Where Are Michael "Fish Lips" Wolff Tax Returns?

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Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Why isn't anyone investigating Michael "Fish Lips" Wolff? Looking at his background he seems to have been unemployed and then apparently published something in 1979 called White Kids. Then more extended unemployment followed by somehow obtaining cash for an internet company that immediately failed. So obviously someone or some syndicate financed Fish Lips.
He also ripped off the employees in his Dotbomb. He told them he wasn't taking a salary to convince them to defer theirs. Then, he made sure he got his back pay before the Dotbomb cratered...without paying the employees.

He's scum.

Burning Bridges

But you won’t read a word about one of the darkest moments in Wolff’s own tenure as CEO of Wolff New Media LLC: an October 1996 memo that Wolff himself wrote, entitled “Salary Deferral.”

“We wish to thank you for agreeing to defer $_____ of your October salary (and $_____ of your November salary. . . .),” the letter began. “This letter will confirm the Company’s primary obligation to resume paying your salary in full, and to repay your deferred salary, when its cash flow permits.” Ah, that fickle muse, “cash flow.”

In the weeks previous, Wolff had been unable to secure operating funds for his Net-centric publishing venture (which produced “The NetBook Series”). By September, he asked his 60-some employees at a company-wide meeting to consider taking chunks out of their checks for the promise of huge paybacks–up to 10 times the deferred amount–in the event of an acquisition. The deferrals weren’t mandatory, but a large majority signed up, say ex-staffers. “He just sold and sold and sold us and didn’t acknowledge the risk,” recalls Jonathan Bellack, 25, then Wolff’s chief technologist.

By the end of March 1997, the company was grinding to a halt, and Wolff had written himself a check for the remaining $70,000 in the company coffers and bolted to Italy. Meanwhile, the employees, who had not been paid for January, in addition to October and November, were left in the lurch. “People were crying and borrowing money from their parents,” says Dina Gan, 30, who was a senior editor. “It was horrible.”...
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They are in the In Box at the IRS right next to Trump's.
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