when the left goes after the left...ACLU vs. Hollywood men...hilarious...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...I have often wondered at the feminists and how they look the other way at leftist men who abuse women...if a lefty man supports their right to kill their unborn children, the lefty females,seem willing to let the lefty men do what they want to vulnerable women.....just look at bill "the serial,sexual predator" Clinton...and Hollywood. I mean, where else can men tell women that if they want a job, they must be willing to take off their clothes and perform simulated sex acts....on film...so the lefty male can make money....

imagine any other business where any other male tried to get away with this....and yet...look at Hollywood....filled with lefties...and it is routine practice........and don't tell me it is necessary...they can show or hint at sex in any number of ways without making the women do what they now do.....

and not only do women have to get naked and perform simulated,sex,acts...they get paid less than men for their work....all while these lefty morons bitch about equal work for equal pay....and blame republicans.......while Hollywood and the democrat politicians pay their male workers more than their female workers...and yes, both Obama and Hilary discriminate against women by paying them less......

And then they have the balls to tell everyone else that paying women less is wrong......and they are the only ones doing it.....

ACLU Pushing Petition to Have Government Investigate Hollywood Gender Discrimination - Breitbart
When woman directors direct good films they get the opportunity to direct more good films. Generally they don't direct particularly good films.
And this actress will have to be destroyed...how dare she speak out....

Fargo Actress Frances McDormand Addresses Sexism at Cannes We ve Never Been Paid Commensurately - Breitbart

McDormand said at this point in her career she has never received equal pay, and only one time during her career as an actor has she received her going quote, which she says was less then a male actor of a similar status’ rate.

“I worked very hard for that money, I’m very proud of my work. I’m glad I did that film and I’m proud that I finally got paid what I was told I was worth by the industry,” she said.

“But that is nothing. That is a tenth of what most males my age, with my experience and my reputation as a film actor make. We’ve never been paid commensurately and that has to change,” she added.

Those damned Republicans in hollywood....oh...wait.....

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