Where Can We Send Blankies and Soap for Our Prisoner Kids?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?
I thought you bed wetters would just have us retroactively abort them, since their "parents" have abandoned them.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

You can send a Blankie to me!
I can use one. To hide from all the mean bullies.

I tried to share my solutions for the Border where all
parties can create jobs for their own leaders building
Campus Towns around military bases and teaching hospitals:

I got cut off from two radio hosts, and two others
still don't get what I'm saying about the parties working
together to fund separate programs at the same time.

I'm sad and could use a Blankie to cry in at night.
Boo hoo!
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?
Just offer to sponsor them, then they can share your blankies and soap.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

You can send a Blankie to me!
I can use one. To hide from all the mean bullies.

I tried to share my solutions for the Border where all
parties can create jobs for their own leaders building
Campus Towns around military bases and teaching hospitals:

I got cut off from two radio hosts, and two others
still don't get what I'm saying about the parties working
together to fund separate programs at the same time.

I'm sad and could use a Blankie to cry in at night.
Boo hoo!
They don't think they can attract listeners without the "extreme" characters..
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

You can send a Blankie to me!
I can use one. To hide from all the mean bullies.

I tried to share my solutions for the Border where all
parties can create jobs for their own leaders building
Campus Towns around military bases and teaching hospitals:

I got cut off from two radio hosts, and two others
still don't get what I'm saying about the parties working
together to fund separate programs at the same time.

I'm sad and could use a Blankie to cry in at night.
Boo hoo!
Sorry Emmie
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?
It'll all be sent to a way station set up on the way south back through Messiko.
The North Pole. That is where all fantasy concentration camps live.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?
Trump's purpose is to make detention punishment to persuade those seeking asylum to stay home. Where you might see separation of families, kids going without food or water or dying in detention a black mark against the Trump administration, he considers it a goal star. You're wasting your time sending blankets and soap. Donate money to provide immigration lawyers to migrants. Most of them stand little chance of getting asylum without adequate legal representation.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
Maybe some billionaire will donate blankets and soap and even beds for those kids.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
Why are you offended that some folks might want ro send a blankie for a toddler?
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
Why are you offended that some folks might want ro send a blankie for a toddler?

We all know this is only about dinging the President for you, you could care less about the kids.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
Why are you offended that some folks might want ro send a blankie for a toddler?

Try again . . .

America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
American children living on the streets or in other less desirable circumstances do not deserve "free" stuff. Only an invasion force determined to overwhelm the nation deserve succor and support.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
American children living on the streets or in other less desirable circumstances do not deserve "free" stuff. Only an invasion force determined to overwhelm the nation deserve succor and support.

Yes, because American Children in need aren't worth a cent of political currency. Even the radical American Left can't capitalize off the suffering of all "victim" groups at once.
America has established Concentration type prison camps for toddlers and young children. Unfortunately, the folks in charge, led by our dorky President, Donald Dork, have failed to provide some basic necessities like blankets and soap, let alone beds. So, where can humane caring Americans donate blankies and soap?

Look out . . . your heart is bleeding all over your shoes. Is our President a "dork" or a Nazi? And, what about homeless American Children sleeping in shelters and on the streets of our cities? Is their cause to be saved not political enough for you? Not ideologically grandiose enough? Shame on you.
American children living on the streets or in other less desirable circumstances do not deserve "free" stuff. Only an invasion force determined to overwhelm the nation deserve succor and support.

Yes, because American Children in need aren't worth a cent of political currency. Even the radical American Left can't capitalize off the suffering of all "victim" groups at once.
Hence the drive to let illegals vote, no doubt. They are the least educated, most susceptible to bribery than many Americans. Poor Americans are waking up to the fact that "the check is in the mail" and "I won't come in your mouth" platitudes drooled at them by politicians.

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