When & Where It All Began


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Hebron was the first documented massacre of the Jews by Palestinian Arabs that began this endless cycle of "the Middle East conflict" between Israel & the Palestinians. This occured in 1929 even before the re-establishment of Israel & Zionism which the Palestinians blame for this ongoing conflict.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3tMvGgCEx0]Hebron Massacre of the ancient Jewish community by Arab killers in 1929 - YouTube[/ame]
Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.
Oh gee, thanks for enlightening me. So tell us, what DOCUMENTED massacre preceeded Hebron between Israel & the Palestinians. Let the truth be known to all, right Tinmore?

Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.
P F Tinmore, et al,


Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,
Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

yes the war began LONG BEFORE TINNIE in YATHRIB_---when the rapist pig ----murdered, raped and pillaged ------the jews fled but the filth has continued 14 centuries and counting
629 AD tinnie------the pig attacked and the pigs and dogs have been attacking
every since------and have comitted genocides around the world ----killing in the HUNDREDS
of millions -------IMPERIALISTIC MANIACS
P F Tinmore, et al,


Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, international treaties created the various states: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc.. That is the beginning of the history of those states. However, the history of the people predate that creation.
Oh goody. The Palestinians already have their Palestinian State. So now they will stop sucking off of Israel for their livelihood, right Tinmore?

Tinnie LOVES re-writing history to accommodate his ideology !

A dispute regarding the status of the territories was settled by an Arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. It was decided that Palestine and Transjordan were newly created states according to the terms of the applicable post-war treaties.

State of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
P F Tinmore, et al,


Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, international treaties created the various states: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc.. That is the beginning of the history of those states. However, the history of the people predate that creation.
After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, all of Israel and Jordan was to be Israel. Ha ha.
P F Tinmore, et al,


Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, international treaties created the various states: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc.. That is the beginning of the history of those states. However, the history of the people predate that creation.
Ya so? What's your fucking point. It was Ottoman lands for 600 years.
P F Tinmore, et al,



If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, international treaties created the various states: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc.. That is the beginning of the history of those states. However, the history of the people predate that creation.
Ya so? What's your fucking point. It was Ottoman lands for 600 years.

Indeed, but most of those cities and villages, and their people, predate the Ottoman Empire.

Is there a point here?
you have no point TINNIE you are desperate to create one-----now explain to us -----that "hebrew" is a dialect of arabic ----and "arabs" have
been lviing in some place called "palestine" for 10,000 years
P F Tinmore, et al,


Actually the war started before that but Israel likes to start history in the middle so they can make it look like they are defending themselves.

If you were writing history, when would you start the record? Remembering that there were hardly any Arab Nations in the Middle East prior to WWI.

Most Respectfully,

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, international treaties created the various states: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc.. That is the beginning of the history of those states. However, the history of the people predate that creation.

Click here: History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pro- Palestinian is lying again. However, we all know that is what they do best. The Bigotry, Hate, Racism, Killing, etc. etc between the Jews and the Arabs have gone on for HUNDREDS of years . Of course the Pro- Palestinian will have nothing to say; he never does :D
you have no point TINNIE you are desperate to create one-----now explain to us -----that "hebrew" is a dialect of arabic ----and "arabs" have
been lviing in some place called "palestine" for 10,000 years

Its pretty clear to me that the Palestinians are a mixture of a genetic pool with Jews...old language, culture the resemblence to ME peoples...I know I'm a dreamer, but would not two nations forming self-rule within a Confederation make more sense? This way both peoples will have access to each others Holy Place that are shared by History?
you have no point TINNIE you are desperate to create one-----now explain to us -----that "hebrew" is a dialect of arabic ----and "arabs" have
been lviing in some place called "palestine" for 10,000 years

Its pretty clear to me that the Palestinians are a mixture of a genetic pool with Jews...old language, culture the resemblence to ME peoples...I know I'm a dreamer, but would not two nations forming self-rule within a Confederation make more sense? This way both peoples will have access to each others Holy Place that are shared by History?

as to genetics----of course you are right-------when you plant tomatoes in your
garden-----no matter what their PRIOR lineage----they do "mix" An interesting
line in the talmud is "where there are men and women ----there WILL BE SEX"

genetics is not the issue. A confederation can work only if both sides give up
IMPERIALISTIC AMBITION sorry----but neither islam nor christianity nor
communism has repudiated their WORLD WIDE CONTROL agendas---
christians are working on it. zoroastrians have succeeded as have hindus
jews never had it MUSLIMS LIVE FOR IT
The original Palestinians were Jews. Not a single Muslim even existed until the 7th century AD. Holy mackeral, is it actually possible these Muslim Palestinians are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land?

you have no point TINNIE you are desperate to create one-----now explain to us -----that "hebrew" is a dialect of arabic ----and "arabs" have
been lviing in some place called "palestine" for 10,000 years
The original Palestinians were Jews. Not a single Muslim even existed until the 7th century AD. Holy mackeral, is it actually possible these Muslim Palestinians are just a bunch of squatters on Israel's ancient land?

you have no point TINNIE you are desperate to create one-----now explain to us -----that "hebrew" is a dialect of arabic ----and "arabs" have
been lviing in some place called "palestine" for 10,000 years
You win a seegar and a fuzzy little teddy bear!

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