When a community, school, business gets more black people, it A) Improves B) Suffers?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just a question seeking some random thoughts, or even better, speaking from experiences. I was watching Gangland, and some black thugs from New Orleans were braggin that after Katrina, where ever the black people of New Orleans ended up "Look at it, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, wherever we go, tha body count goes up" and then a mean snarl at the camera.

So I thought to myself, is that how most black people are? Surely not, as I've had great experiences with black people, former teammates in football etc.

So, when a community, school, or business sees a big surge in the number of black people in it's presence, does the community, school or business improve or suffer? And please, justify your answers with examples.
I wEnder if mainly black communities/countries could say the same of other races "moving in?"

Regardless of color, if you're going to act like a ****** with an attitude? I DO believe the crime rate will go up, wherever you stop.

If you do it in DROVES of like minded folks?

It'll go up, substantially.

Off to look for some links ~
Best I can come up with are stats showing that crime rates for blacks are much higher than any other demographic,

and, by extrapolation, mean that if the black population increases, so will the crime.

Does that count?

•More instinctual (including “savage”), uninhibited, and violence-prone behavior; propensity for demanding instant gratification; “wilding.”
•Much higher rates of criminality compared with Whites (by some accounts about 10:1).
•Hugely disproportionate black-on-white criminality compared to the reverse -- especially serious crimes such as rape, battery, torture, and murder of our people (by some accounts about 50:1 up to 100:1 or more).
•Including -- the essentially one-sided horror of black-on-white prison rapes.
•Disproportionately high rates of AIDS infection (as well as other STDs).
•In Africa, some Negroes are still known to practice cannibalism, slavery, and female genital mutilation.
•Nearly 150 years after being freed from slavery in this country, and after many generations of being substantially supported with taxpayer money, they still suck up welfare at a much greater rate than Whites.
•They disproportionately suck up other taxpayer-funded costs of social services; for example medical, education, unemployment, incarceration, etc. costs.
•As a group, American Negroes are “takers” as opposed to builders and givers.
•Comparatively, a systemic and chronic inability to live their lives without government assistance and preferences.
•The American “living areas” they have essentially taken over (neighborhoods, cities) are crime-ridden, always in a state of deterioration, costly to taxpayers, and dangerous (many even off-limits) to our people.
•Disproportionate propensity for drug use, drug dealing, and prostitution.
•Other undesirable social traits such as low-investment parenting, promiscuousness and illegitimate births, broken families, absentee fathers, unsupported children, etc.
•While we Whites condemn racism on the part of our people, they continually demonstrate blatant racism and notoriously poor citizenship -- black jurors acquitting black defendants because they are black; blacks block-voting for black candidates because they are black.
i figure neighborhoods filled with poor white trash are pretty awful, too.

but then again, it's a function of poverty, not color...

because racially integrated neighborhoods in middle and upper class neighborhoods do just fine.

trash comes in all colors.
Isn't it too close to Christmas to be race baiting? Santa might put you on the "bad" list...
I would say yes. everytime I turn on the tv or read the papers. most of the criminal faces I see are either black or hispanics. look at africa. that country has been around forever. yet with all the resources they have to become a economic force most of the country are still living in huts, they suffer from famine and their still killing each other base on tribal differences.
I would say yes. everytime I turn on the tv or read the papers. most of the criminal faces I see are either black or hispanics.
I guess you are pretty selective about what you read and watch.
look at africa. that country has been around forever.
Yes, I suppose that country has been around forever.
yet with all the resources they have to become a economic force most of the country are still living in huts,
Yes, yes I suppose most of that one country is still living in huts. Until the industrial revolution, Europeans weren't much better off.
they suffer from famine and their still killing each other base on tribal differences.
Sounds like a war over resources and land... kind of like all those wars Europeans have had since times immemorial.

You are clearly an educated, informed, and intelligent contributor, my friend. Their still killing each other indeed. The monolithic nation state of Africa really needs a better government. Maybe Billy-Joe from Arkansas should show them how it's done! :lol:
suffers. all communities need a core of intelligent, competent and like minded individuals to run and maintain services and to set an example for the rest to emulate or at least respect. adding blacks is like adding cold water to a boiling pot of water, eventually the water stops boiling. worse yet the fire heating the pot sees the futility of trying to make it boil and leaves for a more welcoming pot, leaving the original pot to lose all of its heat. change of demographics lead to white flight and ghetto-like conditions, get it? whether it is schools, communities or countries it is necessary to have enough human capital to get things done. whites have it, blacks don't.

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