When the Lord Said, "No Equal Treatment Allowed In This Civilization. . .Or Maybe Not(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Now that the U. S. Economy is booming, then all of a sudden there is impending Trade War. The Trump Party Deficit, attractive only to Conservatives-In-Name-Only, (Rhymes with S-I-N-O): Created a booming economy to help exploit and plunder the Chinese. The other good friend of Putin is North Korea, whatever is left of it after sanctions.

At some time after The Beginning, but before New Testament--Which is After the Hellenist Enlightenment, and the Roman Conquest: In Deuteronomy 23:19-20, Moses pronounced the Basic Guiding Principle of Western World Religion. It was technically remedied in New Testament, but nobody noticed.

"(19) Do not charge a fellow Israelite interest, whether on money or food or anything else that may earn interest. (20) You may charge a foreigner" interest, but not a fellow Israelite, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you put your hand to in the land you are entering to possess."

Translated, the Great Abomination essentially notes: "No Equal Treatment from this brand of Deity! Any such Concept is Abomination to that plan!" People are essentially, not equal in the eyes of the religious basis of the law.

So the Conservatives-In-Name-Only exploded the deficit with no Public Works Spending(?). Probably they did not, but that is the outcome. Likely Moses had no concept of arithmetic in economics either. Subsequent the deficit, The unemployment rate went down. Now that arithmetic is getting played against the Chinese, trying to catch-up. Many would say they are getting now getting cooked in the duck soup of their own making. USA used math, to counter Chinese math, with tariffs math.

See the arithmetic at work.

Moses divided, the world into believers and non-believers, and with lethal consequences. Non-Believers were allowed to get screwed by Believers, called the "Chosen People." The Holy Father even wears a silly skull cap.

So what does Holy Father believe in: Really?!?

Matthew 25:14-30:: Shows the outcome in arithmetic certain. The people at the lower end of the income scale--with less to begin with--do not catch up at all. They go into the Las Vegas, post-foreclosure, Real Estate Atrocity, arranged by Moses--saying it was the work of the Lord.

Now everybody plays the Lottery, even.

The American Consumer, Manufacturer, Farmer, Teacher, Janitor, High-Tecky and on and on will be a part of it, and anyone even sees the outcome.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Asking even how many Anglicans can stand on the head of Her Majesty's Royal. . .pin-head.)
People Like Golfing Gator poster will easily find them all un-affordable at any rate, all due to arithmetic.

A part of the Magic Deficit is the credibility of the Notes, having in the recent past been downgraded, too.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Automanipulation often times not thought arithmetic of Civilized Economics!)
I do not recall moses saying "charge interest to the stranger".
He did DEFINITLY say-----something like "don't take his blankey as a surety" but that ruling referred to everyone

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