When Teachers Are Treated Poorly...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Brooklyn teacher who says she was sexually tormented by students wins $450,000 settlement

2. Theresa Reel says students and staff at High School for Legal Studies in Williamsburg 'treated her like dirt.' She says students flung condoms at her and rubbed against her breasts

3. Her pleas to school bosses were met with accusations that she showed too much cleavage, she charged.

4. When she told then-Principal Denise Morgan that she made a student leave the class for sexual comments, the official’s response was: “And how does that threaten you?”

5. Morgan defended her handling of Reel’s complaints.
“I am very comfortable with the professional manner in which I responded to this teacher’s concerns,” she told The News.

6. Reel’s court papers detail the barrage of X-rated insults she faced in the classroom and corridors.
One boy allegedly told her: “I’ve got rubbers — want to party?” Another student accused a classmate of performing a sex act on Reel for good grades, she said."
Brooklyn teacher who says she was sexually tormented by students wins $450,000 settlement - NY Daily News

What is the reason that this principal has 'sovereign immunity'? I'd like to see her kick in some of the money that we taxpayers are on the hook to pay!

And how is it that the same behavior exhibited by the students in question would have gotten them arrested on a subway....but a pat on the head in the school system??

How can we hold teachers responsible for teaching under these conditions??

The answer: politics.

Schools under the control of educrats, and populated by OWS-in-training.

Our society is doomed by cowardice.

These animals shouldn't be allowed to act like that toward anyone, especially a teacher. I don't care what she looks like.
Schools are not solely run by democrats.

Although I agree, the principle should at the very least be fired over the poor handling of this situation.

Seriously... what are we paying the principals for if not to 'manage' their schools and the employees therein? :wtf:
These animals shouldn't be allowed to act like that toward anyone, especially a teacher. I don't care what she looks like.

:eusa_think: hmmmmmmmm.....

Legislate courtesy...?


I'm not saying to legislate it but discipline is gone from the schools in this country, the kids know it and they can pretty much do or say anything they want without any real consequence.
Schools are not solely run by democrats.

Although I agree, the principle should at the very least be fired over the poor handling of this situation.

Seriously... what are we paying the principals for if not to 'manage' their schools and the employees therein? :wtf:

My sil is a public school teacher at an inner city school. The stories she brings home make me shudder.I really don't know how she does it and still manages to find enjoyment in her job.
These animals shouldn't be allowed to act like that toward anyone, especially a teacher. I don't care what she looks like.

:eusa_think: hmmmmmmmm.....

Legislate courtesy...?


I'm not saying to legislate it but discipline is gone from the schools in this country, the kids know it and they can pretty much do or say anything they want without any real consequence.

OK....Off the top of my head....

1. Teachers should be allowed a contractual number of 'peremptory challenges,' as lawyers get for potential jurors....to remove students from their classes.

2. After three 'removals,' as student must be transferred to another school.

3. With this new power, the success, i.e., student achievement, of the teacher determines re-hiring. No tenure.

So...would this restore discipline.....and weed out the professionals?
Schools are not solely run by democrats.

Although I agree, the principle should at the very least be fired over the poor handling of this situation.

"Schools are not solely run by democrats."


.....the OP didn't mention "Democrats."

Seems that Shakespeare knew you might be feeling a little guilty here....
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
:eusa_think: hmmmmmmmm.....

Legislate courtesy...?


I'm not saying to legislate it but discipline is gone from the schools in this country, the kids know it and they can pretty much do or say anything they want without any real consequence.

OK....Off the top of my head....

1. Teachers should be allowed a contractual number of 'peremptory challenges,' as lawyers get for potential jurors....to remove students from their classes.

2. After three 'removals,' as student must be transferred to another school.

3. With this new power, the success, i.e., student achievement, of the teacher determines re-hiring. No tenure.

So...would this restore discipline.....and weed out the professionals?

Alot of the kids don't really care though about being expelled, suspended etc they just look at that as a vacation to sit home while their parents are at work.
I'm not saying to legislate it but discipline is gone from the schools in this country, the kids know it and they can pretty much do or say anything they want without any real consequence.

OK....Off the top of my head....

1. Teachers should be allowed a contractual number of 'peremptory challenges,' as lawyers get for potential jurors....to remove students from their classes.

2. After three 'removals,' as student must be transferred to another school.

3. With this new power, the success, i.e., student achievement, of the teacher determines re-hiring. No tenure.

So...would this restore discipline.....and weed out the professionals?

Alot of the kids don't really care though about being expelled, suspended etc they just look at that as a vacation to sit home while their parents are at work.

Do you think that parents will want to have them home?
Bet they make that point to the kid.

And...expelling 'em places the onus on folks trained to deal with discipline....the police...and lets teachers teach.
We are an uncivil and disrespecting culture. Unless sufficiently threatened. For instance these kids probably would not insult islam like this because there would be no school by that afternoon. It would be burned with them in it.
OK....Off the top of my head....

1. Teachers should be allowed a contractual number of 'peremptory challenges,' as lawyers get for potential jurors....to remove students from their classes.

2. After three 'removals,' as student must be transferred to another school.

3. With this new power, the success, i.e., student achievement, of the teacher determines re-hiring. No tenure.

So...would this restore discipline.....and weed out the professionals?

Alot of the kids don't really care though about being expelled, suspended etc they just look at that as a vacation to sit home while their parents are at work.

Do you think that parents will want to have them home?
Bet they make that point to the kid.

And...expelling 'em places the onus on folks trained to deal with discipline....the police...and lets teachers teach.

Depends what kind of parents they have, alot of times its not parents but just one parent and that person is usually working so long they are hardly ever around and have no control of the kid, or the parent doesn't work and just doesn't care. I am telling you what I have seen personally going to Kansas City public schools, suspensions was vacation time back than.
We are an uncivil and disrespecting culture. Unless sufficiently threatened. For instance these kids probably would not insult islam like this because there would be no school by that afternoon. It would be burned with them in it.

Most kids in the US don't care about Islam and don't know anything about it, they would fart on a Quran without a second thought.
Alot of the kids don't really care though about being expelled, suspended etc they just look at that as a vacation to sit home while their parents are at work.

Do you think that parents will want to have them home?
Bet they make that point to the kid.

And...expelling 'em places the onus on folks trained to deal with discipline....the police...and lets teachers teach.

Depends what kind of parents they have, alot of times its not parents but just one parent and that person is usually working so long they are hardly ever around and have no control of the kid, or the parent doesn't work and just doesn't care. I am telling you what I have seen personally going to Kansas City public schools, suspensions was vacation time back than.

OK....you force me to impose the baseball model: change 'expelled' to 'transferred'....send 'em to the minors! A school with a lower teacher-student ratio....

...and a different 'kind' of teacher.

At some point, you and I would have to agree that there are children that cannot be allowed to remain in school....

...at least if we want education to take place.
We are an uncivil and disrespecting culture. Unless sufficiently threatened. For instance these kids probably would not insult islam like this because there would be no school by that afternoon. It would be burned with them in it.

Most kids in the US don't care about Islam and don't know anything about it, they would fart on a Quran without a second thought.

They still know enough to know when to keep their traps shut. Probably because even the toughest of American kids know which gangs to respect. A teacher going into class wearing the dominant colors would probably be treated quite well.
We are an uncivil and disrespecting culture. Unless sufficiently threatened. For instance these kids probably would not insult islam like this because there would be no school by that afternoon. It would be burned with them in it.

Most kids in the US don't care about Islam and don't know anything about it, they would fart on a Quran without a second thought.

They still know enough to know when to keep their traps shut. Probably because even the toughest of American kids know which gangs to respect. A teacher going into class wearing the dominant colors would probably be treated quite well.

Thats totally different, alot of American kids know alot about street gangs, but know next to zero about Islam. Most American kids aren't even paying attention to whats going on in Egypt and Libya right now, Jersey Shore and Football on the other hand are a different matter.
Do you think that parents will want to have them home?
Bet they make that point to the kid.

And...expelling 'em places the onus on folks trained to deal with discipline....the police...and lets teachers teach.

Depends what kind of parents they have, alot of times its not parents but just one parent and that person is usually working so long they are hardly ever around and have no control of the kid, or the parent doesn't work and just doesn't care. I am telling you what I have seen personally going to Kansas City public schools, suspensions was vacation time back than.

OK....you force me to impose the baseball model: change 'expelled' to 'transferred'....send 'em to the minors! A school with a lower teacher-student ratio....

...and a different 'kind' of teacher.

At some point, you and I would have to agree that there are children that cannot be allowed to remain in school....

...at least if we want education to take place.

I'm thinking more a basic training type Military environment for the assholes who won't behave in class, if you get expellled you don't get to report back to your house and play XBOX, you report to a Military run basic training facility.
"Brooklyn teacher who says she was sexually tormented by students wins $450,000 settlement

What is the reason that this principal has 'sovereign immunity'? I'd like to see her kick in some of the money that we taxpayers are on the hook to pay!

Schools under the control of educrats, and populated by OWS-in-training.

The teacher & principal are likely colluding to win the half million dollar taxpayer funded payday that they will split later.

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