When was America great?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Her are four images that show some periods through history. There are many more.

am great 1.jpg

am great 2.jpg

am great 4.jpg

am great 3.jpg

Now lets hear from the hate filled scum!
its a trick question since by world standards America has always been great,,,
its just we have parasites and evil people that make it suck to live here sometimes,,,ie democrats and republicans
"Great" is subjective. I think we're great due to the freedoms we do have. Freedom of speech, right to bear arms, etc. I'm sure if I was born in most Western countries I'd think it was great because of certain freedoms they have. You'd have to live in a pretty shit country to not think of your own country as great. :D
From WWI to the present, America has been the greatest power on Earth.
There is a word for it when especially a group of politicians meets....Comradery is a spirit of friendship and community between two people or a group of people. The members of the group are comfortable around each other, and they support each other. This word is often applied to sports teams or to groups of soldiers. What do you see sport figures doing after a win???? Kiss, hugging and slapping butt? Anyone who sees this as dirty and creepy just has an inborn dirty mind of their own.
From WWI to the present, America has been the greatest power on Earth.
Warnings from Israel's Past
…11Now these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. 12So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. 13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.
Unforeseen circumstances befall us all. AMERICA IS DOOM TO FALL. And it is in rapid decline as we speak. And nothing we can do to stop it.
From Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama, Americans have little to admire in the legacies of our presidents —150,000 military lives lost, a $100 trillion debt, trillions of dollars spent on conflicts, active threats from Iran and North Korea—and what do we have to show for it all?
its a trick question since by world standards America has always been great,,,
its just we have parasites and evil people that make it suck to live here sometimes,,,ie democrats and republicans

"parasites and evil people that make it suck to live here sometimes,,,ie democrats and republicans"

I think it would be more accurate to say LEFT WING and RIGHT WING.

or...."the so-called leaders of the country"

If you actually talk to the democratic troops and the republican troops I believe MOST of them are NOT evil, just fooled....

Of course, posters on this board are not a good reflection of how relatively decent MOST people are.

Most people are not ON this board.

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