What's your favorite example of FAKE NEWS? I say Peak Oil


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Don't hear much about that any more do you?. For 15 years the controlled media warned us about peak oil but now the massive oil glut is almost 3 years old!!!
My favorite is the FBI suicide because of Hillary Clinton.
I have had some experience with Fake News.

I got some Fake News that my Insurance Premiums would go down under Obama Care; and that an obscure film killed 4 Americans in Bhengazi.

Get this, I was even given some Fake News that Hillary Clinton set up her own internet server for Convienience and not to hide shit.

Tonight, I saw Hillary Clinton blame "Fake News" for her loss....she didn't say it in so many words...but she called it an "epidemic" that we can now see "has real world consequences".

What do YOU think this Pathological Liar Coat-Tail Riding Bitch was talking about?

She was whining because her fucking liberal Socialist main stream media has lost control of the exclusive ability to LIE to the American peole.

Seems, she's taking it hard....and making a Fool of herself...yet again.
Another great example of fake news is the lies about black on white crime. The media tells us it's practically non-existent even though it dwarfs white on black crime.
Arctic will be ice free by 2013 and snow is a thiong of the past because manmade global warming

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