When did Dems first get behind the "Progressive" movement? Where are things headed?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It's no secret that Democrats have positioned themselves as the "tolerant" party accepting of anything and everything. When the boundary lines which dictate normalcy, decency and morality can always be "pushed out" where are things headed, where is the party headed?
Do they really believe they'll eventually be able to "sell" their ideologies to middle America and the like or will the party be contained to the Left and right coasts?
Do they really see a pathway to winning an electoral election without selling middle America?
"Progressive" is the current repackaging of American Communism and the modern totalitarian style of the requisitioned term "liberalism". The blending began in the early 20th Century.

The masks began to come off following Al Gore's defeat in 2000. It's become quite clear where they would like to take this country, and in spite of the constant MSM media barrage of the wonderfulness of the Democrats, people with even a modicum of education are seeing through it.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Progressive politics were initiated by Teddy Roosevelt when he got into office. Since then, the majority of Presidents have been Progressive, both Republicans and Democrats. The election of Trump has put a crimp in Progressivism for the present but it is deeply embedded in the hearts of Progressive Socialist Pukes and they will fight for it like a mama bear protecting her cubs.
For those who aren't in the know, here's a brief primer.

Roosevelt’s Square Deal
At the dawn of the twentieth century, America was at a crossroads. Presented with abundant opportunity, but also hindered by significant internal and external problems, the country was seeking leaders who could provide a new direction. The political climate was ripe for reform, and the stage was set for the era of the Progressive Presidents, beginning with Republican Theodore Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt was widely popular due to his status as a hero of the Spanish-American War and his belief in “speaking softly and carrying a big stick.” Taking over the presidency in 1901 after the assassination of William McKinley, he quickly assured America that he would not take any drastic measures. He then demanded a “Square Deal” that would address his primary concerns for the era—the three C’s: control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation.

The ownership of corporations and the relationship between owners and laborers, as well as government’s role in the relationship, were the contentious topics of the period. Workers were demanding greater rights and protection, while corporations expected labor to remain cheap and plentiful. This conflict came to a head in 1902, with the anthracite coal strike in Pennsylvania. Coal mining was dirty and dangerous work, and 140,000 miners went on strike and demanded a 20 percent pay increase and a reduction in the workday from ten to nine hours. The mine owners were unsympathetic and refused to negotiate with labor representatives. With the approach of winter the dwindling coal supply began to cause concern throughout the nation.

The Progressive Presidents - AP U.S. History Topic Outlines - Study Notes
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.
It's no secret that Democrats have positioned themselves as the "tolerant" party accepting of anything and everything. When the boundary lines which dictate normalcy, decency and morality can always be "pushed out" where are things headed, where is the party headed?
Do they really believe they'll eventually be able to "sell" their ideologies to middle America and the like or will the party be contained to the Left and right coasts?
Do they really see a pathway to winning an electoral election without selling middle America?

They do NOT have to sell it to middle America. They are importing their own voters. If the Democrats get another amnesty through, and are able to keep chain migration, the people who will control this country by voting will be 35% 3rd world, and 20% anti American tradition.

I am not going to look up the site(s), but I will tell you that were it not for illegal immigration, then the following amnesty along with the insuing chain migration, Romney would have had as big a landslide as Reagan. Your country's thought process is being transformed before your eyes; not by the power of ideas filtered through the populace to change direction, but by importing people who believe in what one side believes in.

That wall and border security, MIGHT change the path we are on, but it also could be, to little, to late!

And to leftists reading my post, let me say that it is NOT about the color of ones skin. It is about American tradition and values. Notice how they are being chipped away. It is no accident we are the greatest country the world has ever been witness to! It was created by people of all colors, religions, and creeds...........with a mindset. And that mindset was NOT 3rd world freebies, nor leftist ideas. You WILL kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, and when that happens, you will gain control of a country who has the mindset, and finances, of a country from which your uneducated constituents came from. Good luck with that!
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.

Oh the liberty shield often used by immoral Liberals.
There are states in this nation where one can fuck the shit out of his Labrador without breaking any laws...technically he's liberated to do so...that said I suppose you would find it to be a moral act, an act of decency?
In many states 50 year old men can legally have sex with 16 year old little girls...they have the "liberty" to do so..do you find that to be a moral, decent act?

For years laws have had to be written to keep man moral and decent...pretty pathetic really. Anyone who believes they need government to keep them moral and decent through legislation is probably pretty fucked up in the head.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.

I see you're Alinsky-izing again. Pathetically funny.
It's no secret that Democrats have positioned themselves as the "tolerant" party accepting of anything and everything. When the boundary lines which dictate normalcy, decency and morality can always be "pushed out" where are things headed, where is the party headed?
Do they really believe they'll eventually be able to "sell" their ideologies to middle America and the like or will the party be contained to the Left and right coasts?
Do they really see a pathway to winning an electoral election without selling middle America?
So where is your definition of a progressive? It would help if we could understand what you are crying about.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.
Uhm,,So I can grow weed anywhere I want under GOP rule?
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.

"Freedom is Slavery"
It's no secret that Democrats have positioned themselves as the "tolerant" party accepting of anything and everything. When the boundary lines which dictate normalcy, decency and morality can always be "pushed out" where are things headed, where is the party headed?
Do they really believe they'll eventually be able to "sell" their ideologies to middle America and the like or will the party be contained to the Left and right coasts?
Do they really see a pathway to winning an electoral election without selling middle America?
So where is your definition of a progressive? It would help if we could understand what you are crying about.

Hmm..that's weird, there's been a number of posters in this thread that read the OP and understand it clearly. Are just pretending to be confused and stupid?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it to you?
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.

It's government force that protects your liberties.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.

You do not understand what liberty means. To be libertarian means to be against government-over-man.

Just stop. lol. Libertine is not libertarian.

To your credit, most modern American 'conservatives' actually are statists. They just don't realize it. But so are you.

The only real conservatives/libertarians left in America are classical liberals.

Liberalism is a term that has become the most misused term in the American political lexicon. Both sides misuse it. The proper, more relevant, term for what you all are calling these so called modern 'liberals/progressives' would be to call them statists.
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Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.
Uhm,,So I can grow weed anywhere I want under GOP rule?
I think you should be able to. But the government shouldn’t be able to make you smoke it either.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.
Uhm,,So I can grow weed anywhere I want under GOP rule?
I think you should be able to. But the government shouldn’t be able to make you smoke it either.
You know they will..
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.

It's government force that protects your liberties.
For our own good the government will tell us how we can use our liberty. You’re a genius.
Democrats have always been for liberty, which is what progressivism is entirely about.

Many Republicans get triggered by talk of liberty. The concept is utterly foreign to them, so they don't understand it, and lash out at liberty, the source of their pain. Whatever. That's their statist problem.
Democrats think liberty is government force.

It's government force that protects your liberties.

That is the Constitutional mandate. It's all the other not-mandated stuff that's a problem.
It's no secret that Democrats have positioned themselves as the "tolerant" party accepting of anything and everything. When the boundary lines which dictate normalcy, decency and morality can always be "pushed out" where are things headed, where is the party headed?
Do they really believe they'll eventually be able to "sell" their ideologies to middle America and the like or will the party be contained to the Left and right coasts?
Do they really see a pathway to winning an electoral election without selling middle America?

I had this news bulletin E-mailed to me a few minutes ago. Its interesting how subjects being talked about are directed to member's mail boxes. Here's what evil we are fighting against.


REVEALED! Soros plots the future of the Trump-hating ‘alt-left’

DECEMBER 2, 2017

  • Documents made available to The Horn News reveal the mega-billionaires are plotting to turn every state in America into a little version of California!

    The shadowy ultra-liberals met at the posh La Costa Resort in southern California for the fall meeting of the “Democracy Alliance.” But their real agenda is to make sure patriotic Americans lose control of their country forever.

    The secretive group’s agenda describes its fall meeting (Nov. 15-18) as a “safe place” where everything that’s discussed – and even who was there – “should remain confidential.”

REVEALED! Soros plots the future of the Trump-hating ‘alt-left’

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