When anti gun activists don't get their way...they resort to violence against gun owners.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...anti gun extremists have put out the word...if you see a normal person carrying a gun for self defense....call the cops and hope the cops shoot them or they shoot the cops...just like their freinds in blackliveskillcops....these nuts have lost in court, and so now want people killed.

Calling Police on Gun Carriers -- Coalition to Stop Gun Violence's Dangerous Tactic | National Review Online

Having failed for decades to achieve any of its broader aims, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has decided to experiment with a new tactic: annoying peaceful gun owners into submission. “If you see someone carrying a firearm in public — openly or concealed — and have ANY doubts about their intent,” a recent missive from the group proposed, “call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene.”

Thus did one of the nation’s leading “anti-violence” outfits casually mark 12 million people as targets.

Ladd Everitt, the director of communications for CSGV, sees no problem with this approach at all. “In an era in which individuals are being allowed to carry loaded guns on our streets with no permit, background check or required training,” he told Fox News, “it is common sense for concerned citizens to call 911 when they see an armed individual whose intentions are unclear.”

Leaving aside for the moment that this proposal is extremely dangerous, Everitt’s logic leaves a lot to be desired. He presumes that citizens should be especially worried because in some areas individuals are “allowed to carry loaded guns on our streets with no permit, background check or required training.” But why? Suppose for the sake of argument that we lived in an era in which all carriers were supposed to obtain a “permit,” “background check,” and “required training.” What would that tell us exactly? Is Everitt suggesting that if the law-abiding were obliged to undergo a more strenuous licensing process, criminals would decline to carry guns? Does he conceive that mass shooters might refrain from causing carnage and terror if their state of residence insisted upon more stringent background checks? What, other than demonstrating the enduring power of the non sequitur, is he trying to achieve here?
“If you see someone carrying a firearm in public — openly or concealed — and have ANY doubts about their intent,” a recent missive from the group proposed, “call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene.”

Missed this I think in your rant.
Wouldn't work in my little town. I've carried every day since we got our concealed carry law, and open carry is legal in this state. Everyone knows everyone else here. I've even bought and sold guns to and from some of my local law-enforcement guys.

Four years ago I was bump-firing an SKS in my yard. We had some liberal neighbors who lived down the highway and they called the sheriff's department because they heard the sound of "full automatic weapons" being fired.

The deputy came out as he was obligated to, and we had a good laugh about the liberal neighbors. I saw the Glock he was wearing and remarked that my wife wanted one of those. He proceeded to unholster it, removed the magazine and the chambered round, and handed it to me to admire. He also took me to the passenger side of his car to show me another pistol he was selling to someone. Every time I see the same officer, I follow him to his car and he shows me another firearm he's selling, since the guy has an FFL and is a firearms dealer.

True story. Maybe next time I'll tell you the story about the piece of WWI unexploded ordnance I found at a garage sale, and how the sheriff's department, Emergency Management, and the bomb squad came out to detonate it.
I have friends in the Washoe County SO. They got a call from someone saying that a man with a gun was in their backyard. The deputy asked where they were. They replied and he said, is he really in your backyard? They said "well, no. He's a few hundred yards away...but he has a GUN!"

The deputy asked if there was a dog as well. The answer was yes. The deputy asked how was the gun being carried. Bent over his shoulder (broken open, i.e. it was a shotgun being carried safely). The deputy informed the homeowner that it was duck season and the man was a hunter walking back to his car.

The caller then said, "well back in California they would handle this differently!". Whereupon the deputy said, "then I suggest you move back there!".
I am all for both open and concealed carry. I am licensed and carry concealed every day. But from a practical standpoint I wonder if it is really a good idea to carry openly. For self-defense purposes I do not want a possible offender to know I am armed unless I have to upholster my weapon. It seems to me that open carry may invite some thug to try and take the weapon from you. I can easily imagine a situation (though I have no stats with which to support this) where some punks sneaks up behind you and pulls the weapon from the holster or sticks a knife to your throat and forces you to hand over the weapon.

I can carry openly. I would prefer to do this as it would allow me to carry a larger weapon. As it is I carry a sleek Beretta Nano 9mm in a holster inside my waistline. I specifically carry this because it is slim and comfortable to carry. If it is the weekend, though, and I am wearing lightweight clothing I may just carry a very small .32 auto. But if push comes to shove I would rather have my Glock 17. It is just not as comfortable to conceal.
Yes...anti gun extremists have put out the word...if you see a normal person carrying a gun for self defense....call the cops and hope the cops shoot them or they shoot the cops...just like their freinds [sic] in blackliveskillcops....these nuts have lost in court, and so now want people killed.
Having failed for decades to achieve any of its broader aims, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has decided to experiment with a new tactic: annoying peaceful gun owners into submission. “If you see someone carrying a firearm in public — openly or concealed — and have ANY doubts about their intent,” a recent missive from the group proposed, “call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene.”
What, other than demonstrating the enduring power of the non sequitur, is he trying to achieve here?

I think it is an error to try to find rational motive behind the actions of these kind of scumbags. I think what we are seeing here is mindless, irrational, desperation, driven by the sure knowledge that one is committed to the side that is hopelessly losing; determined, if one cannot win—in fact, if one cannot avoid losing very badly—to at least do as much harm as possible on the way down.

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