When Someon dies in the commision of a crime...


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
There is no question that Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson robbed a local mini mart just prior to Brown's death. Dorian Johnson was a co-criminal in that action. Their retreat later on is still part of that crime scene. Their resistance upon being told to stop or " Freeze " is also a part of that same crime and the beginnings of another crime. Now it has become apparent that Brown had every intention of killing officer Wilson with his own service revolver. Wilson took a pretty bad beating but managed to keep his gun. Makes sense after all...if you are trying to hold onto your gun you don't have extra hands to stop the blows coming in from an assailant...this assailant was big and powerful also.

A shot was fired.....probably one of the six that hit brown in the FRONT not the back. At that point brown probably decided it was a good idea to move away. The officer properly pursued him ( he should have called for back up but if he was dazed ....who knows ) Followin his training he pulled out his revolver and shouted freeze to the robber suspect who was now also a felon for assaulting a police officer. Seems that our boy Dorian was close by and involved in most of this. In any case he was carrying the stolen property at one point. Brown ( probably on more than just pot .....you notice that the blood labs are being hidden ) charged the already injured officer and as a result...well...he ended up rather predictably dead.

Johnson has changed his story.....I think his attorney probably woke him up by telling him that he could do time for Brown's death. Where's Al??? Where's Jesse? Dorian Johnson needs some help here....he probably just haplessly went along with brown for the ride and didn't expect any of this stuff to happen. But now he could be looking at ten to twenty for Brown's death??? I think Mr. Johnson will begin to think about himself at this point and forget about the race baiters. Whaddaya think?

In California he could be charged with murder. Even liberal utopia Cali has it on the books, now prosecuting it successfully is another story
No beating has been confirmed as no official police report has been released.....More speculation...

Yes....hmmm...it's beginning to look like Dorian Johnson can't do anyting but lie eh?

When an accomplice is killed during the commission of a felony the perp is guilty of felony murder regardless of how his accomplice dies. That's why Bill Ayers should have been charged with murder.
When an accomplice is killed during the commission of a felony the perp is guilty of felony murder regardless of how his accomplice dies. That's why Bill Ayers should have been charged with murder.

It's similar to a drunk driving charge. If you are drunk and a pssenger in your car dies...the law says you murdered him.

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