When Nazis are standing against pedophile groomers, it makes you wonder who the good guys are

This OP is indicative of the craziness that is going to spill into horrific violence.

The first is that Drag Queens = pedos, molesters, groomers
The second is supporting Neo-Nazi violence directed at innocent people.

Has anyone really thought this through? Or do you just believe the same couple of viral video shorts of a drag queens acting badly Is representative of all?

I don’t think any of this is about kids at all. I think kids are just being used as an excuse to turn hate into action against a group of people long hated for just being themselves. And will end up being killed.

This is a really good in depth article, not demonizing but humanizing. It’s a long read, won’t fit in a meme or bumper sticker.

This is just part of the story. The other part is their is an entire "gay movement" that had nowhere to go after gay marriage was legalized. They had to go somewhere and went into pushing this stuff on kids. It's too far. Some gays are acknowledging it and good on them. But it's not enough.

welcome to the backlash.
There might be a tiny minority that aren't lying about it, but the majority aren't. The founder of the American faggot rights hoax was a Communist PArty member and pedophile,and NAMBLA was a founding member organization of the ILGA. They have organizations that specialize in peddling fake 'science' and actively groom kids in our public schools.

Yes, Harry Hays, who started the Matachine Society, was a CP member, and the founder of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Assocation) was the late David Thorstad, a member of the Socialist Workers Party.

But these two organizations were not the driving force behind the Grooming phenomenon. In fact, they were rather socially conservative at the time - the CP actually forbade gay people from joining, and pushed Hays out of the Party as a "security risk". (Although homosexuality had been decriminalized after the Russian Revolution, it was re-criminalized under Stalin.)

I've written elsewhere on this site about the evolution of NAMBLA -- at first accepted by the gay community, including the ILGA, later expelled by them -- no doubt one consideration was ILGA's official recognition by the UN which was threatened by having an openly-paedophile organization as part of it. The founders of NAMBLA and its British counterpart, the Paedophile Information Exchange, changed tactics -- and began working covertly, step by step, aided by the 'postmodernist' turn of many in the academic Left. [ The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us ]

Gays Against Groomers are good people. You can believe that, just as nasty Leftists call Black conservatives "Uncle Toms", Gays Against Groomers are going to get some heat from other gays, as catering to homophobic prejudices. Good for them for standing up against this.

Are the great majority of gay people pro-paedophile? I doubt it, but I don't know, and neither do you.

In any case, conservatives welcome everyone -- Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, whites; gays, transgenders, straights; coffee-drinkers and tea-drinkers; the religious and the non-religious -- into the fight to save Western civilization from the overt and covert attacks of the Left upon it.

Of course, the enemy will try to divide us. "Divide and rule" is the oldest trick in the book. The Left would love to portray the conservative movement as simply a collection of bigotted old white men.

They can't stand to see Black conservatives, gay conservatives, transgendered conservatives ... but in fact, from among these groups have come some of the best conservative thinkers and writers around. Let's have many more!
This is just part of the story. The other part is their is an entire "gay movement" that had nowhere to go after gay marriage was legalized. They had to go somewhere and went into pushing this stuff on kids. It's too far. Some gays are acknowledging it and good on them. But it's not enough.

welcome to the backlash.
Frankly, I doubt that. This is not a backlash. This is mob violence on a minority fueled by hate and excused by “now they are going after the kids” With little actual evidence beyond a few videos gone viral and ignoring the fact that Drag has a long history, you conflate them with pedo.
There might be a tiny minority that aren't lying about it, but the majority aren't. The founder of the American faggot rights hoax was a Communist PArty member and pedophile,and NAMBLA was a founding member organization of the ILGA. They have organizations that specialize in peddling fake 'science' and actively groom kids in our public schools.

You do realize that NAMBLA, at the most had only a few thousand members and today barely exists in any form at all? Children are in far more danger from online unaffiliated predators and sex rings Yet I see a little attention on that from the “anti-faggot” squad. Why?

When they aim their shit specifically at an audience of children, when they attempt to drag children into their disgusting perversions, then yes, this make them pedos, molesters, and groomers.

First, did you read the article?

Second, what “shit” are you talking about?

A little research is revealing, and has taught me a few things.

Drag is primarily performance art, similar to the bawdy acts of burlesque (which were and are quite risqué). Men, who may or may not be gay, may or may not be transgender, dressing as wild and outrageously exaggerated or sexualized women and enjoying the freedom to express themselves. That is what it is.

Should children be there? From what I have read, when it is an “all ages show” (Brunch with a Drag Queen; Story Hour with a Drag Queen) it is significantly toned down to an age appropriate act. Other events that allow children, also toned down, require a parent with a child (hey…parental rights!)

The now-viral video of the male with an overly short skirt is presented as typical but it is it. Of course that one is inappropriate and the library should have set some apparel guidelines for the event.

If parents want to allow their kids to see this, so what?

If it is more more risqué, and I agree some are inappropriate, set guidelines.

But let the parent’s decide for their own kids and if it is an event held in schools, libraries or open to all, the organizers need to establish guidelines for costume and conduct that are age appropriate.

And here is where I see reason for some of the backlash that is also spilling over into totally innocuous events.

You seem to be operating under the delusion that there is some moral high ground for you to claim by defending these sick fucks. There is not. All you are doing is showing us that you are not much better than they are.
I’m not claiming any moral ground here. Morality is highly subjective. You are deeply offended by men dressing as women or those who aren’t hetero sexual, I am not. We draw different lines. I just happen to think that when it comes to children, let the parent’s decide on whether or not an event labeled for all ages is appropriate for their child and if an event is open to the public, make sure their are appropriate guidelines in place.

I don’t expect you to really read this with any sort of thought processes. I fully expect to be promptly labeled with all sorts of disgusting perjoratives…but maybe you will prove me wrong.
You do realize that NAMBLA, at the most had only a few thousand members and today barely exists in any form at all? Children are in far more danger from online unaffiliated predators and sex rings Yet I see a little attention on that from the “anti-faggot” squad. Why?

You are minimizing the effect of the modern version of the globalized and monetized material distribution… of what used to be called Nambla.

No small wonder.
There is also an undeniable correlation between the two. We're seeing, proportionally a lot more openly pedophilic behavior from homosexuals, than we see from heterosexuals.
This is akin to saying, there is an undeniable correlation between religious organizations and pedophilia behavior.

Yes, that statement is true.

This is akin to saying, there is an undeniable correlation between organized use of child actors and Hollywood.

Yes, that statement is true, Hollywood agents and producers use and abuse children.

This is akin to saying, there is an undeniable correlation between childcare and organized schooling, and pedophilic behavior.

Yes, that statement is true.

Those professions, seem to be rife with reports of pedophiles taking advantage of the trust of children.

It seems, where ever there are kids, there are pedophiles. What a surprise.

And of course, if you knew anything about pedophile behavior, and well, actually, cared, and volunteered, say, for a crises hotline, and heard reports come in from society, you would find, that, yes, the stats do correspond with anecdotal experience.
By far, the most incidences of trauma, in society, of pedophilia events, happen among family members.

Hmmm. . . wow, that is odd, where ever there are kids, there seem to be pedophiles.

You do seem to like to focus only on those you hate though. . . why is that? :dunno:
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I was thinking the other day. . . I wonder how the left would react, if public schools started having. . .

Rabbi story hour or Priest story hour or Imam story hour or Buddhist monk story hour or minister story hour or Bishop story hour or etc. . . .

You do realize that NAMBLA, at the most had only a few thousand members and today barely exists in any form at all? Children are in far more danger from online unaffiliated predators and sex rings Yet I see a little attention on that from the “anti-faggot” squad. Why?

They're mainstream now. Just one new cover:

Every faggot organization supports their new names and programs. And of course you need to lie some more.

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