Where Are The Libs? 2yo Killed...no outcry / call to ban ownership....

People shouldn't leave kids alone with any dog let alone more than one.
Pit bulls have been America's dog for generations. It isn't the dogs it's the people who own them. If they weren't being stupid with pitties, they'd be stupid with german shepherds, or afghans, or bull dogs. All are equally capable and equally likely to kill a 2 y.o. They just aren't the animals that idiots are collecting these days.

I had a pitbull that some expert told me had the hardest bite out them all. I lived with a family with 2 young kids.

One day their older cousin came over and started to slapbox with the little boy. My dog got distressed and nipped a layer of skin off

the bigger boy's cheek. No blood, even.

He was a good dog, and that was a great bloodline.
1st post
btw our dog snoop has raised 4 kids and has never bitten one. He allows them to climb on him, to pull on his ears, to stick their fingers up his nose, to take food from his mouth. He knew 2 of these kids before they were born and would greet them just like he greeted everybody else..before they were born...by sticking his nose on mama's belly. You will never meet a sweeter dog. He's traveled so many miles in the back seat with kids, and if there is a pile of kids sleeping, he will be in the middle of them. I have nothing but good things to say about pits and it breaks my heart that they get the blame for the stupidity of people who should never have animals..let alone children.
All dogs with a bad temperament should be put down, but they're not because some people raise them to fight.

My dog mauled one of those, it was nasty, big swath of skin hanging off his back.

But, he loved the kids, he even had two little doggie friends that would come by

and ask him to go running. He was the trash can master. I watched him one day,

he'd go up to a can, sniff it, move onto the next, sniff, nope..

Then he sniffed, and said "a-ha", then slapped that garbage can down and came

out with a whole Turkey carcass. I used to follow him at a distance with a shovel,

ready to cleanup the mess.
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People shouldn't leave kids alone with any dog let alone more than one.
Pit bulls have been America's dog for generations. It isn't the dogs it's the people who own them. If they weren't being stupid with pitties, they'd be stupid with german shepherds, or afghans, or bull dogs. All are equally capable and equally likely to kill a 2 y.o. They just aren't the animals that idiots are collecting these days.

I had a pitbull that some expert told me had the hardest bite out them all. I lived with a family with 2 young kids.

One day their older cousin came over and started to slapbox with the little boy. My dog got distressed and nipped a layer of skin off

the bigger boy's cheek. No blood, even.

He was a good dog, and that was a great bloodline.
Snoop will yalp at them once in a while..he hates it when people push him with their feet. He doesn't bite but he'll hit with his nose and mouth if that makes sense, if someone hurts him.

But of course..I don't leave animals untended in a room with kids. And I have snoop's back..he always has a place he can go to to get away, if he wants to..and the kids aren't allowed to bug him when he goes there. Mostly he chooses to play dead on the couch...he likes to be in the middle of things, but he'll pretend he's asleep and just sort of ignore everybody. He flattens himself out like I don't know what, but it's really hard to budge him hahahaha.
And I would never, ever, ever turn my back on a pack of dogs with a 2 y.o. A 2 y.o. to a pack is dinner. I mean, that's just all there is to it. They are, after all, carnivores. You can't just pretend they aren't.
5th post
I already knew a long time ago Easy is a good example of lying low class scumbag.
Only because I beat your ass in debate / discussion every time you tried to engage. Still engaging in personal attacks, I see....


Debate? I kicked your ass ALL the time and every time I asked you to prove your lies. Then you got scared.

Are you still in Russia’s payroll?
View attachment 208114 View attachment 208115

"Two pit bulls mauled a 2-year-old boy to death in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia on Wednesday, according to law enforcement.

The boy was rushed to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in critical condition and died Wednesday night.

Police had responded to an animal attack and found “the toddler and five or six dogs” in the home,
reported the New York Daily News. Police officers shot and killed two of the pit bulls. An adult was also attacked by the dogs and was hospitalized as of Wednesday night, reported CBS Philly.

A bystander captured a cellphone video that shows officers opening fire in order to
get the dogs off of the child."

I guess the only way snowflakes / Dems would have stepped up and said something is if the pitbulls were carrying guns during the attack....

Pit Bulls Strike Again, This Time Mauling A 2-Year-Old Boy To Death In Philadelphia
How can someone be so cynical as to see a pit bull attack,on a toddler as an opportunity to score cheap, stupid political points? What makes someone's mind grow so cold and stiff so the only reactions to tragedies is to shout about politics?

What a pitiful condition to be reduced to.
Dude, you just read a story about a 2 year old being killed and your reaction was to post it on a political forum just to be able to rub it in the "face of the libs".
Dude, stop with the faux outrage. Hillary laughed about getting a rapist off, and you snowflakes defended her as if there was nothing to it.

Hillary and Barry abandoned Americans to die at the hands of Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans but who they dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help give them Libya - Hillary laughed in front of Congress claiming she thought Ambassador Stephens begging for more security and being rejected more than 50 times before his death was 'a joke - part of his sense of humor' .. and again you guys ran to her defense saying there was nothing wrong with her laughing at the 4 dead Americans she could have saved but chose not to.

Don't look now but your hypocrisy Is leaking all over the floor..... :p

This is a good example how you spread your fucking lies.
Hillary was investigated by the Republicans headed by Trey Gowdy and found NOTHING.
You are a total hopeless.
10th post
View attachment 208114 View attachment 208115

"Two pit bulls mauled a 2-year-old boy to death in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia on Wednesday, according to law enforcement.

The boy was rushed to St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in critical condition and died Wednesday night.

Police had responded to an animal attack and found “the toddler and five or six dogs” in the home,
reported the New York Daily News. Police officers shot and killed two of the pit bulls. An adult was also attacked by the dogs and was hospitalized as of Wednesday night, reported CBS Philly.

A bystander captured a cellphone video that shows officers opening fire in order to
get the dogs off of the child."

I guess the only way snowflakes / Dems would have stepped up and said something is if the pitbulls were carrying guns during the attack....

Pit Bulls Strike Again, This Time Mauling A 2-Year-Old Boy To Death In Philadelphia

Hey you know what --- five people were killed in a bank robbery out in Port Fart Idaho five minutes ago, and YOU said nothing. Therefore YOU did it.

Fucking asshole.....

That analogy is just moronic, Cowboy. The former Fake News editor rides again! All news must be ensured to be fake!!!!
This is a new low, even for you. Holy fuck dude, what the hell is wrong with you?

You read an article about a 2 year old being killed and your only thought is to post it on here and make some sort of sick political point?

You need professional help, in all seriousness.

Who in the fuck are you to go around in here criticizing an OP, jerkoff?

Oh, you gonna get your reach-around dimocrap butthole buddies to lobby one of your favorite Moderators to kill the thread? Is that it?

Get back to counting the items in customers' baskets at the Express Check Out Lanes in the Super Market....

There's One!!! I think she had 11 items in her cart!!!


Oh, fuck no, I hope the Mods do not kill the thread. These types of threads are important so we can all know what sort of people we are dealing with.
I notice when Libs post sob stories after a shooting and bemoan the loss of life while demanding more firearms law you are no where to be found, no outrage no claims of scoring political points. Hypocrite much?
This is a new low, even for you. Holy fuck dude, what the hell is wrong with you?

You read an article about a 2 year old being killed and your only thought is to post it on here and make some sort of sick political point?

You need professional help, in all seriousness.

Who in the fuck are you to go around in here criticizing an OP, jerkoff?

Oh, you gonna get your reach-around dimocrap butthole buddies to lobby one of your favorite Moderators to kill the thread? Is that it?

Get back to counting the items in customers' baskets at the Express Check Out Lanes in the Super Market....

There's One!!! I think she had 11 items in her cart!!!


Oh, fuck no, I hope the Mods do not kill the thread. These types of threads are important so we can all know what sort of people we are dealing with.
I notice when Libs post sob stories after a shooting and bemoan the loss of life while demanding more firearms law you are no where to be found, no outrage no claims of scoring political points. Hypocrite much?

You are fucking wrong moron. I post about it no matter who does it. Just yesterday and the Jax shooting I went after people from both sides that posted about it to make political points. So, with all due respect to a fellow retired GySgt...kiss my ass

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