it fail, its time to kick the Democrats to the curb and go in a new direction.

How have Republican solutions worked?

Remember "Trickle Down"? Give more money to rich people and watch wealth and prosperity trickle down to poor people. Never quite worked as rich people just kept the money

You people have complete control over many inner cities where poor blacks live. Democrat party controlled and run, you control where the tax money is spent, you run the whole show. So how has that worked out for poor blacks? You Dem's have sent millions of young black men to prison ruining their lives, you have bussed millions of young black women to your abortion clinics, for fucks sake its like you hate them. Before you even dare point a finger at the right you should answer for your crimes against humanity.
absolute bullshit
Gosh, gee, I just can't imagine how anyone could get the wild idea that Democrats think welfare is the key to ending poverty! Shucks, where would anyone get such an idea? Truly, this is a deep mystery, just unfathomable.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?

If it were up to me, the law would be that you had to be fixed before you receive any public assistance.
prick a conservative and a Nazi pops out.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.
what industry might that be?
Fighting the Democrat "War on Poverty" for 50 years, what's the exit strategy?

The War on Poverty was defunded by Republicans decades ago

It has? What did they defund?
Everything you need to know about the war on poverty

Many of the war on poverty's programs — like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Head Start, Job Corps, VISTA and Title I — are still in place today. The Nixon administration largely dismantled the OEO, distributing its functions to a variety of other federal agencies, and eventually the office was renamed in 1975 and then shuttered for good in 1981.

Yet we have more people on our welfare rolls than ever before, and in some cases, they do better financially than having a job when you consider welfare doesn't get taxed like income does on your paycheck.
so a population that has grown from 180.67 million (1960) to 318.86 million (2014) has, In your opinion no effect on welfare rolls?
then you must all so believe that automation, computerization very few if any low skill or no skill job are available, plus corporations and manufacturing leaving the country at an almost exponential rate, the latest recession almost no company job training have also not had a huge effect on the number of people collecting welfare.
then logically your head must be so far up your ass, you can see your teeth.
[QUOTE="How have Republican solutions worked?

Remember "Trickle Down"? Give more money to rich people and watch wealth and prosperity trickle down to poor people. Never quite worked as rich people just kept the money[/QUOTE]

You're no better than the homeless standing around waiting for hand outs and someone to rescue your sorry asssss. You made the decision to sit idle when the rich put their pants on one pant leg at a time just like you, except they didn't have a pity party waiting for someone to come along to make their lives successful. That's the difference between victims and victors. One is a loser, the other a winner. Loser!
You can get skills in demand and apply it at any company with many top salary options, or walk away from it and become resilient and self reliant entrepreneurs to build your own income. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one. Asssshole!


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After decades of following the Democrat's recommendations on ending poverty and watching it fail, its time to kick the Democrats to the curb and go in a new direction.

How have Republican solutions worked?

Remember "Trickle Down"? Give more money to rich people and watch wealth and prosperity trickle down to poor people. Never quite worked as rich people just kept the money

You people have complete control over many inner cities where poor blacks live. Democrat party controlled and run, you control where the tax money is spent, you run the whole show. So how has that worked out for poor blacks? You Dem's have sent millions of young black men to prison ruining their lives, you have bussed millions of young black women to your abortion clinics, for fucks sake its like you hate them. Before you even dare point a finger at the right you should answer for your crimes against humanity.
absolute bullshit

Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, eat it lib.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.
what industry might that be?

Transportation. Take a look for yourself:

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year
OCT 7 • NEWS • 953 VIEWS

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year
Fighting the Democrat "War on Poverty" for 50 years, what's the exit strategy?

The War on Poverty was defunded by Republicans decades ago

It has? What did they defund?
Everything you need to know about the war on poverty

Many of the war on poverty's programs — like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Head Start, Job Corps, VISTA and Title I — are still in place today. The Nixon administration largely dismantled the OEO, distributing its functions to a variety of other federal agencies, and eventually the office was renamed in 1975 and then shuttered for good in 1981.

Yet we have more people on our welfare rolls than ever before, and in some cases, they do better financially than having a job when you consider welfare doesn't get taxed like income does on your paycheck.
so a population that has grown from 180.67 million (1960) to 318.86 million (2014) has, In your opinion no effect on welfare rolls?
then you must all so believe that automation, computerization very few if any low skill or no skill job are available, plus corporations and manufacturing leaving the country at an almost exponential rate, the latest recession almost no company job training have also not had a huge effect on the number of people collecting welfare.
then logically your head must be so far up your ass, you can see your teeth.

Funny. I spend a lot of time in industrial areas, and week after week, those Help Wanted signs are on the front lawns. Some are posted by our customers. I talk with them about the employment situation. They are not bad paying (unskilled) jobs either.

One of the problems seems that people don't want to get off of drugs to get any of these jobs. More and more employers are requiring drug screening to keep their workman's compensation insurance down. I guess from the lefts point of view, we are asking way too much of people to get a job these days.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?

If it were up to me, the law would be that you had to be fixed before you receive any public assistance.
prick a conservative and a Nazi pops out.

Why? What's Nazi about it?
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.

Depending on the ponds in your neighborhood......you can sit a long, long time before you catch a fish...if ever


Not in my neighborhood. Next year we are going to need over 45,000 new workers that industry can't find because everybody wants to sit home on their Obama phone and count how much they have on their SNAP's cards. Businesses are so desperate that some are not only offering free training, but will pay you while you learn. Now they are resorting to getting foreigners to do the job.

I wonder if Rightwinger ever considered going to a different pond? Nah, he's that fisherman who just parks himself in on spot and waits ion the fish to come to him.

Typical left winger... no fucking ambition at all.

Probably puts a mail box on it.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?

What do you mean what are we supposed to do? Shouldn't you be directing that question to the people making the babies they can't pay for?
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?

What do you mean what are we supposed to do? Shouldn't you be directing that question to the people making the babies they can't pay for?
I agree they shouldn't of had the child but that isn't my point. Regardless of the mother's irresponsibility, the important question I am asking is what we do with the child. We can't put em back in the womb. So what do we do with the child?

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