When & Where It All Began

There is no need for concern over Iran. If Iran goes nuclear they are in checkmate by India to the East & Israel to the West. Think real real hard Ima & tell us what a nuclear Iran will do to Iran's economy. And how do you suspect the citizens of Iran will react to that?

Always JUST KILL with Ima for a solution.

Since arabs and Jews couldn't even agree on the color of iro's diarrhea, I think a good way to settle this dispute would be to nuke it out, don't you think? :popcorn:

Iran is close to a nuke + Iran has repeatedly said that they want to wipe Israel off the map = KABOOM! I've already said that Israel should make a concrete peace deal now, instead of talking more land and making things worse, while waiting for Iran to nuke up. I prefer peace, but I seem to be the only one who does, everyone else's plan causes more trouble. So I'm just making an observation that it'll come down to a nuke war.
There is no need for concern over Iran. If Iran goes nuclear they are in checkmate by India to the East & Israel to the West. Think real real hard Ima & tell us what a nuclear Iran will do to Iran's economy. And how do you suspect the citizens of Iran will react to that?

Always JUST KILL with Ima for a solution.


Iran is close to a nuke + Iran has repeatedly said that they want to wipe Israel off the map = KABOOM! I've already said that Israel should make a concrete peace deal now, instead of talking more land and making things worse, while waiting for Iran to nuke up. I prefer peace, but I seem to be the only one who does, everyone else's plan causes more trouble. So I'm just making an observation that it'll come down to a nuke war.

So if Iran and Hamas sneak a nuke into gaza and explode it on the border with Israel, taking out half, if not all of the country, how would you know that it's an Iranian bomb? :dunno:
There is no need for concern over Iran. If Iran goes nuclear they are in checkmate by India to the East & Israel to the West. Think real real hard Ima & tell us what a nuclear Iran will do to Iran's economy. And how do you suspect the citizens of Iran will react to that?

Iran is close to a nuke + Iran has repeatedly said that they want to wipe Israel off the map = KABOOM! I've already said that Israel should make a concrete peace deal now, instead of talking more land and making things worse, while waiting for Iran to nuke up. I prefer peace, but I seem to be the only one who does, everyone else's plan causes more trouble. So I'm just making an observation that it'll come down to a nuke war.

So if Iran and Hamas sneak a nuke into gaza and explode it on the border with Israel, taking out half, if not all of the country, how would you know that it's an Iranian bomb? :dunno:
Didn't your anti friends have a thread some time ago about the nuclear "fingerprints" of nuke explosions? Defrag your failing memory, genius.
Ima is not alone----lots of people imagine nuclear bombs are something
like basket balls-----you can just throw them in a closet and take them
out when you feel like running around dribbling It is tragic that countries like pakistan and India waste their limited resouces on supporting a
nuclear bomb-----I believe Iran can do it-----but I have never known an
Iranian to spend money to no purpose
There is no need for concern over Iran. If Iran goes nuclear they are in checkmate by India to the East & Israel to the West. Think real real hard Ima & tell us what a nuclear Iran will do to Iran's economy. And how do you suspect the citizens of Iran will react to that?

So if Iran and Hamas sneak a nuke into gaza and explode it on the border with Israel, taking out half, if not all of the country, how would you know that it's an Iranian bomb? :dunno:
Didn't your anti friends have a thread some time ago about the nuclear "fingerprints" of nuke explosions? Defrag your failing memory, genius.

If it's the first nuke they detonate, where does your fingerprint come from? :dunno:

And if they buy one from sympathizers in Russia or Pakistan, you expecting them to get nuked? :dunno:
Ima is not alone----lots of people imagine nuclear bombs are something
like basket balls-----you can just throw them in a closet and take them
out when you feel like running around dribbling It is tragic that countries like pakistan and India waste their limited resouces on supporting a
nuclear bomb-----I believe Iran can do it-----but I have never known an
Iranian to spend money to no purpose

Why would they give you money for something you were giving them for free? :dunno:
If Iran goes nuclear I hope Israel will welcome them to the club & thank them for giving Israel a place to finally test out their nukes.

So if Iran and Hamas sneak a nuke into gaza and explode it on the border with Israel, taking out half, if not all of the country, how would you know that it's an Iranian bomb? :dunno:
Didn't your anti friends have a thread some time ago about the nuclear "fingerprints" of nuke explosions? Defrag your failing memory, genius.

If it's the first nuke they detonate, where does your fingerprint come from? :dunno:

And if they buy one from sympathizers in Russia or Pakistan, you expecting them to get nuked? :dunno:
Ima is not alone----lots of people imagine nuclear bombs are something
like basket balls-----you can just throw them in a closet and take them
out when you feel like running around dribbling It is tragic that countries like pakistan and India waste their limited resouces on supporting a
nuclear bomb-----I believe Iran can do it-----but I have never known an
Iranian to spend money to no purpose

Why would they give you money for something you were giving them for free? :dunno:
As we all can see, Frau Ima is showing us once again that he/she is a very sexually frustrated individual. Is anyone actually stopping him/her from trying to give it away for free in his/her little town? Maybe that's his/her problem -- nobody is taking him/her up on his/her offer even if it is free.
Iran is on the verge of another Iranian revolution. This time for the better.
Hebron was the first documented massacre of the Jews by Palestinian Arabs that began this endless cycle of "the Middle East conflict" between Israel & the Palestinians. This occured in 1929 even before the re-establishment of Israel & Zionism which the Palestinians blame for this ongoing conflict.

Hebron Massacre of the ancient Jewish community by Arab killers in 1929 - YouTube/url]

You're wasting your time. The peace loving Palestinians and Arabs are the 21st century's #1 Victims in Waiting
Seriously sir, are you not even aware of all the pro democracy Iranian youth movements to oust Nejad, the Mullahs & the Ayatollahs?

Iran is on the verge of another Iranian revolution. This time for the better.

Why?" The religious will kill even more people than they did after the Shah left?

you do know in history it is a well armed and righteous minority that will and has enslaved a huge majority?

Do you know how small the party of Fascists and Communists and others Authoritarian or otherwise were when they took control?

The students who brought about the Iranian revolution that took over the US Embassy were students in name only

good luck with reality as it bites you
All Israel has to do to settle the issue is just ask the Palestinians for a copy of their land titles or deeds. Those who have them to the properties they occupy are legitimate & can remian in Israel if no record of Palestinian terrorism or terrorist support. Those who don't have land titles or deeds are just a bunch of illegal squatters under the unrecognized society of Egyptian fellahin & have to vacate for their own good. Fair enough everyone?

For discussion How many countries has Tinmore just OBLITERATED?
for that matter-----brith certificates---- no longer valid if
persons born in "palestine" were not described a "PALESTINIAN"??
school records? self designations?

Turkey has copies of all the Ottoman Empire deeds, as does Israel.

Turkey should poshaste present those deeds to the UN and all those Israeli unlawful landowners should leave the lands they unlawfully squat on inside Israel and the OPT and the rightful Palestinian landowners or their heirs, presently known as refugees, should posthaste be allowed to return to their homes.

The right of the rightful owners to return to their homes is a recognized international legal right we hear referred to as "the right of return."

All Israel has to do to settle the issue is just ask the Palestinians for a copy of their land titles or deeds. Those who have them to the properties they occupy are legitimate & can remian in Israel if no record of Palestinian terrorism or terrorist support. Those who don't have land titles or deeds are just a bunch of illegal squatters under the unrecognized society of Egyptian fellahin & have to vacate for their own good. Fair enough everyone?

For discussion How many countries has Tinmore just OBLITERATED?
for that matter-----brith certificates---- no longer valid if
persons born in "palestine" were not described a "PALESTINIAN"??
school records? self designations?

Turkey has copies of all the Ottoman Empire deeds, as does Israel.

Turkey should poshaste present those deeds to the UN and all those Israeli unlawful landowners should leave the lands they unlawfully squat on inside Israel and the OPT and the rightful Palestinian landowners or their heirs, presently known as refugees, should posthaste be allowed to return to their homes.

The right of the rightful owners to return to their homes is a recognized international legal right we hear referred to as "the right of return."

Sherri, what's the latest poop on the Palestinians that Gaza won't allow them to cross the border from Syria? It's starting to freeze and there's lots and lots of Palestinian babies who are in danger of freezing to death. When they all freeze to death are you going to blame Israel as usual? Let Samer go and you get to helping those babies.
Way to go Sherri. Now you're talking sense for a change. No deeds -- adios! Only problem is where can all the Palestinian squatters on Israel's land go to when not a single surrounding Arab country will grant them a right of return?

All Israel has to do to settle the issue is just ask the Palestinians for a copy of their land titles or deeds. Those who have them to the properties they occupy are legitimate & can remian in Israel if no record of Palestinian terrorism or terrorist support. Those who don't have land titles or deeds are just a bunch of illegal squatters under the unrecognized society of Egyptian fellahin & have to vacate for their own good. Fair enough everyone?

For discussion How many countries has Tinmore just OBLITERATED?
for that matter-----brith certificates---- no longer valid if
persons born in "palestine" were not described a "PALESTINIAN"??
school records? self designations?

Turkey has copies of all the Ottoman Empire deeds, as does Israel.

Turkey should poshaste present those deeds to the UN and all those Israeli unlawful landowners should leave the lands they unlawfully squat on inside Israel and the OPT and the rightful Palestinian landowners or their heirs, presently known as refugees, should posthaste be allowed to return to their homes.

The right of the rightful owners to return to their homes is a recognized international legal right we hear referred to as "the right of return."

Way to go Sherri. Now you're talking sense for a change. No deeds -- adios! Only problem is where can all the Palestinian squatters on Israel's land go to when not a single surrounding Arab country will grant them a right of return?

All Israel has to do to settle the issue is just ask the Palestinians for a copy of their land titles or deeds. Those who have them to the properties they occupy are legitimate & can remian in Israel if no record of Palestinian terrorism or terrorist support. Those who don't have land titles or deeds are just a bunch of illegal squatters under the unrecognized society of Egyptian fellahin & have to vacate for their own good. Fair enough everyone?

Turkey has copies of all the Ottoman Empire deeds, as does Israel.

Turkey should poshaste present those deeds to the UN and all those Israeli unlawful landowners should leave the lands they unlawfully squat on inside Israel and the OPT and the rightful Palestinian landowners or their heirs, presently known as refugees, should posthaste be allowed to return to their homes.

The right of the rightful owners to return to their homes is a recognized international legal right we hear referred to as "the right of return."


So the Israelis all have deeds that pre-date 1948, when they took things by force? Somehow I doubt it. So then do all those Jews have to go back to Russia, Europe, Africa, the West...? :dunno:
It was already their land for the Israelis that pre-date 1948.

Way to go Sherri. Now you're talking sense for a change. No deeds -- adios! Only problem is where can all the Palestinian squatters on Israel's land go to when not a single surrounding Arab country will grant them a right of return?

Turkey has copies of all the Ottoman Empire deeds, as does Israel.

Turkey should poshaste present those deeds to the UN and all those Israeli unlawful landowners should leave the lands they unlawfully squat on inside Israel and the OPT and the rightful Palestinian landowners or their heirs, presently known as refugees, should posthaste be allowed to return to their homes.

The right of the rightful owners to return to their homes is a recognized international legal right we hear referred to as "the right of return."


So the Israelis all have deeds that pre-date 1948, when they took things by force? Somehow I doubt it. So then do all those Jews have to go back to Russia, Europe, Africa, the West...? :dunno:

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