Where are the job bills?

The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.
Hell, in the past 2 years, the government has been the LARGEST job creator

And yet we are in the red as a nation. Now by 1.4 trillion this year alone. How many businesses can survive operating in the red this bad or long?

That's because a government bureaucracy is not designed to generate a profit :cool:
Riddle me this Batboy...

Where does government EARN money?

Remember... taxes, fees and fines is taking money by force, not earnings.

Taxes, fees and fines have been authorized by the people's representatives. Not taken by force or coercion. Again, we see a silly, stupid and thoughtless effort.
Oh, not by force or coercion? Try refusing to pay. What's the result again? Oh that's right. Imprisonment and confiscation.

Again, what does Government do to EARN money?

Related bonus question; What business can imprison or confiscate wealth from a person?

Silly, stupid and thoughtless efforts + dishonesty. Change the law and you won't have a government. That's the goal, apparently. Another example of simple solutions creating serious problems. Government has a purpose; see Somolia for an example of a non-government 'state'.
Riddle me this Batboy...

Where does government EARN money?

Remember... taxes, fees and fines is taking money by force, not earnings.

Taxes, fees and fines have been authorized by the people's representatives. Not taken by force or coercion. Again, we see a silly, stupid and thoughtless effort.
Oh, not by force or coercion? Try refusing to pay. What's the result again? Oh that's right. Imprisonment and confiscation.

Again, what does Government do to EARN money?

Related bonus question; What business can imprison or confiscate wealth from a person?

Your related question is a non sequitur. Laws are enforced by the government. Government doesn't 'earn' money or take a profit; government provides services paid for by taxes, fines and fees paid as authorized by the peoples representatives.
Of course you know this which is why your continued effort to bullshit the issue is an example of silly, stupid and thoughtless posts because you can't offer evidence or examples that government cannot create jobs.
LMAO, yes Odd-Dude you are a fool, a fool who lacks both imagination and creativity, one who relies on an idology of unproven truths usually articulated in one or two sentence idiotgrams, punctuated with personal attacks.
Problem solving requires more than parroting a few cliches.
I used the Navy as an example because I served in the Navy; spend my paltry income in the San Diego businesses near the 32nd St. station. I also posted two other examples - highways and the RR, items you failed to mention because you are dishonest. A liar by omission is still a liar.

Those "unproven truths" brought America from literally nothing to the point of being the world's economic powerhouse in a scant 150 years....All with a central government that largely stayed the hell out of the way and let people solve their own problems, created by men you'd hold in utter contempt were they alive today.

You, like the rest of the right wing ilk on this board, have been seriously misinformed.

In fact much of the development of the US industrial base and economy was as a DIRECT RESULT of government imposing TARIFFS on imported goods.

In fact, the US government practically ran on no other source of revenue for the fist 150 years of operations

Doubt me?

THEN DO SOME READING ON THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, and after you're done, report back to us on what you found, okay?

Because the last thing in the world, I'd want you to think is that what I i'm informing you about is some kind of LIBERAL DELUSION.

You who have been misformed, and by experts in the DISINFORMATION BUSINESS, too.

Wake up and smell the conspiracy, lad.

YOU are its victim and YOU sir, and your clueless right wing cranks, are suffering from a collective and terrible case of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME
Wrong....Tariffs are punitive actions meant to punish foreign competitors and reward people who've priced themselves out of the domestic market.

The feds ran on imposts, duties and excises for the first 150 years....Those are specific one-time charges, on specific products and commodities, in order to pay for specifically enumerated federal powers and duties....One such example us the fuel tax to pay for roads and bridges....Don't use fuel, you don't pay the tax.

If anyone is terribly short on American economic history, it's you, sport.
The OP should be asking:


That Obama promised the "stimulus" would bring. Ya know, the millions of "shovel ready" ones?

But he won't, because he's a cheap hack.
Those "unproven truths" brought America from literally nothing to the point of being the world's economic powerhouse in a scant 150 years....All with a central government that largely stayed the hell out of the way and let people solve their own problems, created by men you'd hold in utter contempt were they alive today.

You, like the rest of the right wing ilk on this board, have been seriously misinformed.

In fact much of the development of the US industrial base and economy was as a DIRECT RESULT of government imposing TARIFFS on imported goods.

In fact, the US government practically ran on no other source of revenue for the fist 150 years of operations

Doubt me?

THEN DO SOME READING ON THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, and after you're done, report back to us on what you found, okay?

Because the last thing in the world, I'd want you to think is that what I i'm informing you about is some kind of LIBERAL DELUSION.

You who have been misformed, and by experts in the DISINFORMATION BUSINESS, too.

Wake up and smell the conspiracy, lad.

YOU are its victim and YOU sir, and your clueless right wing cranks, are suffering from a collective and terrible case of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME
Wrong....Tariffs are punitive actions meant to punish foreign competitors and reward people who've priced themselves out of the domestic market.

The feds ran on imposts, duties and excises for the first 150 years....Those are specific one-time charges, on specific products and commodities, in order to pay for specifically enumerated federal powers and duties....One such example us the fuel tax to pay for roads and bridges....Don't use fuel, you don't pay the tax.

If anyone is terribly short on American economic history, it's you, sport.

Really Odd-Dude? Would you mind providing some supporting documentation as evidence your expressed opinion is nothing more then that which emits from the rear end of a bull after eating?
You are full of digested bull feed, but very short on documentation, facts, evidence and creditiblity.
You, like the rest of the right wing ilk on this board, have been seriously misinformed.

In fact much of the development of the US industrial base and economy was as a DIRECT RESULT of government imposing TARIFFS on imported goods.

In fact, the US government practically ran on no other source of revenue for the fist 150 years of operations

Doubt me?

THEN DO SOME READING ON THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, and after you're done, report back to us on what you found, okay?

Because the last thing in the world, I'd want you to think is that what I i'm informing you about is some kind of LIBERAL DELUSION.

You who have been misformed, and by experts in the DISINFORMATION BUSINESS, too.

Wake up and smell the conspiracy, lad.

YOU are its victim and YOU sir, and your clueless right wing cranks, are suffering from a collective and terrible case of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME
Wrong....Tariffs are punitive actions meant to punish foreign competitors and reward people who've priced themselves out of the domestic market.

The feds ran on imposts, duties and excises for the first 150 years....Those are specific one-time charges, on specific products and commodities, in order to pay for specifically enumerated federal powers and duties....One such example us the fuel tax to pay for roads and bridges....Don't use fuel, you don't pay the tax.

If anyone is terribly short on American economic history, it's you, sport.

Really Odd-Dude? Would you mind providing some supporting documentation as evidence your expressed opinion is nothing more then that which emits from the rear end of a bull after eating?
You are full of digested bull feed, but very short on documentation, facts, evidence and creditiblity.

are you serious? really? seriously? I have to ask....you DO know that codified permanent fed. tax structure on income as tax, outside state pop. considerations ( and don't bring up the 1800's either ) was via the 16th amendment.... in 1913?.... right?
no, you didn't know, thats obvious, unreal.

regain some credibility question -- what state was the first to enact an income tax upon all residents there of?
Last edited:
It's obvious by the posts in support of the conclusion "Government cannot create jobs" those in support are bereft of any argument to support this conclusion. I suppose they feel it is necessary to make silly, stupid and thoughtless comments since they cannot prove (or even offer evidence) that something they believe to be true cannot be supported by evidence or with examples.

How does the government raise capital to pay for jobs? TAXATION.
What profit motive does the government have to formulate a business model?
How does the private sector compete with government that can print all the $$$ it wants, does not have to make a profit, does not have to balance their budgets and can pass regulations and laws to FAVOR one business, THEIRS, over the ones in the private sector?

Government has never and never will create ONE FUCKING JOB.
Government steals money at the point of a gun and gives it to others. That is not JOB CREATION.
That is THEFT.
the "brackets" issue is a Hannity/Faux N00z inspired, tempest in a teapot. ZZZzzz aside from being off-topic.

Maybe so, but, you know what? I got a little involved in my job this week and it completely slipped my mind that I needed to fill out a bracket. I'm not much good at brtackets, anyway.

In my job, my decisions don't affect much of the world and nobody dies if I do it wrong and the number of dollars I can move around are counted in the thousands, not Trillions.

It makes one wonder what the Chief Executive places in priority that he can work out the brackets and play golf but cannot come up with a plan to balance the budget, win the war in Afgahnistan, cooperate with the Congress, lead the Democrat Party in fiscal restraint or just about anything else that might help the country or the world.

The Big 0 is an embarrasment.
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

MORE proof might indicate that you have presented proof. You have not.

Please demonstrate how the Failed Stimulus created jobs. Start by showing how many people were working in the USA on the day it was passed and the number of people working today. The difference will be the "increase".

Hint: The number of jobs has decreased during this period.

How jobs growth forecast was done - USATODAY.com
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

MORE proof might indicate that you have presented proof. You have not.

Please demonstrate how the Failed Stimulus created jobs. Start by showing how many people were working in the USA on the day it was passed and the number of people working today. The difference will be the "increase".

Hint: The number of jobs has decreased during this period.

How jobs growth forecast was done - USATODAY.com

All the stimulus did was take $$$ from taxpayers to give to workers that the market did not demand. Once the tax $ runs out there is not a job left UNLESS the market dictates it.
And what are we left with? More debt.
But there is one government that did "create jobs".
The Chink government. And the $$ that stimulus workers were paid with was written on THE BANK OF CHINA.
If I create a job position and hire someone to fill that position, I have created a job. Whether it's working for the government or a construction company it's still a job.
Jobs "created" by expanding bureaucracy don't increase economic production....They are, in fact, a net drain upon it.

You flunk econ 101.
The teacher who trains the architects and engineers of tomorrow, the fireman or policemen who save the business, the employee at the SBA who helps a small businessman get a loan, and hundreds of thousands of other government jobs are increasing our economic productivity. Wall Street bankers who ship jobs overseas, increasing the profits of foreign owned corporations are certainly not increasing economic productivity in this country. Just as in government there are many jobs in the private sector that are totally unproductive. I know have had a couple of them.
If I create a job position and hire someone to fill that position, I have created a job. Whether it's working for the government or a construction company it's still a job.
Jobs "created" by expanding bureaucracy don't increase economic production....They are, in fact, a net drain upon it.

You flunk econ 101.
The teacher who trains the architects and engineers of tomorrow, the fireman or policemen who save the business, the employee at the SBA who helps a small businessman get a loan, and hundreds of thousands of other government jobs are increasing our economic productivity. Wall Street bankers who ship jobs overseas, increasing the profits of foreign owned corporations are certainly not increasing economic productivity in this country. Just as in government there are many jobs in the private sector that are totally unproductive. I know have had a couple of them.

I cannot think of any of those vocations that cannot be served by the private sector...
Silly, stupid and thoughtless efforts + dishonesty. Change the law and you won't have a government. That's the goal, apparently. Another example of simple solutions creating serious problems. Government has a purpose; see Somolia for an example of a non-government 'state'.

uh huh... a non answer because the truth burns in your skull.:eusa_shhh:



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Taxes, fees and fines have been authorized by the people's representatives. Not taken by force or coercion. Again, we see a silly, stupid and thoughtless effort.
Oh, not by force or coercion? Try refusing to pay. What's the result again? Oh that's right. Imprisonment and confiscation.

Again, what does Government do to EARN money?

Related bonus question; What business can imprison or confiscate wealth from a person?

Your related question is a non sequitur. Laws are enforced by the government. Government doesn't 'earn' money or take a profit; government provides services paid for by taxes, fines and fees paid as authorized by the peoples representatives.
Of course you know this which is why your continued effort to bullshit the issue is an example of silly, stupid and thoughtless posts because you can't offer evidence or examples that government cannot create jobs.

Very GOOOOOD! You answered it correctly. Government does not earn anything and no business can imprison or confiscate properly. Excellent job!

The government has no money to pay for employees except what it takes from the citizenry. Government jobs do not create anything though. They deplete the economy because money is taken out of the taxpayer's hands that could have gone towards investing or consuming.

All government jobs are like this.

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