When Freedom of Conscience Died....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....in America
1. When America was the 'shining city on the hill,' prior to the ascendancy of Liberalism, people were encouraged to say and think whatever they cared to, whatever they believed.
But when Liberals became the majority, whatever they claimed to believe become the only allowed expressions of speech and of thought.

One of the old kind of Liberals, Kirsten Powers, penned a best-seller called
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech"

2. As has often been reported in these threads, and denied by the Liberal acolytes, modern Liberalism is simply a permutation of every earlier totalitarian view.

Let's review the progression.

a. During the French Revolution, the provenance of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, and the Fascists, the elites claimed to be infused with the 'will of the people," the "general will."
“We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

b. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, ....
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include the Bolshevik version of the 'general will'....naming those who do not subscribe to the government's doctrines as "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court."
Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell

And so it was....once upon a time.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.

I actually appreciate when you make a fool of yourself, as you just did.....saves me the trouble.

The proof of America as the shining city on the hill can be ascertained by what I call the 'Gates Test.'

When the gates are opened....do folks rush in or rush out.

They're open....don't let 'em hit you on your way out.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.

With recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs banksters; same as it ever was.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.

I actually appreciate when you make a fool of yourself, as you just did.....saves me the trouble.

The proof of America as the shining city on the hill can be ascertained by what I call the 'Gates Test.'

When the gates are opened....do folks rush in or rush out.

They're open....don't let 'em hit you on your way out.

I would be mortified if you ever approved of something I said love, thank you.
I skip every one of these threads because they're just awful. Awfully constructed mostly, but just boring in content generally.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.

With recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs banksters; same as it ever was.

America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.

With recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs banksters; same as it ever was.

View attachment 100794

Jr high stuff again as per usual. You know I'm right, SOS.
Political Corectness as defined by the right: The right to say racial slurs, make bigoted comments, and make fun of groups of people.

No one said you can't say those thngs. No one.

But those of us that are offended by racial slurs, bigotry, homophobia, Islamaphobia, etc have the freedom of speech to call you out on it.
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.

With recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs banksters; same as it ever was.

View attachment 100794
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
Yer right! It was however a shining city in a swamp. Washington, DC right after the Revolutionary War. Then the Liberal pukes screwed it up. Till now. Trumps gonna make America great again.

With recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs banksters; same as it ever was.

View attachment 100794

We know all about Trump & pussies.

Really, you think you are some kind of tough guy?
Was anyone able to make sense of the OP?

Best I could tell, PC was whining that being criticized for being stupid and evil is a violation of her Freedom of Conscience, and therefore that liberals should be banned from criticizing conservatives.

Naturally, all freethinking people reject such Stalinist PC whining.
Was anyone able to make sense of the OP?

Best I could tell, PC was whining that being criticized for being stupid and evil is a violation of her Freedom of Conscience, and therefore that liberals should be banned from criticizing conservatives.

Naturally, all freethinking people reject such Stalinist PC whining.
And then there is you LWNJs.....
....in America
1. When America was the 'shining city on the hill,' prior to the ascendancy of Liberalism, people were encouraged to say and think whatever they cared to, whatever they believed.
But when Liberals became the majority, whatever they claimed to believe become the only allowed expressions of speech and of thought.

One of the old kind of Liberals, Kirsten Powers, penned a best-seller called
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech"

2. As has often been reported in these threads, and denied by the Liberal acolytes, modern Liberalism is simply a permutation of every earlier totalitarian view.

Let's review the progression.

a. During the French Revolution, the provenance of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, and the Fascists, the elites claimed to be infused with the 'will of the people," the "general will."
“We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

b. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, ....
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include the Bolshevik version of the 'general will'....naming those who do not subscribe to the government's doctrines as "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court."
Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell

And so it was....once upon a time.

No one has infringed on your free speech rights. God knows you've proven that here.
....in America
1. When America was the 'shining city on the hill,' prior to the ascendancy of Liberalism, people were encouraged to say and think whatever they cared to, whatever they believed.
But when Liberals became the majority, whatever they claimed to believe become the only allowed expressions of speech and of thought.

One of the old kind of Liberals, Kirsten Powers, penned a best-seller called
"The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech"

2. As has often been reported in these threads, and denied by the Liberal acolytes, modern Liberalism is simply a permutation of every earlier totalitarian view.

Let's review the progression.

a. During the French Revolution, the provenance of the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, and the Fascists, the elites claimed to be infused with the 'will of the people," the "general will."
“We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

b. "The actual insurrection--the Bolshevik Revolution--began on the morning of November 6 (October 24) 1917, ....
The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union Union

In November/December, the penal system was re-written to include the Bolshevik version of the 'general will'....naming those who do not subscribe to the government's doctrines as "enemy of the people."

...and, ex-post facto, the Bolsheviks arrested and exterminated all those 'enemies of the people.'

"The Soviet Union made extensive use of the term (Russian language:враг народа,"vrag naroda"), as it fitted well with the idea that the people were in control. The term was used by Vladimir Lenin after coming to power, as early as in the decree of 28 November 1917:

"all leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, a party filled with enemies of the people, are hereby to be considered outlaws, and are to be arrested immediately and brought before the revolutionary court."
Nicolas Werth, Karel Bartošek, Jean-Louis Panné, Jean-Louis Margolin, Andrzej Paczkowski,Stéphane Courtois, "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression"

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”― George Orwell

And so it was....once upon a time.

No one has infringed on your free speech rights. God knows you've proven that here.
So,,you're not going to add anymore words to your banned hate speech list?
America was never a shining city on a hill, that was the kind of bullshit all governments do to subjects.
I actually appreciate when you make a fool of yourself, as you just did.....saves me the trouble.
Fenton spoke the truth. It's just that your mind isn't resilient enough to understand anything beyond Simpleton's "Book of the Week; Special Dumb-Down Edition"

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