Where are human rights?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Palestine was a country of Arabs, there were almost no Jews there until 1948.
Today we are eyewitnesses of a false flag action of Hamas (practically an outlet of Mossad) and genocide of millions Arabs.

The only right solution would be participation of Palestine in two states according to the borders before 1967
By the way, Israel has transformed Gaza in a concentration camp, where are human rights?

Palestine was a country of Arabs, there were almost no Jews there until 1948.
Today we are eyewitnesses of a false flag action of Hamas (practically an outlet of Mossad) and genocide of millions Arabs.

The only right solution would be participation of Palestine in two states according to the borders before 1967
By the way, Israel has transformed Gaza in a concentration camp, where are human rights?

Human Rights are in the same place as you are. In the Revision Dumpster.

There was never a country called Palestine, it was nothing but a region, aka, the Ancient homeland of the Jews.

You wish to revise history and take away the Jewish right to their homeland and to defend that homeland, go ahead.

Revisionists like yourself belong in the Dumpster.
Palestine was a country of Arabs, there were almost no Jews there until 1948.
Today we are eyewitnesses of a false flag action of Hamas (practically an outlet of Mossad) and genocide of millions Arabs.

The only right solution would be participation of Palestine in two states according to the borders before 1967
By the way, Israel has transformed Gaza in a concentration camp, where are human rights?

There is another solution? Israel gets all the land and automatically makes all Palestinians citizens of Israel?
Human Rights are in the same place as you are. In the Revision Dumpster.

There was never a country called Palestine, it was nothing but a region, aka, the Ancient homeland of the Jews.

You wish to revise history and take away the Jewish right to their homeland and to defend that homeland, go ahead.

Revisionists like yourself belong in the Dumpster.

Tell the fairy-tale your grandma
Almost all true Jews are gone two thousands years ago, more as 99% of modern Israel are fake Jews - to Judaism converted Khazari which
homeland is South Russia.
Arabs live in Palestina since two thousands years, some Jews come only after WWII

Tell the fairy-tale your grandma
Almost all true Jews are gone two thousands years ago, more as 99% of modern Israel are fake Jews - to Judaism converted Khazari which
homeland is South Russia.
Arabs live in Palestina since two thousands years, some Jews come only after WWII

Baron, the Jew hating dumpster.

Stew in all you learned from those who hate Jews and want Israel gone.

You are nothing but a dumpster of revision history on Jews.

Stay ignorant. Stay hateful.

And from your signature, a Christian brain dead who believes everything they were told about Jews since Christianity was created.

Christianity, the one responsible for about 7 Million killings of Jews, or more, since the barbarian Romans took over Christianity and called themselves Roman Catholic.

Nothing but a total Toxic Dumpster.
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Israel wants to incite a WWIII now, only idiots can believe the Islamic War will keep silent after Bibi destroys the Mosque on the mount ( the true goal of the war )
Palestine was a country of Arabs, there were almost no Jews there until 1948.
Today we are eyewitnesses of a false flag action of Hamas (practically an outlet of Mossad) and genocide of millions Arabs.

The only right solution would be participation of Palestine in two states according to the borders before 1967
By the way, Israel has transformed Gaza in a concentration camp, where are human rights?

You seem to have forgotten Egypt and Jordan in your analysis. Didn't they own most of Palestine before 1967?
You seem to have forgotten Egypt and Jordan in your analysis. Didn't they own most of Palestine before 1967?

It shall be peace in Palestina after the decision of UN to found two states.
Israel robe Palestinian territorials, transformed Gaza to a concentration camp and wants to shout up the entirely world
Just one question:

Can you name only one nation through the history of humanity which loved Jews and didn't kicked them out?
Not since the vile Christians took over Europe.
And not since Christians went to Arabia and taught the Arabs to hate the Jews.

Christians hate Jews for them not embracing Jesus.
Muslims hate Jews, borrowed from Christians, because they won't follow Allah.

Both are the Toxic Dumpster Trash of the Planet for the past 1700 years.

So, when Christians and Muslims finally embrace civilization, actually being civilized, which means abandoning their learned hatred of Jews......then you will not be singing these pathetic ideas you are trying to pass for facts.
Palestine was a country of Arabs, there were almost no Jews there until 1948.
Today we are eyewitnesses of a false flag action of Hamas (practically an outlet of Mossad) and genocide of millions Arabs.

The only right solution would be participation of Palestine in two states according to the borders before 1967
By the way, Israel has transformed Gaza in a concentration camp, where are human rights?

your maps prove that Jews lived in their homeland before 1948 .
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Israel doesn't want the solution and is going now to KILL ALL PALESTINIANS?
Which crazy world we're living in now?
We live in a sane world where Jesus was Jewish and he lived on the land the Jews are living now.

You, on the other hand, live in the land of Christianity which has told nothing but lies against Jews, and you cannot help yourself but to believe any and all lies against Jews.

Jesus has a right to be on his Jewish homeland, just as much as all of his people.

Now, get lost.
and accept brutally murder of millions Palestinians, right?
Deranged is the word for you, since Israel is telling people to move out for their safety while it is Hamas who wants them to stay so that they will die.

But then, your religious fevered mind cannot see any of that because you do not want to.
Baron, the Jew hating dumpster.

Stew in all you learned from those hate Jews and want Israel gone.

You are nothing but a dumpster of revision history on Jews.

Stay ignorant. Stay hateful.

And from your signature, a Christian brain dead who believes everything they were told about Jews since Christianity was created.

Christianity, the one responsible for about 7 Million killings of Jews, or more, since the barbarian Romans took over Christianity and called themselves Roman Catholic.

Nothing but a total Toxic Dumpster.
most dont consider Nazi Germany as a truly Christian country .. it was evil government with evil people twisting religion to use as justification to commit evil acts .
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There is another solution? Israel gets all the land and automatically makes all Palestinians citizens of Israel?
This is what I have suggested for several years: A four-part division of power between Arabs, Israelis, Muslims and Jews. A 3/4 majority would be required to change any laws. Otherwise, the status quo remains.

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