When did the GOP


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.
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become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

An excellent question.

My late father, the Sheet metal Union guy, was a staunch supporter of Nixon and Eisenhower. Even after Nixon resigned, he said, "Nixon didn't do anything but get caught doing what they all did."

Because Nixon and Eisenhower were friends to working people, at the end of the day. The sought union support, they stuck up for union things. OSHA, probably the best friend working folks have had, was Nixon's idea.

So where did it all go wrong?
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

oh jilly, you get more shrill each day you see Obama losing
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

47% don't pay Federal income taxes. He might have a point about that group voting Democratic. I can't imagine someone who pays no federal income taxes wanting to vote for a Republican. That would go contrary to simple logic. However, I haven't seen any data to back up that claim.
I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.
What percentage would that be?

well, honey... given that the red states take more money out of the federal government than they put in, and blue states put in more than they take out....

you tell me.
According to US Census Bureau data, 49.1% of the US population lives in a household where at least one member is receiving government benefits:
The 49.1% of the population in a household that gets benefits is up from 30% in the early 1980s and 44.4% as recently as the third quarter of 2008.

Census: 49% of US Lives in Households Receiving Gov't Benefits

Over 100 million US residents on welfare

Over 100 million US residents on welfare — RT

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

1 in 5 Americans Are Dependent on Government

Chart: 1 in 5 Americans Are Dependent on Federal Government

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits

Number of the Week: Half of U.S. Lives in Household Getting Benefits - Real Time Economics - WSJ
become this group that has contempt for people who work?

I don't remember them being like that. I remember them as the smart/money guys... the ones who kept the 'good-hearted' dems in check and ended up with a balance between the heart and the pocketbook.

I'm flabbergasted that a political candidate can pretend that anyone who doesn't vote for him doesn't pay taxes.

I know i pay a way greater percentage of my income in taxes than mittens.

funny that.

47% don't pay Federal income taxes. He might have a point about that group voting Democratic. I can't imagine someone who pays no federal income taxes wanting to vote for a Republican. That would go contrary to simple logic. However, I haven't seen any data to back up that claim.

but that would include people who pay other types of taxes...

it would include the disabled...

it would include all those red state white single mothers who religiously vote GOP...

THAT'S the point...

it isn't people like me, like Article... like my husband who works his butt off...

all i can say is the thing about mittens is he's so unskilled a politician that he actually sometimes says what he thinks.
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Since FDR the Democrat Party has been using taxpayer money to buy votes, Obama put that strategy into warp drive (e.g. Food stamp parties, unemployment stimulates the economy). It's a fact.

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