When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Why did Israel give warnings on where they were next going to strike when Hamas gave none to Israel?
Why did Israel give warnings on where they were next going to strike when Hamas gave none to Israel?
Internattional Humanitarian law requires warnings be given if civilians may be in danger from the attack. Hamas abides by no laws or moral boundaries regarding either Israeli or Palestinian civilians.
A simple statement by a moderate centrist Israeli.

Our end game is clear (as explained to my brother this evening):

In this war, our short-term goals, as stated by the government of Israel and supported by the vast majority of our people, are:

(1) Destroy Hamas, capture or kill its members (leaders and fighters – some 20-30,000 total);

(2) Ensure the release of all remaining hostages;

(3) Prevent Hamas from ever being able to operate or rule in Gaza again.

Our long-term end game in the coming months/year:

(1) Help the international community to set up a responsible interim government in Gaza – democratic, respecting civil/human rights, interested in real peace with Israel and all our neighbors (may include remaining in Gaza for quite a while);

(2) Ensure either the dismantling and replacement of the Palestinian Authority with a similar regime respecting the rights of its people and promoting their interests/benefit, or at the very least the replacement of the current corrupt dictatorial leadership now in place with better leaders;

We are finished with your excuses and your empty moralizing, let alone your despicable and antisemitic (im)moral equivalency and double standards. We don’t give a sh*t anymore what your demonstrators shout or your anti-Israel politicians preach or your ignorant cultural icons post. We will do what is necessary to ensure our survival, our continued existence and thriving in our ancestral homeland, and sooner rather than later you will thank us for standing up to an evil which actually surpasses that of Nazi Germany in both its individual barbarity and its encompassing hatred for all of western civilization, Christians and Jews (and all other “infidels” as well) and stated intent to destroy us all (not just the Jews, the Roma, the Communists, gays and other ‘undesirables’…).

We’re doing it for ourselves, yes; but it’s objectively the right thing to do, morally (and legally and historically), and it’s for the entire free world in the end. Thankfully, there are many government leaders and individuals around the world (including in the Arab and Muslim world) who are beginning to recognize this and are willing to stand up for this moral imperative.

You can stand with us, or you can stand with evil. It’s really that simple. Yes you can comment and criticize specific actions and policies. But you cannot deny the justice of our cause. If there ever was a just war – and fought justly as well – as defined by Michael Walzer, this is it. And you cannot use terms like “indiscriminate force”, “carpet bombing”, “disproportionate response”, “massacre” and “genocide” and expect us to take you seriously or even listen to your opinion.

Goodnight and sleep well. In this surreal reality we’re living through, we in Israel are sleeping better now than we have in decades, as we realize now what we must do, we have awakened to this reality, and we are prepared, willing and in some ways glad to finally stand up for ourselves as we should have every time we’ve been attacked over this past century, rather than constantly doing the Christian thing and turning the other cheek.
Hamas made a big miscalculation. Thinking Israel was weak, due to internal strife regarding government and judicial policies.

How wrong they were. When it really comes down to it, Israel is altogether and united, when its very existence is threatened.
  • Palestinians in Lebanon are "prevented from employment in 39 professions such as medicine, law and engineering... are socially marginalized, have very limited civil, social, political and economic rights, including restricted access to the Government of Lebanon's public health, educational and social services and face significant restrictions on their right to work..." — United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees, updated September 2020.
  • Arab citizens of Israel.... can own, buy and sell property, can vote and run in national and local elections, have equal access to free public healthcare, education and other services.... Many Arab Israelis serve in senior positions in hospitals, universities and colleges, courts, the civil service, and even in the Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces.
  • Neither Syria nor Lebanon grants citizenship to the Palestinians living there...
  • [W]hat is happening inside the Syrian detention centers against the Palestinians is "a war crime by all standards." – Action Group for Palestinians of Syria, alquds.co.uk, November 29, 2023.
  • By ignoring the profound suffering of the Palestinians in Syria and Lebanon, these self-proclaimed "pro-Palestinian" activists and groups are once again proving that their goal is not to help Palestinians, but only to make Israel into a pariah state.
  • If these activists and groups want to end the suffering of the Palestinians, they should be demanding that the Arab countries end their discriminatory and repressive measures against their Palestinian brethren. The activists and groups should also be raising the plight of the Palestinians at every available international platform instead of blaming Israel.
  • Palestinians in Lebanon are "prevented from employment in 39 professions such as medicine, law and engineering... are socially marginalized, have very limited civil, social, political and economic rights, including restricted access to the Government of Lebanon's public health, educational and social services and face significant restrictions on their right to work..." — United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees, updated September 2020.
  • Arab citizens of Israel.... can own, buy and sell property, can vote and run in national and local elections, have equal access to free public healthcare, education and other services.... Many Arab Israelis serve in senior positions in hospitals, universities and colleges, courts, the civil service, and even in the Israel Police and the Israel Defense Forces.
  • Neither Syria nor Lebanon grants citizenship to the Palestinians living there...
  • [W]hat is happening inside the Syrian detention centers against the Palestinians is "a war crime by all standards." – Action Group for Palestinians of Syria, alquds.co.uk, November 29, 2023.
  • By ignoring the profound suffering of the Palestinians in Syria and Lebanon, these self-proclaimed "pro-Palestinian" activists and groups are once again proving that their goal is not to help Palestinians, but only to make Israel into a pariah state.
  • If these activists and groups want to end the suffering of the Palestinians, they should be demanding that the Arab countries end their discriminatory and repressive measures against their Palestinian brethren. The activists and groups should also be raising the plight of the Palestinians at every available international platform instead of blaming Israel.
Indeed Israel has treated the Palestinians far better than than their own Arab brothers in Arab countires. And yet they hate Israel. Go figure Palestinian mentality.
Indeed Israel has treated the Palestinians far better than than their own Arab brothers in Arab countires. And yet they hate Israel. Go figure Palestinian mentality.
Consider the Arab Israeli citizens & why it is that none of them want to leave Israel to go back to their previous Arab country.
Yes, now 2023ad the Israelis are displaying their true selves by murdering and murdering some more.

Now the Israelis are being accused of genocide.

Statement: 17 November 2023
Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim A.A. Khan KC, on the Situation in the State of Palestine: receipt of a referral from five States Parties

In accordance with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, a State Party may refer to the Prosecutor a situation in which one or more crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court appear to have been committed requesting the Prosecutor to investigate the situation for the purpose of determining whether one or more specific persons should be charged with the commission of such crimes.

In receiving the referral, my Office confirms that it is presently conducting an investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine. This investigation, commenced on 3 March 2021, encompasses conduct that may amount to Rome Statute crimes committed since 13 June 2014 in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The court will find Israel guilty of genocide and once done the USA will no longer support these murderers thugs..
Got news for you. Attack Israel & Israel will retaliate just like we did with Japan & Ukraine is now doing with Russia.
When this war is over, Hamas will be exterminated and Israel will be free.
Free from Hamas yes. But unless Israel starts treating the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do the Palestinians will start some other terrorist groups against Israel.
Free from Hamas yes. But unless Israel starts treating the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do the Palestinians will start some other terrorist groups against Israel.
The Palestinians aren’t even welcome in Jordan where they come from.
Exactly right. Jordan under king Hussein even had to massacre over 20,000 of them to establish a lasting peace & still no right of return. And yet has anyone ever heard a single Palestinian or supporter complaint over that?
Palestinains refuse to even accept Israel's existence. Unless & until that changes the Israeli Palestinian conflict shall remain an endless one.

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