When will a conservative group create their own social media apps?

Leftists didn't create any of those good things, rather they co-opt big companies by diversity quotas and such. Bring one of them in and the person will open the flood gates for the rest of them to follow and take over.

That's why you should never hire one gender studies major... not one. Not that there is any reason to hire one anyway.
I have been reading for years now that conservative viewpoints are suppressed on places like YouTube, Facebook & Twitter.
So why haven't those people banded together to create some alternatives? Would seem there is an opportunity to strike it rich by creating a competitive platform if it is really that big of a problem.

I've asked the same Grampa Murked U

Why not have a national contest?
To see if the Left or the Right figures it out first:
If the Left starts pouring their campaign dollars directly into building universal health care.
Or the Right starts investing in creating their own Media!

My prediction: the Right will get there first. The Left will end up asking business leaders on both Left and Right for help with microloans and mentoring to create sustainable local and nationalized social programs, get those out of govt, and empower the people to run their own programs.
I have been reading for years now that conservative viewpoints are suppressed on places like YouTube, Facebook & Twitter.
So why haven't those people banded together to create some alternatives? Would seem there is an opportunity to strike it rich by creating a competitive platform if it is really that big of a problem.

Maybe because the conservative viewpoint isn't actually suppressed on those platforms and the need doesn't exist.
Ut actually us supressed, moron. The fact is thoroughly documented. Conservative videos on youTube are cosistently demonetised.

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I read an article yesterday that Google is going to flood YouTube with 10000 HUMANS to scour the videos to look for "oppressive" or "violent" content.
While that sounds reasonable we shall see what they "deem" inappropriate.
Supposedly even video game content may be deemed "violent" if there are guns involved.
I have been reading for years now that conservative viewpoints are suppressed on places like YouTube, Facebook & Twitter.
So why haven't those people banded together to create some alternatives? Would seem there is an opportunity to strike it rich by creating a competitive platform if it is really that big of a problem.

There actually are and have been alternative social media and streaming sites started up, even ones that have been around for years, they just don't go very far when competing against the established giants. In my opinion, Google is part of the problem. Considering that they own the vast majority of search traffic and they also own YouTube, popularizing an alternative user-created-video-content-streaming site would be, to say the least, tricky.

Another part of the problem is the publicity some of the alternatives get. In the age of Trump, anything that is identified as specifically conservative and anything specifically championing free speech is generally characterized, by the mainstream, as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, fascist, and sympathetic to Nazi's. A young website trying to compete against near-monopolies gets stuck with these sorts of labels before they're large enough to reach significant numbers of people with rebuttals against such accusations is all but doomed right out of the gate. Then, once it's "established" in the court of low-information opinion that a site is an alt right friendly den of social iniquity, Google, the nearest-monopoly of all of 'em, is only too happy to throttle their search results.

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