When Justice Is Partial


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
When Justice Is Partial
Mueller is determined to sniff out any wrongdoing he can find—on one side.
When Justice Is Partial - WSJ
U.S. Attorney Robert Khuzami took a few moments in his Tuesday statement about Michael Cohen’s plea deal to sing neutrality’s praise: “His day of reckoning serves as a reminder that we are a nation of laws, with one set of rules that applies equally to everyone.” If there is only “one set of rules,” where is Mr. Mueller’s referral of a case against Hillary for America? Federal law requires campaigns to disclose the recipient and purpose of any payments. The Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to compile a dossier against Mr. Trump...But the campaign funneled the money to law firm Perkins Coie, which in turn paid Fusion. The campaign falsely described the money as payment for “legal services.” The Democratic National Committee did the same.... Prosecutions under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) are also exceptionally rare, though Mr. Mueller is getting media kudos for hammering the likes of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates ...But under this standard, where are the charges against the principals of Fusion GPS....lobbying on behalf of powerful Russians against a U.S. sanctions law, with its payment again funneled through a law firm?....Prosecutors can claim all they want that they are applying the law equally, but if they only apply it to half the suspects, justice is not served.... Lady Justice does not wear a blindfold over only one eye.

AG Sessions has been Trump’s albatross and greatest failure, it is affecting the nation’s future. The vile plot first to rig a presidential election and in failure then prevent a duly elected person from taking office has gone uninvestigated and unpunished by the Department of Justice. What honest historian will view what is happening now as the application of justice?
I'm personally convinced that Jeff Sessions hopes Mueller finds something to pin on Trump.
I am also convinced the concerted effort by the MSM, Democrats, RINOs and "Never Trumper's" to stain Trumps reputation so bad, whether accurate or not in an effort to sway the election by a point or two, perhaps just enough to lose in 2020.
Every logical mind is wondering why Trump has not forced Sessions to resign. Until Sessions is gone and Rosenstein is replaced this charade of justice will continue. The Special Counsel was created to find the criminal actions that occurred during the 2016 presidential election. Mueller and those he chose as aides have yet to do so. Instead they've prosecuted six individuals of criminal acts unrelated to the prime issue.
In the end Democrats are pleased and gleeful of the turmoil they've created and until those involved in the greatest failed coup d' etat in America's history are arrested, tried and convicted this country will remain disrupted and turbulent.
You fools need to drop the Hillary nonsense. Your own party admitted the investigation were all about affecting her poll numbers and Trump even told you to stop caring after the election was over. You were played for fools. A bunch of conspiracy theories were used to take advantage of you, helped out by a massive campaign to spread those conspiracies by the Russian government. Throw some cold water in your face and come back to reality.
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
That's what makes the whole impeachment thing highly volatile. You have 50 million people who believe the justice system is rigged.
50 million low info retards

Perhaps but would you like to find out what 50 million retards engaged in civil unrest looks like?:bye1:

Isn't that exactly what the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party attempting to do with their hash tag paid for anarchists? These "retard" anarchists were exposed during the 2016 presidential election to be organized and funded through Democracy Advocates and it's founder Robert Creamer.
Whenever there has been violence at protests investigations have shown that there were busses lines up disgorging black clad rioters. Someone is organizing the violence and terrorism it continues to lead back to Democrats, OFA, and Soros funded organization.
Whether their names are Weathermen, #OWS, #BLM, #Antifa they are all one and the same.
You fools need to drop the Hillary nonsense. Your own party admitted the investigation were all about affecting her poll numbers and Trump even told you to stop caring after the election was over. You were played for fools. A bunch of conspiracy theories were used to take advantage of you, helped out by a massive campaign to spread those conspiracies by the Russian government. Throw some cold water in your face and come back to reality.
The real collusion crisis is between the Democratic Party and the DOJ. They have infiltrated and corrupted the very Department that is supposed to be the unbiased watchdog for the country. The Department of Justice is operating like a secret police force and all the anti-Trumpers are cheering them on.
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Say it again!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Goddamn are we ever grateful that cow wasn’t elected!
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Say it again!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Goddamn are we ever grateful that cow wasn’t elected!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
I still have a question. If Hillary was so innocent why did she feel the need to destroy all the evidence? Strange huh?
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Say it again!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Goddamn are we ever grateful that cow wasn’t elected!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....

Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Say it again!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....
Goddamn are we ever grateful that cow wasn’t elected!
Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....

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Hillary Hillary Hillary… She lost. Your Orange Glob POS is in the Oval Office. Feel better....

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