When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Why do you want to see it used?
What I wonder is why anyone would want a terrorist state that has threatened “Death to Americans!” and ”Death to Jews!” to have a nuclear weapon by means to carry it out.
Before the Gaza people attacked Israel, Israel had sought peace. At least two times Hamas turned Israel down. They meant business and proved it by attacking Israel. Well tough titty. It is too late now for the war mongers in Gaza to escape justice.
That’s what I keep telling them, but they are blinded by their anti-Jew bias. They’re so eager to blame the Jews that they deny how the Muslims have turned down offers of peace. Repeatedly.
And stop lying about what's going on.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

And Israel has to stop lying. If you are right, you don't have to lie.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

For more than 75 years, the relief agency has offered direct relief to nearly 6 million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and neighboring Arab states. In Gaza, nearly the entire population relies on the aid group for basic necessities, including food, water and hygiene supplies, as other aid organizations suspended services after being targeted and killed by Israeli bombs that have rained on Gaza since October.
In February, Israeli officials made an explosive allegation: that a number of UNRWA employees in Gaza took part in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack

But last week, an independent United Nations report concluded that Israeli forces did not provide evidence to support that accusation. Despite this, the backlash against UNRWA was swift. More than a dozen international donors, including the U.S., suspended about $450 million of aid. U.S. financial support for the relief agency is suspended until at least March 2025.

Germany, UNRWA’s second-biggest donor after the U.S., however, recently announced that it would resume funding for the aid group.

Catherine Colonna explaining the truth.
This isn't about "offending" someone - but occupying and destroying/hindering Palestinian souvereignity and their creation of an economic basis and livelihood - whilst robbing their lands, killing them and herding them into Ghettos.

Or would you describe the Nazi Holocaust as having "offended" Jews?


Antisemites create antisemitism. The rest is nonsense.

RE: When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free
SUBTOPIC: Act of Aggression by the Islamic Resistance
⁜→ et al,

Let us not complicate the current situation by injecting historical (
or that which has been overtaken by significant political events) positions of territorial control. Let us look at what is currently documented.


◈ To the best of my knowledge, I am not aware of any documented agreement, territorial c
ession, or acquire sovereign control over any territory by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP).

✦ Exceptions:
✧ The Israelis unilaterally withdrew (completed 2005) from the Gaza Strip - leaving it to its own fate. The Arab Palestinians allowed the designated terrorists of the Islamic Resistance (HAMAS) to establish control.
✧ Areas A & B: IAW the Oslo Accord delineation.
This is language straight from the NAZI playbook.

I see a number of Anti-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian advocates sling this "NAZI" tag around and purposefully implied NAZI-like tag on discussion group commentary. But I do not see any specifics and arguments that breakdown the objection. Just what is it about the GLASNOST comments that you think are unworthy because they are NAZI-like?


Most Respectfully,
That's good to hear.

Damn the Zionists for putting the Palestinians in a position where they have no choice but to fight. The Zionists drew first blood, second blood, and third blood. There comes a time when you either strike back at a bully or die on your knees.

Do you consider yourself racist? because that's racist speech. There is no worse racism than racism of low expectations.
They are weeks away from nuke. You don’t see a problem with Islamic terrorists have a nuke?
And stop lying about what's going on.


And Israel has to stop lying. If you are right, you don't have to lie.
It's crazy. Signing onto a discussion forum one assumes the members are adults willing to share or debate in an honest & earnest manner. Otherwise, what is the purpose of coming to a group if not to seek truth? But here we see (as you've pointed out) people whose bicycles must have got a puncture and have nothing to do but flap their lips, wasting other people's time. :45:
What I wonder is why anyone would want a terrorist state that has threatened “Death to Americans!” and ”Death to Jews!” to have a nuclear weapon by means to carry it out.
They know Iran will use a Nuclear bomb. It makes no sense for Iran to have any of them.
Are you being absurd or have you misplaced a comma?
Iran would use the nuclear bomb. Frankly if not, he has no need to make one or more.
That’s what I keep telling them, but they are blinded by their anti-Jew bias. They’re so eager to blame the Jews that they deny how the Muslims have turned down offers of peace. Repeatedly.
It amazes me when native Americans, not immigrants, but we who have a long history in the United states wants to carry a load for those in Gaza by calling them an unrecognized name called Palestine when the name is really Gaza. This was chosen by those inhabiting Gaza.
Why Americans pick the Arabs side is pretty terrible.

All they had to do was seek for Israel to include them and bingo problem over. Israel no doubt would have assimilated the Arabs since they have done it to many others living in Israel.
That’s what I keep telling them, but they are blinded by their anti-Jew bias. They’re so eager to blame the Jews that they deny how the Muslims have turned down offers of peace. Repeatedly.

I heard everything I'm saying from Jon Stewart. Isn't he Jewish?

And I'm not buying for one second that Israel is offering peace and Hamas is turning them down. You're not telling the entire story.

And funny you say that and I find this

How Israel has repeatedly rejected Hamas truce offers​

On Sunday, Netanyahu turned down a Hamas offer to end the war. It’s only the latest in a long history of Hamas proposals for long-term truces that Israel has rejected.

I'm not anti Jewish. I just don't believe pro Israel Jews when it comes to this issue.

It's like saying an Israeli is anti American if they were against us invading Iraq.
I heard everything I'm saying from Jon Stewart. Isn't he Jewish?

And I'm not buying for one second that Israel is offering peace and Hamas is turning them down. You're not telling the entire story.

And funny you say that and I find this

How Israel has repeatedly rejected Hamas truce offers​

On Sunday, Netanyahu turned down a Hamas offer to end the war. It’s only the latest in a long history of Hamas proposals for long-term truces that Israel has rejected.

I'm not anti Jewish. I just don't believe pro Israel Jews when it comes to this issue.

It's like saying an Israeli is anti American if they were against us invading Iraq.
Israel has Arabs living in Israel. Clearly it is not Arabs, it is those in Gaza who blundered in the attack. When you wipe out Jews, they don't sit around crying, they get busy and take action. Gaza attacked. The West Bank Arabs has not attacked. They are doing fine.
If Jews can have the right to return, why can't Palestinians?
Why call them a fictitious name. Arabs who live in their part of the general area known as Israel do live among the Jews. They are not part of the waging war by the Arabs of Gaza.
Why call them a fictitious name. Arabs who live in their part of the general area known as Israel do live among the Jews. They are not part of the waging war by the Arabs of Gaza.
I don't give a flying fuck what you call them, they were living there prior to the Zionist migration and they have rights!

Fuck you with this bullshit name circus!
can any of you really point out to when this conflict started?
Yes. Can't you?

Of course I can, It was a retorical question. I find it often common that Anti-Israelis cannot even point out the simplest of facts in the history of this conflict. Just needed to see for myself if people have half an idea what they're talking about nowdays.
And? Have you made a diagnosis from this dialogue of ours? I mean, do you think that we have (I and/or you) are able "to point out when the conflict started"?

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