When Nazis are standing against pedophile groomers, it makes you wonder who the good guys are

He was smearing his enemies within the Party. Pretty obvious. He also personally assassinated his other main right wing political enemy, the General who headed the Wehrmacht and was the man responsible for creating the 'black armies' throughout the 20's and 30's

Talk of the SA replacing the Reichswehr continued and even escalated. The SA, many said, embodied the youthful revolutionary spirit of National Socialism. “Wait until Papa Hindenburg is dead”, trumpeted one SA leader, “then the SA will march against the army”.

The SA leader, Ernst Rohm, repeatedly suggested to Hitler that he (Rohm) should replace Blomberg as defence minister. When Hitler refused these requests, Rohm became critical of the Fuhrer, both in public and private. On one occasion, Rohm caused a minor scandal by referring to Hitler as “a ridiculous corporal”.

‘Night of the Long Knives’

Attempts to ease tensions between the Reichswehr and the SA in the spring of 1934 proved unsuccessful. In June, Blomberg visited Hitler with an order from the ailing president Hindenburg. The old man wanted the situation resolved and if it could not be done, Hindenburg hinted, he may impose martial law and hand control to his generals.

This implied threat prompted Hitler to order the ‘Night of the Long Knives’, an SS-led purge that saw dozens of people arrested and killed, including Rohm and several other SA leaders.

The SA was downsized and disempowered and purged of those who wanted to lead the Nazi revolution rather than serve it. The Reichswehr leadership was placated and their confidence in Hitler bolstered.

Schleicher was a key manager in this.

Very interesting, although I'm still not sure what the point re the Nazis and homosexuality is.

In a way, the Nazis were more honest on this issue than their Socialist and Communist opponents. The latter were actually in favor of repealing the German statute against homosexuality, but opportunistically called attention to the presence of homosexuals within the Nazi ranks -- not to say, "You are hypocrites", but to appeal to anti-homosexual feelings within the social layers that both of them -- the Left and the Nazis -- were appealing to.
These "Nazi's" of today aren't anything like Hitlers Nazi's.

Almost all of them are nothing more than bored teenagers with no goals in life, looking for someplace to fit in.
A lot of them are angry young people......angry at what though? Who knows, they sure as hell don't know either.
And even others just want America back to being safe, secure, and FOR Americans and REAL Americans only.....meaning those that have LEGALLY and PROPERLY came to this country for a REAL better life, not to use and abuse us and our government.
Why is your motive to kill anyone?


You like nazis?
Stalin didn't have his submarines out killing American civilians with torpedoes, and Hitler declared war on us, so did the japs. There's that. They both seemed to think they had a right to tell us who we could do business with and who we couldn't. That's the problem with 'isolationism' and 'neutrality'; nobody else is going to leave you alone or respect your 'neutrality', no matter how much ideological tripe gets thrown around. Japs and Nazis made it easy to figure out who the bad guys were.
The US was hardly neutral, sending weapons and supplies to the Allies before entering the war.

I'm not saying they should not have, but the US was hardly isolationist.
Very interesting, although I'm still not sure what the point re the Nazis and homosexuality is.

In a way, the Nazis were more honest on this issue than their Socialist and Communist opponents. The latter were actually in favor of repealing the German statute against homosexuality, but opportunistically called attention to the presence of homosexuals within the Nazi ranks -- not to say, "You are hypocrites", but to appeal to anti-homosexual feelings within the social layers that both of them -- the Left and the Nazis -- were appealing to.

The point is the homosexual claims re Rohm are red herrings and phony. It becomes obvious when you read about Weimar Germany and its decadence.
These "Nazi's" of today aren't anything like Hitlers Nazi's.

Almost all of them are nothing more than bored teenagers with no goals in life, looking for someplace to fit in.
A lot of them are angry young people......angry at what though? Who knows, they sure as hell don't know either.
And even others just want America back to being safe, secure, and FOR Americans and REAL Americans only.....meaning those that have LEGALLY and PROPERLY came to this country for a REAL better life, not to use and abuse us and our government.
That the Nazis (and similar fascist groups) are getting anywhere with young people is an indictment of the conservative movement.

We do pretty well presenting our case on college campuses, especially the more elite ones (when we're not being assaulted by Leftwing storm troopers). But we have no organization trying to reach working class young people, the 'red-pilled' young men you find on 4Chan.

That's a deficiency we MUST address. If we can start forming 'Community Defense Teams', we'll need to make a special effort to reach the youth. A CDT will involve a lot of practical training -- in firearms, first aid, engineering -- and hopefully practical community work, like the Houston Branch of the Texas State Militia do with Habitat for Humanity.

That ought to be a path into involvement for young people who are not going to listen to videos of Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, and aren't going to sit through a study group on the Federalist Papers or The Road to Serfdom..
What I love is how they judge and condemn a group of of people who have not committed a crime.

lol just because something is 'legal' doesn't mean anything in deviant cultures. killing babies for being inconvenient is legal, so were the camps like Treblinka and Auschwitz. Loading live babies into trucks with pitchforks was legal for japs to do. Trading your 8 yr old daughter to some old pedophile for a goat is legal in many parts of Asia and Africa and South America. We shouldn't condemn them according to your sick dope addled 'logic'.
lol just because something is 'legal' doesn't mean anything in deviant cultures. killing babies for being inconvenient is legal, so were the camps like Treblinka and Auschwitz. Loading live babies into trucks with pitchforks was legal for japs to do. Trading your 8 yr old daughter to some old pedophile for a goat is legal in many parts of Asia and Africa and South America. We shouldn't condemn them according to your sick dope addled 'logic'.
Yeah, close down churches because priests are pedophiles you said, never.
That the Nazis (and similar fascist groups) are getting anywhere with young people is an indictment of the conservative movement.

lol more rubbish. The FBI keeps many of these groups alive, financed, and in the news. So do black racists and scammers.
Not that I'm condoning Nazis. I'm sure there are very fine people on both sides. Except one side wants your children.

"Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023"​

"Everything is obvious. Evil pedophiles think that people aren’t going to stand up to their grooming of children? Think again. This weekend Blood Tribe, WLM and other groups paid the pedophiles a visit."

Videos: Blood Tribe & WLM Ruined the Day for Pedophile Groomers Trying to Abuse Children in Wadsworth Ohio, March 11, 2023 - Doomsayer News
One of the things i learned about criminals, is that the murderers and rapists despise child molesters. The pedo's usually end up having a broken fork or spoon shoved into their guts, to bleed out. Even the felons hate pedo's
The point is the homosexual claims re Rohm are red herrings and phony. It becomes obvious when you read about Weimar Germany and its decadence.
You're saying Rohm was NOT a homosexual? I know that's not why he was killed, but I thought it was generally believed that he was. In those days, you had to keep it secret, of course, and it may just have been a slander. Here's what Wiki says about him:

SA intimidation contributed to the rise of the Nazis and the violent suppression of rival parties during electoral campaigns, but its reputation for street violence and heavy drinking was a hindrance, as was the rumored homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines. In June 1931, the Münchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, began attacking Röhm and the SA regarding homosexuality in its ranks and then in March 1932, the paper obtained and published some private letters of his in which Röhm described himself as "same-sex oriented" (gleichgeschlechtlich). These letters had been confiscated by the Berlin police back in 1931 and subsequently passed along to the journalist Helmuth Klotz.

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. Their friendship shows in that Röhm remained one of the few intimates allowed to use the familiar German du (the German familiar form of "you") when conversing with Hitler. Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" or his nickname "Adi" rather than "mein Führer"

[ Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia ]
(Not that Wiki is an unimpeachable source, of course.)

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