When did Zionism have anything to do with religion?

What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
As I said You Are A Fool............steve

Better than being a blind gullible fool like you
Dealing with YOU is like Dealing with a Mental Retard but so much worse because morally you are a MAGGOT

OH! lookkee the immature islamomoron has found a new word and he will be using it until he wears it out and has no meaning. You would know all about dealing with mental retards having to deal with yourself all day every day

Yup. Today's word is maggot. He's used it almost every one of his posts.
Nice cumback terrorist worshiper, did you scrap that off the back of your throat?

I wonder what this poor got so high on that is causing him to crash in public like this?

Of course, stating the truth about the Jews keeping a presence in the land for 2000 years, or that a majority of Israelis today are not of Ashkenazi descent didn't help either.

They are, of course jews change their name like the days of the week.

Okay Mohammad I mean Moe, Achmed I mean Alex, Fatima I mean Penelope.
The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.


Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."
Last edited:
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Greek name for the land of the Aegean sea people, You do understand that Thermodon and Parthenius are in Turkey.

Understand what you quote.

Maybe you should read the quote more carefully yourself, allow me,

"Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones".

The Wikipedia article is basically saying that according to Herodotus there were Syrian/Syriac cultural enclaves on the Black sea coast of Anatolia, get it now?

Herodotus? Pfffffft!

The reliability of Herodotus is criticized when writing about Egypt. Alan B. Lloyd argues that as a historical document, the writings of Herodotus are seriously defective, and that he was working from "inadequate sources". Nielsen writes that: "Though we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of Herodotus having been in Egypt, it must be said that his narrative bears little witness to it." German historian Detlev Fehling questions whether Herodotus ever traveled up the Nile River, and considers almost everything he says about Egypt and Ethiopia doubtful.
About the claim of Herodotus that the Pharaoh Sesostris campaigned in Europe, and that he left a colony in Colchia, Fehling states that "there is not the slightest bit of history behind the whole story"
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Heaven only knows who your all with all the intermarriage. Your not a race , that is for sure. What you are is anybody's guess.
Last edited:
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

Take a break crazy woman, Jews from all over the world have considered themselves Jews for over 3000 years. They have been reading from the same exact holy book, and practicing the same exact rituals and traditions as their ancestors in Israel.

History of intermarriage? Ha ha ha. You fool, the Jews are among the most intact people. They don't proselytize, and for the last 3000 years to be a Jew meant your mother had to be Jewish.

Those hallucinations induced by your mental illness don't count.

And oh, shove that "Jesus was not a Jew" hate site up your filthy Palestinian boyfriends ass.
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Greek name for the land of the Aegean sea people, You do understand that Thermodon and Parthenius are in Turkey.

Understand what you quote.

Maybe you should read the quote more carefully yourself, allow me,

"Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones".

The Wikipedia article is basically saying that according to Herodotus there were Syrian/Syriac cultural enclaves on the Black sea coast of Anatolia, get it now?

It is an english translation of greek. Most of what they call Syrians were Assyrians and not people of the southern Levant. Herodotus is speaking of turkey and what we know today as northern syria and into even Armenia.
Above the rivers is the source of the rivers.
Colchians is southern Caucasus. Phoenicians were Lebanon coastal and Ethiopians were people of the Punt across from Yemen.
He speaks of a wide range of people that practice circumcision but the term Palestine is not a local term. Phoenicians did not call themselves that either, it is a greek term for them.
If you really want to pick apart Herodotus, you will find a great many errors, but he through he was giving the best stories that he knew of at the time. He was not a scientist or historian as we would think of today. A good read but hardly definitive especially when translated from the ancient greek.

PS. Philistines, the Aegean sea people, did not circumcise, nor did most greeks.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
You are a complete FOOL
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?
Hoss,I have politely asked you previously not to speak or dialogue with me again............I will tell you in a more fervent manner to FUCK OFF and STOP any social intercourse with me.

Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
But I don't hate Jews but I do object to people threatening to Murder me......so like Hoss,you too can refrain from having dialogue with me,I find everything you say FUCKING stupid and your Ignorance has never been bettered by any one else on here.,and that's saying something.Now piss off,in North London or where ever you live, I find you SUCH A HATEFUL JEW BOY

Still digging for details and getting all upset because you don't get any. But you do hate the Jews as shown by your every post, and you can hide your hatred behind the word Zionist and Israel all you want you are still a FILTHY RACIST JEW HATING POS

See you are wrong again as I am not a Jew, but a Christian
No Israeli Jews are fine,it's the ZIONIST TERORISTS I can't abide.......and neither can anyone else...as a Christian you should be ashamed with all the Zionist Bullshit you purvey sic
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?
Hoss,I have politely asked you previously not to speak or dialogue with me again............I will tell you in a more fervent manner to FUCK OFF and STOP any social intercourse with me.

Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
But I don't hate Jews but I do object to people threatening to Murder me......so like Hoss,you too can refrain from having dialogue with me,I find everything you say FUCKING stupid and your Ignorance has never been bettered by any one else on here.,and that's saying something.Now piss off,in North London or where ever you live, I find you SUCH A HATEFUL JEW BOY

Still digging for details and getting all upset because you don't get any. But you do hate the Jews as shown by your every post, and you can hide your hatred behind the word Zionist and Israel all you want you are still a FILTHY RACIST JEW HATING POS

See you are wrong again as I am not a Jew, but a Christian
No Israeli Jews are fine,it's the ZIONIST TERORISTS I can't abide.......and neither can anyone else...as a Christian you should be ashamed with all the Zionist Bullshit you purvey sic

Most Israeli Jews ARE Zionists you IDIOT. In fact most Jews are Zionists. Face it FREAKSHOW ... you just hate JOOOOS and this whole ZIONIST thing is just a LAME COVER.
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
Forever Young,you make some fine points and some not so accurate,firstly,when the Jews emerged from Babylon they were in fact part Arab...secondly the Israelites under various leaders did in fact eliminate both the Canaanites,Edomites and other smaller peoples,those left were absorbed into the 12 Tribes,many conquering nations have used this practice from Persians to Romans to the Mongols etc,.

Palestinians are a distinct people,No not decended from Canaanites but later from "over the sea" methinks displaced people when the island of Santorini exploded in a massive earthquake back in millennia ..........Churchill,in many ways was not so Great and inaccurate in a lot of what he assumed,your summation states Palestinians(some) only came to the Holy Land after Jews created jobs for them(what time line are you using here,1930 onwards??).....this is a ridiculous statement as they had been in Palestine well before the Romans left...........way back in the 1800's the French Government Thanked the Palestinians for the huge amount of crops and cereals that prevented FAMINE in France.......Agriculture was thriving in Palestine and the addition of Illegal Jewish Immigrants only perpetuated Agriculture.......they certainly did not originate Agriculture in this part of the world.......but as a matter of respect Israel since its inception has improve Agriculture,Rooftop Solar Energy which I first saw in 1968.......World leaders moreover their water Technology,saying that, many peoples throughout history have used water expertly,Arabs,Persians,Assyians,The Moors in Spain,Incas etc,.

Some one here don't even admit that there were any Palestinians living in this area prior to Independence.....these Headloppers even contradict David Ben-Gurion who had a complete grasp of Palestine and the situation as early as 1898........these modern wannabee Zionists on here are total liars and have no ethics or moral responsibility ........ because they are deniers of their complicit Terrorist Slaughtering past against the indeginous sic Palestinians.

Remembering Palestinians are a Semitic people,like the Shepardic Jews.........but as for the ASKAHARSI sic Jews these are not Semitic at all and have NO direct lineage to Abraham etc., but are Khasars and others mixed people.

Thanks for your post,makes a change from the usual Drool inflicted upon me.......I am Pro Israel(but against Zionist Terrorism) and Pro Palestine,lets hope these 2 peoples find peace...............I find the Pro-Zionist Lobby on here Banal to the extreme.steven
Consider from the greek perspective, everything beyond the Bosporus was shaped by Cyrus through Xerxes at the time Herodotus was writing. Everything before was oral history that was told in stories.

Perhaps this will help
JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
The border Between Judah and Egypt River of Egypt Wadi el-Arish Tharu Rhinocolura

Can't take history out of context. Borders, cities and ever rivers are not what we know today, nor did historians use the local names for those places.
There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
Forever Young,you make some fine points and some not so accurate,firstly,when the Jews emerged from Babylon they were in fact part Arab...secondly the Israelites under various leaders did in fact eliminate both the Canaanites,Edomites and other smaller peoples,those left were absorbed into the 12 Tribes,many conquering nations have used this practice from Persians to Romans to the Mongols etc,.

Palestinians are a distinct people,No not decended from Canaanites but later from "over the sea" methinks displaced people when the island of Santorini exploded in a massive earthquake back in millennia ..........Churchill,in many ways was not so Great and inaccurate in a lot of what he assumed,your summation states Palestinians(some) only came to the Holy Land after Jews created jobs for them(what time line are you using here,1930 onwards??).....this is a ridiculous statement as they had been in Palestine well before the Romans left...........way back in the 1800's the French Government Thanked the Palestinians for the huge amount of crops and cereals that prevented FAMINE in France.......Agriculture was thriving in Palestine and the addition of Illegal Jewish Immigrants only perpetuated Agriculture.......they certainly did not originate Agriculture in this part of the world.......but as a matter of respect Israel since its inception has improve Agriculture,Rooftop Solar Energy which I first saw in 1968.......World leaders moreover their water Technology,saying that, many peoples throughout history have used water expertly,Arabs,Persians,Assyians,The Moors in Spain,Incas etc,.

Some one here don't even admit that there were any Palestinians living in this area prior to Independence.....these Headloppers even contradict David Ben-Gurion who had a complete grasp of Palestine and the situation as early as 1898........these modern wannabee Zionists on here are total liars and have no ethics or moral responsibility ........ because they are deniers of their complicit Terrorist Slaughtering past against the indeginous sic Palestinians.

Remembering Palestinians are a Semitic people,like the Shepardic Jews.........but as for the ASKAHARSI sic Jews these are not Semitic at all and have NO direct lineage to Abraham etc., but are Khasars and others mixed people.

Thanks for your post,makes a change from the usual Drool inflicted upon me.......I am Pro Israel(but against Zionist Terrorism) and Pro Palestine,lets hope these 2 peoples find peace...............I find the Pro-Zionist Lobby on here Banal to the extreme.steven

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist.
Last edited:
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?
Hoss,I have politely asked you previously not to speak or dialogue with me again............I will tell you in a more fervent manner to FUCK OFF and STOP any social intercourse with me.

Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
But I don't hate Jews but I do object to people threatening to Murder me......so like Hoss,you too can refrain from having dialogue with me,I find everything you say FUCKING stupid and your Ignorance has never been bettered by any one else on here.,and that's saying something.Now piss off,in North London or where ever you live, I find you SUCH A HATEFUL JEW BOY

Still digging for details and getting all upset because you don't get any. But you do hate the Jews as shown by your every post, and you can hide your hatred behind the word Zionist and Israel all you want you are still a FILTHY RACIST JEW HATING POS

See you are wrong again as I am not a Jew, but a Christian
No Israeli Jews are fine,it's the ZIONIST TERORISTS I can't abide.......and neither can anyone else...as a Christian you should be ashamed with all the Zionist Bullshit you purvey sic

Still waiting for proof of these alleged Zionist terrorists, and which reputable non islamomoron nations have declared Zionists to be terrorists
The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
Forever Young,you make some fine points and some not so accurate,firstly,when the Jews emerged from Babylon they were in fact part Arab...secondly the Israelites under various leaders did in fact eliminate both the Canaanites,Edomites and other smaller peoples,those left were absorbed into the 12 Tribes,many conquering nations have used this practice from Persians to Romans to the Mongols etc,.

Palestinians are a distinct people,No not decended from Canaanites but later from "over the sea" methinks displaced people when the island of Santorini exploded in a massive earthquake back in millennia ..........Churchill,in many ways was not so Great and inaccurate in a lot of what he assumed,your summation states Palestinians(some) only came to the Holy Land after Jews created jobs for them(what time line are you using here,1930 onwards??).....this is a ridiculous statement as they had been in Palestine well before the Romans left...........way back in the 1800's the French Government Thanked the Palestinians for the huge amount of crops and cereals that prevented FAMINE in France.......Agriculture was thriving in Palestine and the addition of Illegal Jewish Immigrants only perpetuated Agriculture.......they certainly did not originate Agriculture in this part of the world.......but as a matter of respect Israel since its inception has improve Agriculture,Rooftop Solar Energy which I first saw in 1968.......World leaders moreover their water Technology,saying that, many peoples throughout history have used water expertly,Arabs,Persians,Assyians,The Moors in Spain,Incas etc,.

Some one here don't even admit that there were any Palestinians living in this area prior to Independence.....these Headloppers even contradict David Ben-Gurion who had a complete grasp of Palestine and the situation as early as 1898........these modern wannabee Zionists on here are total liars and have no ethics or moral responsibility ........ because they are deniers of their complicit Terrorist Slaughtering past against the indeginous sic Palestinians.

Remembering Palestinians are a Semitic people,like the Shepardic Jews.........but as for the ASKAHARSI sic Jews these are not Semitic at all and have NO direct lineage to Abraham etc., but are Khasars and others mixed people.

Thanks for your post,makes a change from the usual Drool inflicted upon me.......I am Pro Israel(but against Zionist Terrorism) and Pro Palestine,lets hope these 2 peoples find peace...............I find the Pro-Zionist Lobby on here Banal to the extreme.steven

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist.
Your knowledge of the Middle East is excruciatingly Chronic Roudy...Trans Jordan(NOW Jordan) was given to a Saudi Prince by the British after they overthrew the Ottomans..........Palestinians never occupied this area,as they lived in Palestine and had been THERE since at least 2000 + years earlier,your ridiculous muddying of the truth and facts merely shows your total ignorance of Middle Eastern history.......for your information Palestinians are Semitic people the Palestinian Flag was created in the 1800's not in the 20th Century(Tinnie has displayed pic's of this before) Incidentally the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates in the world to University......something you consider...stop your Zionist Propaganda...........it makes you look stoooopid.steve
Hoss,I have politely asked you previously not to speak or dialogue with me again............I will tell you in a more fervent manner to FUCK OFF and STOP any social intercourse with me.

Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
But I don't hate Jews but I do object to people threatening to Murder me......so like Hoss,you too can refrain from having dialogue with me,I find everything you say FUCKING stupid and your Ignorance has never been bettered by any one else on here.,and that's saying something.Now piss off,in North London or where ever you live, I find you SUCH A HATEFUL JEW BOY

Still digging for details and getting all upset because you don't get any. But you do hate the Jews as shown by your every post, and you can hide your hatred behind the word Zionist and Israel all you want you are still a FILTHY RACIST JEW HATING POS

See you are wrong again as I am not a Jew, but a Christian
No Israeli Jews are fine,it's the ZIONIST TERORISTS I can't abide.......and neither can anyone else...as a Christian you should be ashamed with all the Zionist Bullshit you purvey sic

Most Israeli Jews ARE Zionists you IDIOT. In fact most Jews are Zionists. Face it FREAKSHOW ... you just hate JOOOOS and this whole ZIONIST thing is just a LAME COVER.
The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
Forever Young,you make some fine points and some not so accurate,firstly,when the Jews emerged from Babylon they were in fact part Arab...secondly the Israelites under various leaders did in fact eliminate both the Canaanites,Edomites and other smaller peoples,those left were absorbed into the 12 Tribes,many conquering nations have used this practice from Persians to Romans to the Mongols etc,.

Palestinians are a distinct people,No not decended from Canaanites but later from "over the sea" methinks displaced people when the island of Santorini exploded in a massive earthquake back in millennia ..........Churchill,in many ways was not so Great and inaccurate in a lot of what he assumed,your summation states Palestinians(some) only came to the Holy Land after Jews created jobs for them(what time line are you using here,1930 onwards??).....this is a ridiculous statement as they had been in Palestine well before the Romans left...........way back in the 1800's the French Government Thanked the Palestinians for the huge amount of crops and cereals that prevented FAMINE in France.......Agriculture was thriving in Palestine and the addition of Illegal Jewish Immigrants only perpetuated Agriculture.......they certainly did not originate Agriculture in this part of the world.......but as a matter of respect Israel since its inception has improve Agriculture,Rooftop Solar Energy which I first saw in 1968.......World leaders moreover their water Technology,saying that, many peoples throughout history have used water expertly,Arabs,Persians,Assyians,The Moors in Spain,Incas etc,.

Some one here don't even admit that there were any Palestinians living in this area prior to Independence.....these Headloppers even contradict David Ben-Gurion who had a complete grasp of Palestine and the situation as early as 1898........these modern wannabee Zionists on here are total liars and have no ethics or moral responsibility ........ because they are deniers of their complicit Terrorist Slaughtering past against the indeginous sic Palestinians.

Remembering Palestinians are a Semitic people,like the Shepardic Jews.........but as for the ASKAHARSI sic Jews these are not Semitic at all and have NO direct lineage to Abraham etc., but are Khasars and others mixed people.

Thanks for your post,makes a change from the usual Drool inflicted upon me.......I am Pro Israel(but against Zionist Terrorism) and Pro Palestine,lets hope these 2 peoples find peace...............I find the Pro-Zionist Lobby on here Banal to the extreme.steven

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist.
As the Ottoman census records show Palestine was widely inhabited in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century,especially in Rural Areas where Agriculture was the main profession.Palestine's population in the early 19th Century was 350,000,and by 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000......Muslim Arabs 81,000...Christian Arabs and only 59,000 Jews(NO ZIONISTS) but mainly consisting of many Jews from Europe most from Anti-Semitic Russia from the second "Aliyah".

So the Jewish population in Palestine was under 8% of the total population and was smaller than the Palestinian Christian population,many Jewish Scholars like Benny Morris and Tom Segev confirm this..........It is worth noting and quoting one of the most ardent Zionists ...Israel Zangwill,who stated as early as 1905,that Palestine was twice as thickly populated as the United States(I think he was mainly referring to Jerusalem) note in the entire land area of the US in 1905 the population was circa 80 Million.so he would have been close in his assessment..He stated:-

"Palestine proper has already its inhabitants.The pashalik of Jerusalem is already twice as thickly populated as the United States,having 52 souls to the sq mile,and NOT 25% oF THEM JEWS.........We must prepare either to DRIVE OUT BY SWORD THE ARABS IN POSSESSION AS OUR FOREFATHERS DID OR TO GRAPPLE WITH THE PROBLEM OF A LARGE ALIEN(!! don't you just love the terminology of these friggin Zionists....NOT) POPULATION, MOSTLY ARAB PALESTINIANS AND THEREFORE GET ACCUSTOMED FOR THEM TO DESPISE US FOR GENERATIONS"

We he was right there.......I don't expect any of you Mooseheads to know of these Scholars or this verment Zionist because your history of Palestine and Israel only started from a time period a fraction longer than the end of your noses...LOL. to be continued.

You know nothing about Jewish or Palestinian history...............as you are merely Zionist Fundamentalists and if your current Zionist told you to eat Shit...you all would of course...so brain washed you are. steve
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There were no Jews in the OT, how about that.

The English word "Jew" did not exist before the Talmud was written.

There were Monotheists in Palestine who practices circumcision, but Herodotus did not know that they were Jews.

Circumcision was also adopted by some Semitic peoples living in or around Egypt. Herodotus reported that circumcision is only practiced by the Egyptians, Colchians, Ethiopians, Phoenicians, the 'Syrians of Palestine', and "the Syrians who dwell about the rivers Thermodon and Parthenius, as well as their neighbours the Macronians and Macrones". He also reports, however, that "the Phoenicians, when they come to have commerce with the Greeks, cease to follow the Egyptians in this custom, and allow their children to remain uncircumcised."[18]

( Herodotus. The History of Herodotus. ISBN 1-4165-1697-2.)

History of male circumcision - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE, and he did not know anything about Jews.
He knew that there were Syrians in Palestine who practised circumcision, but he did not call them Jews.


There were no Jews in the 5th century BCE, the "Jewish history" was invented by crazy Monotheists who lived outside of Palestine after Romans expelled them from this Roman province.

Incorrect! Another Jew hater spinning garbage and bullshit.

Jew (word)
This article is about the English word Jew. For the Jewish people, see Jews.

The term Jew passed into the English language from the Greek Ioudaios and Latin Iudaeus, from which the Old French giu was derived after dropping the letter "d", and later after a variety of forms found in early English (from about the year 1000) such as: Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew developed into the English word “Jew.” It thus ultimately originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi meaning "from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".


Hasmonean coin of John Hyrcanus (134 to 104 BCE) with the inscription "Hayehudim" (of the Jews).
Obv: Double cornucopia.
Rev: Five lines of ancient Hebrew script; reading "Yehochanan Kohen Gadol, Chever Hayehudim"(Yehochanan the High Priest, Council of the Jews.
The Jewish ethnonym in Hebrew is יהודים Yehudim (plural of יהודי Yehudi) which is the origin of the English word Jew. The Hebrew name is derived from the region name Judah(Yehudah יהודה).

Originally the name referred to the territory allotted to the tribedescended from Judah the fourth son of the patriarch Jacob (Numbers). According to the Hebrew Bible Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and one of the Twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis). Genesis 29:35 [1] relates that Judah's mother — the matriarch Leah — named him Yehudah (i.e. "Judah") because she wanted to "praise God" for giving birth to so many sons: "She said, 'This time let me praise (odehאודה) God (יהוה),' and named the child Judah (Yehudahיהודה)", thus combining "praise" and "God" into one new name.[citation needed] In Hebrew, the name "Judah" (י ה ו [ד] ה) contains the four letters of the Tetragrammaton — the special, holy, and ineffable name of the Jewish God. The very holiness of the name of Judah attests to its importance as an alternate name for "Israelites" that it ultimately replaces.[citation needed]

Yehudi in the Hebrew BibleEdit
The term Yehudi occurs 74 times in the Masoretic textof the Hebrew Bible. The plural, Yehudim, debuts in 2 Kings 16:6 [2], and in 2 Chronicles 32:18. In Jeremiah 34:9 we find the earliest singular usage of the word Yehudi, "Jew" being used, though The name appears in the Bible in a verb form, in Esther 8:17 [3][unreliable source?] which states, "Many of the people of the land mityahadim (became Yehudim/Judeans/Jews) because the fear of the Yehudim fell on them." Also in Esther2:5-6, we find that the name "Jew" is given to a man from the tribe of Benjamin:[4][unreliable source?] "There was a man a Yehudi (Judean/Jewish man) in Shushanthe capital, whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish, a Benjamite; who had been exiled from Jerusalem with the exile that was exiled with Jeconiah, king of Judah, which Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had exiled."

Development in European languagesEdit
Main article: Ioudaios
The Middle English word Jew derives from Old Englishwhere the word is attested as early as 1000 in various forms, such as Iudeas, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, Iew. These terms derive from Old French giu, earlier juieu, which had elided (dropped) the letter "d" from the Medieval Latin Iudaeus, which, like the New Testament Greekterm Ioudaios, meant both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

However, most other European languages retained the letter "d" in the word for Jew, and in a number of languages, including modern Hebrew and modern standard Arabic, the same word is still used to mean both Jews and Judeans / "of Judea".

Ancient terminologyEdit

The kingdom of Judah appears in red in this map of ancient Israel around 900 BCE (The text is in Catalan).
After the splitting of the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, the name Yehudi was used for the southern kingdom of Judah, containing not only the land of the tribe of Judahbut also that of Benjamin and Simeon, along with some of the cities of the Levites.

With the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, the kingdom of Judah became the sole Jewish state and the term y'hudi (יהודי) was applied to all Israelites. When the word makes its first appearance in writing (in the book of Esther) its meaning has already expanded to include converts to the Jewish religion as well as descendants of Israelites.

Late AntiquityEdit
In the Septuagint and other Greek documents the word "Jew" (ioudaois) occurs frequently.

In some places in the Talmud the word Israel(ite) refers to somebody who is Jewish but does not necessarily practice Judaism as a religion: "An Israel(ite) even though he has sinned is still an Israel(ite)" (Tractate Sanhedrin 44a). More commonly the Talmud uses the term Bnei Yisrael, i.e. "Children of Israel", ("Israel" being the name of the third patriarch Jacob, father of the sons that would form the twelve tribes of Israel, which he was given and took after wrestling with an angel, see Genesis 32:28-29 [5]) to refer to Jews. According to the Talmud then, there is no distinction between "religious Jews" and "secular Jews."

Which is it now:
from the Tribe of Judah", "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

With your history of intermarriage, lord only knows what mixtures you are.
Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Jesus was Not A Jew

The Arabs have PLENTY of land in the M.E.;....

"Them Arabs" are not an ethnicity, there are different ethnic groups that speak the same language, Arabic.

The same with English, French, Spanish or even German speakers.

Imagine some idiot would kick out Austrians from Austria, and tell them, that there is enough German land in Germany.

Or some idiots would kick out Spaniards from Spain and tell them there is enough "Spanish land" in South America.

The same with Palestinians.

They speak an Arabic dialect (that is why they are called "Arabs", like Americans and Brits are called "Gringo" in South America), but they do not have any land except Palestine.

The Palestinians are definitely not a seperate ethnicity. They are Arabs from neighboring Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. who started calling themselves Palestinians in the mid sixtees.

Get serious.

Those Palestinians are those from the area who mainly became Muslims over the years. They are the ones who never left the area and traveled across the globe only to return like they never left.

This new myth that the Palestinians are all descended from the ancient Canaanites is ridiculous. Documents from the 1800's and 1900's prove that the area was constantly being replenished by nomads from Arabia. Churchill also noted that masses of Arabs started flooding into the area after Jews created jobs for them.
As for Edom, that was the only time in history that the Jews forcibly converted another nation. The Idumeans became Jews and produced King Herod, among others. But what does that prove anyway? That Jews sometimes married converts to their faith? So what? If anything, it means that Jews aren't racist.
Forever Young,you make some fine points and some not so accurate,firstly,when the Jews emerged from Babylon they were in fact part Arab...secondly the Israelites under various leaders did in fact eliminate both the Canaanites,Edomites and other smaller peoples,those left were absorbed into the 12 Tribes,many conquering nations have used this practice from Persians to Romans to the Mongols etc,.

Palestinians are a distinct people,No not decended from Canaanites but later from "over the sea" methinks displaced people when the island of Santorini exploded in a massive earthquake back in millennia ..........Churchill,in many ways was not so Great and inaccurate in a lot of what he assumed,your summation states Palestinians(some) only came to the Holy Land after Jews created jobs for them(what time line are you using here,1930 onwards??).....this is a ridiculous statement as they had been in Palestine well before the Romans left...........way back in the 1800's the French Government Thanked the Palestinians for the huge amount of crops and cereals that prevented FAMINE in France.......Agriculture was thriving in Palestine and the addition of Illegal Jewish Immigrants only perpetuated Agriculture.......they certainly did not originate Agriculture in this part of the world.......but as a matter of respect Israel since its inception has improve Agriculture,Rooftop Solar Energy which I first saw in 1968.......World leaders moreover their water Technology,saying that, many peoples throughout history have used water expertly,Arabs,Persians,Assyians,The Moors in Spain,Incas etc,.

Some one here don't even admit that there were any Palestinians living in this area prior to Independence.....these Headloppers even contradict David Ben-Gurion who had a complete grasp of Palestine and the situation as early as 1898........these modern wannabee Zionists on here are total liars and have no ethics or moral responsibility ........ because they are deniers of their complicit Terrorist Slaughtering past against the indeginous sic Palestinians.

Remembering Palestinians are a Semitic people,like the Shepardic Jews.........but as for the ASKAHARSI sic Jews these are not Semitic at all and have NO direct lineage to Abraham etc., but are Khasars and others mixed people.

Thanks for your post,makes a change from the usual Drool inflicted upon me.......I am Pro Israel(but against Zionist Terrorism) and Pro Palestine,lets hope these 2 peoples find peace...............I find the Pro-Zionist Lobby on here Banal to the extreme.steven

Still waiting for the proof of this alleged Zionist terrorism. When did it happen ? Where did it happen ? Who with the authority to do so declared them terrorists ?
Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
But I don't hate Jews but I do object to people threatening to Murder me......so like Hoss,you too can refrain from having dialogue with me,I find everything you say FUCKING stupid and your Ignorance has never been bettered by any one else on here.,and that's saying something.Now piss off,in North London or where ever you live, I find you SUCH A HATEFUL JEW BOY

Still digging for details and getting all upset because you don't get any. But you do hate the Jews as shown by your every post, and you can hide your hatred behind the word Zionist and Israel all you want you are still a FILTHY RACIST JEW HATING POS

See you are wrong again as I am not a Jew, but a Christian
No Israeli Jews are fine,it's the ZIONIST TERORISTS I can't abide.......and neither can anyone else...as a Christian you should be ashamed with all the Zionist Bullshit you purvey sic

Most Israeli Jews ARE Zionists you IDIOT. In fact most Jews are Zionists. Face it FREAKSHOW ... you just hate JOOOOS and this whole ZIONIST thing is just a LAME COVER.

Still waiting for the proof of this alleged Zionist terrorism. When did it happen ? Where did it happen ? Who with the authority to do so declared them terrorists ?

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