When have Conservatives used State's Righs to expand freedoms?


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2011
I often hear right wingers claim that decentralized power creates freedom, but why do Cons used State's Rights to take away people's rights?

The state's right argument was used by Conservatives to validate segregation. It is used by conservatives to conduct invasive vaginal probes. It is used by Conservatives to make Gays second class citizens. It is used by Conservatives to attack science and push creationism.

When have Conservatives used the "State's" Rights" argument to grant freedom rather than take it away?
The whole notion of "state's rights" began with the fight over slavery.

As in..the slave states wanted to keep their "right" to enslave human beings.
I think we need Harry and his translator ring for this one

OH HARRY, where are you?

I think we need Harry and his translator ring



Why are you such a f*c&*ng c*nt? Can't you add anything except bullsh!t to the conversation? You are like the most ignorant b!t@h to ever crawl on this earth.
I often hear right wingers claim that decentralized power creates freedom, but why do Cons used State's Rights to take away people's rights?

The state's right argument was used by Conservatives to validate segregation. It is used by conservatives to conduct invasive vaginal probes. It is used by Conservatives to make Gays second class citizens. It is used by Conservatives to attack science and push creationism.

When have Conservatives used the "State's" Rights" argument to grant freedom rather than take it away?

At the same time, whenever people are fighting for civil rights, healthcare, equal pay or the right to vote, it's always the Conservatives who we are fighting against. Republicans say they are against "big government" but want to legislate every aspect of American's private lives.
C'mon Cons....use your freedom loving power to grand more freedom.
Not all conservatives are reactionary conservatives.

Looking at the GOP conservatives in the North and the West who voted for and against the Civil Rights Bill. It does happen.

Reactionary conservatives, however, do their best to restrict liberty and freedom to those like themselves.

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