When did Bill Maher start making sense?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Is this the same Bill Maher who has made a career and got a Hollywood star by bashing Conservatives? How is it possible he is calling it like it is with Ahmed's clock? Check it out:

“People in the school thought it may be a explosive device,” he stated on the program, “because it appears the same as a fucking explosive device.”

On Friday’s episode of Real-time With Bill Maher, the host shared his ideas and opinions concerning the explosive device scare incident, Upworthyreviews. While Maher thinks Ahmed warrants an apology from soccer practice authorities (“No doubt about this,Inches he stated. “They were wrong.”), he thinks the student’s teacher didn’t do anything wrong by getting the homemade clock to college officials’ attention.

And when what it absolutely was a explosive device, he posited. “So the teacher’s just designed to see something which appears like a explosive device and become, ‘Oh, wait, this could just be my whitened privilege speaking?’” Maher joked. “ ‘ I sure shouldn’t be politically incorrect, so I’ll just ignore it.’ ”

It appears like everybody loves 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, the Irvine, Texas student who had been unfairly charged with getting a homemade clock to college the 2009 week. Leader Obama tweeted the little one his support and Flavor Flav told the planet to “STOP clock obstructing.” But you will find some commentators available who haven’t leaped around the Ahmed bandwagon—or used the #IStandWithAhmed hashtag— and Bill Maher is one.

Maher, however, doesn’t deny that the truth that Ahmed is Muslim performed a job in increasing the incident. “It’s not the colour of his skin,” he stated. “For the final 3 decades, it’s been one culture that’s been coming shit up again and again again.”
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

Mahr's always been a dumbass. But he's been a consistent, stable dumbass, surrounded by a society that started out consisting of people far more intelligent and rational than him, but which has been becoming increasingly infested with all manner of madness and perversion.

It's not that he's become any smarter, wiser, or more rational; just that the society around him has become much less so.

By the way, if you want to see the pinnacle of his contribution to society, seek out an obscure film, from a long time ago, in which he starred, titled Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.
Maher is Jewish. He's torn between being a liberal POS and a Jew who wants his race to survive. Must be sheer hell for the poor little shitwad.
It happens with him every NOW and THEN.

I think he has multiple personalities. and the one we get to see the most of: is an insufferable pecker. I can't believe people pay to watch him
Maher is famously anti-Muslim. Which is the only time you folks seem to think he's right. :lol:

Maher is not against people who grow up in Muslim cultures; he's against religious dogma --- ALL religious dogma, including Jewish & Christian & ancient Greek, etc.
He calls 'em as he sees 'em.
However, Islamic extremists will get his attention!


What that image shows is that Ahmed's clock has in common with the IED training device, that it has a small electronic printed circuit board, with some wires connecting it to other components.

So what?

I have countless other devices that also have a small circuit board connected by wires to other components, that could be put into this picture in place of either of the devices pictured, without substantially changing the general tone of the picture. Not one of my devices is a bomb of any kind.
Is this the same Bill Maher who has made a career and got a Hollywood star by bashing Conservatives? How is it possible he is calling it like it is with Ahmed's clock? Check it out:

“People in the school thought it may be a explosive device,” he stated on the program, “because it appears the same as a fucking explosive device.”

On Friday’s episode of Real-time With Bill Maher, the host shared his ideas and opinions concerning the explosive device scare incident, Upworthyreviews. While Maher thinks Ahmed warrants an apology from soccer practice authorities (“No doubt about this,Inches he stated. “They were wrong.”), he thinks the student’s teacher didn’t do anything wrong by getting the homemade clock to college officials’ attention.

And when what it absolutely was a explosive device, he posited. “So the teacher’s just designed to see something which appears like a explosive device and become, ‘Oh, wait, this could just be my whitened privilege speaking?’” Maher joked. “ ‘ I sure shouldn’t be politically incorrect, so I’ll just ignore it.’ ”

It appears like everybody loves 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, the Irvine, Texas student who had been unfairly charged with getting a homemade clock to college the 2009 week. Leader Obama tweeted the little one his support and Flavor Flav told the planet to “STOP clock obstructing.” But you will find some commentators available who haven’t leaped around the Ahmed bandwagon—or used the #IStandWithAhmed hashtag— and Bill Maher is one.

Maher, however, doesn’t deny that the truth that Ahmed is Muslim performed a job in increasing the incident. “It’s not the colour of his skin,” he stated. “For the final 3 decades, it’s been one culture that’s been coming shit up again and again again.”
Right wingers are so nuztso they assume every one not like them is an extremist. That's why they have no respect for anyone.

Where are the adults? If it looks like a bomb, assume it's a bomb. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Maher is a far left liberal but he's also Jewish and is opposed to making excuses for muslims who act like terrorists.
Maher is a far left liberal but he's also Jewish and is opposed to making excuses for muslims who act like terrorists.
Bill Maher's mother was Jewish but he was raised Catholic. Mr. Maher is an atheist, specifically, a New Atheist judging by his rhetoric.

Edit: I take that back. He proclaims to be agnostic. But his criticism of religion still sounds like New Atheism.
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